Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2411 There is still work to do tonight

A chef was hired from the restaurant to cook authentic Western food in the presidential suite.

Two waiters stood aside, responsible for serving food and pouring wine.

Chen Xin'an picked up the cup and invited Ross.

Ross looked at the quilt, then at the wine bottle next to him, and asked Chen Xin'an, "What kind of wine is this? Why have I never seen it before?"

Chen Xin'an laughed and said to Ross: "This is our famous Chinese liquor Liang Mao Special Liquor. It can only be sold at the Chinese Restaurant in China Street."

I don’t know if it’s to curry favor with Chen Xin’an, or if Liang Mao Specialty Wine has really gone global.

Huaxia Restaurant received a batch of 52-degree Liangmao special brew, and first sent a box to Chen Xin'an.

"Chinese wine?" Ross said to Chen Xin'an with a disdainful expression on his face:

"Mr. Chen, you may not know much about the green clothing of our Eagle Flag Country.

We are not prohibited from drinking, as long as it does not delay the mission.

So we like to drink the strongest wine, it doesn’t have to be expensive, but it must be strong enough!

To be honest, I am not very optimistic about this kind of Chinese wine.

It looks like plain water. I can drink three bottles by myself! "

Chen Xin'an grinned, picked up the cup and said to him: "Then bring three bottles to Mr. Ross!

But I suggest Mr. Ross to try this wine first. I think you will like it!

Come on, let's drink! "

Ross curled his lips, picked up the wine glass out of dignity, and said to Chen Xin'an: "In my heart, only whiskey is the best wine, and the rest are garbage!"

While he was talking, he drank the wine in one gulp, drinking the liquor as if it were boiled water!

But as soon as the wine entered his throat, he coughed uncontrollably. His face turned red and he wanted to say something, but he couldn't say anything because of the cough.

Chen Xin'an and the two waiters looked at him with smiles, and one waiter brought a glass of boiled water and handed it to him.

Ross drank water and regained his composure, and asked Chen Xin'an while panting: "Is this China's liquor?

OMG I feel like I drank a ball of fire!

Burning from my throat all the way to my stomach!

I have never tasted wine like this before, it’s so special!

How can you drink this? "

Chen Xin'an smiled and said: "Captain Ross, this is not how Chinese wine is drunk!

Come, I will teach you to drink Chinese wine the Chinese way! "

Signaling the waiter to refill Ross' glass, Chen Xin'an twisted her fingers and said:

"Holding the cup like twisting flowers, smelling the fragrance of wine!

The cup is full and it will not overflow. Raise the cup gently!

Be polite first and then fight. Take a suffocating breath and go deep into your throat.

Shut your mouth to lock in the aroma of wine and retain the spirit of wine.

Carefully appreciate the rush of strong alcohol in your stomach, stretch your eyebrows, and exhale the alcohol.

cheers! "

After drinking a glass of wine, Chen Xin'an looked at Ross with a smile.

Following the method he taught, Ross took another drink and closed his mouth.

After a while, he exhaled, looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Friend, I seem to really fall in love with this smell!

It’s really special, but also very intoxicating! "

This guy had a red face after drinking. After two drinks, his whole face looked like he had done something bad and was caught red-handed!

Chen Xin'an laughed and said to Ross: "I know you will like it.

From now on, whenever I am in Eagle Flag Country, if Mr. Ross wants to drink, just come to me! "

Ross asked a little strangely: "Why don't you give me a few bottles of wine to take home to drink?"

Chen Xin'an shook her head and said: "I am not stingy with wine. I can give it to you as much as Mr. Ross wants.

But for Chinese wine, you have to drink it with friends to enjoy it! "

Ross laughed and nodded to Chen Xin'an and said, "Okay, then I will come to you for drinks often!"

Now he no longer needed Chen Xin'an to hold the glass, so he picked up the glass and drank by himself.

After a few drinks, his face became even redder and he began to feel drunk, and he became more and more casual with Chen Xin'an!

"Mr. Chen, don't worry. The green suit coming here this time is just for show. After all, there is no direct evidence.

Plus, with Mr. Boorman’s help, Mr. Lehman won’t do anything to you.

But from now on, all your actions will be monitored, and there is nothing I can do about it.

In fact, Mr. Chen just needs to go out less. At least in the hotel, it is impossible to monitor your activities in the room.

Besides, there is nothing wrong with staying in the room. This is the presidential suite. I have never stayed in such a high-end place in my life! "

Chen Xin'an smiled and said: "If Mr. Ross wants to live, he can stay here tonight.

Why don't we take a look around here while drinking? "

"Is that okay?" Rose's eyes lit up and he said with a smile, "Will it infringe on Mr. Chen's privacy?"

Chen Xin'an smiled and shook her head and said: "There is no privacy. Mr. Ross can see any room he wants!"

The two stood up and walked around each room while drinking.

After a while, the two returned to the table and continued drinking, but it was obvious that the smile on Rose's face became deeper.

He smiled and said to Chen Xin'an: "Buman, Mr. Chen said that Lehman is my uncle.

I will advise him to give up all actions against you. I believe Mr. Chen is innocent. "

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, picked up the wine glass and said, "Then I would like to thank Mr. Ross!

It seems that becoming friends with Mr. Ross is the best thing I have done in my life! "

This is indeed an unexpected surprise.

What Rose did was obviously not the first time.

But he was still reused and did not get into trouble because of it.

Chen Xin'an guessed that he should have some background.

But he didn't expect that this guy's backstage was actually Lehman!

Chen Xin'an looked at Ross, this guy was already seventy percent drunk.

He also drank three bottles by himself. The two of them drank more than half of this bottle. Chen Xin'an didn't feel it yet, but this guy's tongue was so big!

After pouring Rose a glass of wine, Chen Xin'an smiled and said, "We will go to Dallas later. Again, I will bear all the expenses tonight!"

"No!" Ross shook his head and said to him: "Not tonight, I have something else to do. You can't drink anymore, otherwise it will delay my business!"

Chen Xin'an asked strangely: "What is more important than our going to Dallas?"

Ross looked at Chen Xin'an, hesitant to speak.

This is because the wine is not in place!

Chen Xin'an immediately helped him pick up the wine glass and clinked it with him.

Ross wanted to refuse, but in the end he couldn't resist the temptation of the wine, and drank it down with Chen Xin'an.

After drinking this drink, Ross's eyes were a little hazy. He pulled up a chair to sit next to Chen Xin'an, but he staggered and almost fell!

The two waiters next to him quickly helped him, one carrying the chair and the other supporting him, and stood next to Chen Xin'an.

"Friend!" Ross put his arm on Chen Xin'an's shoulders and said in a low voice:

“To tell you the truth, I have some things that need to be sold.

I have made an appointment with someone else for a trading location tonight.

So I can't go to Dallas with you! "

Chen Xin'an looked at him and asked, "If you go like this, will you be tricked?"

"Hahaha!" Ross smiled and patted Chen Xin'an on the shoulder and said: "If you want to trick me, those damn Da Ying people must have the courage!

They knew my true identity, and it wasn’t the first time we’d traded!

But you have to keep this matter a secret for me, because we are friends, so I told you! "

Chen Xin'an also put her arm around his shoulders and said, "Don't worry, my friend, you know who I am!

Since you have something serious to do, I won’t advise you!

There is still some time now, so take a rest here.

Wake up, I'll call you later! "



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