This guy is so interesting!

Ross said with a grateful face: "Thank you so much, my friend! Just call me at eleven o'clock, I have a few more men to go with me!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said: "My brother is taking care of them and will not delay the business. You can rest assured and have a good sleep!"

Seeing Ross lying on the sofa and sleeping soundly, Chen Xin'an winked at the two waiters.

Ross probably never dreamed that the two hotel waiters who had been serving him tonight were the people he had been looking for!

Long Sheng turned around and walked out, and soon came back with Li Qi.

"How's it going down there?" Xia Hongfeng asked Li Qi.

Li Qi smiled and said, "They're all drunk! They're all drunkards, and their ability to drink is poor. It's easy to handle them!"

A soldier is in a raging state, and a general is in a raging nest.

Ross has such a temperament, and the soldiers he leads are each more greedy than the last.

Chen Xin'an asked Li Qi to go down with the wine and drink with them, which could be regarded as a way to build a relationship.

The group of regular troops currently monitoring Chen Xin'an have basically fallen, and they have no mission at all.

The four of them sat at the dining table and chatted for a while. Chen Xin'an looked at the time and said to Li Qi: "Wake up Ross, it's time!"

Under Li Qi's shaking, Ross sat up in a daze, looked around, and gradually remembered what happened tonight.

Chen Xin'an handed him a cup of strong tea and said with a smile: "The time for the transaction is coming. My friend, do you want me to accompany you there?"

Before the drunkenness subsided, Ross shook his head and said to Chen Xin'an:

“No need, my people will come with me!

When I have time, I will come to you for a drink.

I have to say that although this taste is a bit uncomfortable, it is not annoying.

If there was nothing else to do, I would really like to feel like getting drunk.

I need that relaxation! "

Chen Xin'an smiled and said, "You can do it at any time, as long as you want!"

Ross stood up and swayed a few times, and Li Qi quickly supported him.

Chen Xin'an smiled bitterly and said, "I'm not worried about you looking like this. Forget it, I'll take you downstairs!"

Without any explanation, he and Li Qi helped Ross out of the presidential suite.

The three of them took the elevator down to the first floor. Ross looked around, frowned, and took out the walkie-talkie: "Auston, where are you?"

There was no echo on the intercom, as if no one heard it.

Ross shouted several times before someone finally responded: "Captain, I'm sorry, we just fell asleep!"

"Damn it!" Ross yelled angrily and said to them, "Have you forgotten what happened tonight?

Get ready for me quickly and pick me up at the lobby door! "

"Yes!" came the response from the intercom.

Ten minutes later, a commercial vehicle parked outside the lobby and almost hit the pillar at the door!

A man stuck his head out of the car window and said to Ross, "Boss, that's it!"

Chen Xin'an recognized this guy as a soldier who checked his car at the checkpoint, but now he was in civilian clothes.

And it was obvious that he had drunk a little too much, his eyes were red and his eyes were a little blurry.

Chen Xin'an looked at Ross with a worried look and said, "Friend, do you really not need me to accompany you? You look like you are a little drunk!"

Ross also hesitated a little. He looked at the people in the car, then at Chen Xin'an and Li Qi. He gritted his teeth and said to Chen Xin'an:

"My friend, I can take you there, but you must be in the car and cannot get off!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "I'm not interested in your transaction, I'm just worried about your safety!"

Rose's face showed an expression of gratitude. That's right. Who is this person that would care about his little money?

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi helped Ross get into the car together. Li Qi motioned to the driver to sit next to him and he would drive.

The driver was so sleepy now that he wished someone could tell Li Qi where he wanted to go for him, so he sat in the passenger seat and closed his eyes.

The place we were going to was an abandoned factory, but because of the guards, it didn't become a homeless paradise.

The car stopped in the factory, Chen Xin'an and Li Qi stayed in the car, and Ross walked out with three of his men.

One of his men opened the trunk and took out a suitcase, which contained the things he had intercepted during this period.

Chen Xin'an glanced at Li Qi.

Knowing what he wanted to ask, Li Dian nodded.

Chen Xin'an stopped asking and smiled slightly.

Drinking with Ross tonight and letting Li Qi drink with Ross's men were all premeditated.

But what to do specifically is not fixed.

However, Chen Xin'an's goal is very clear, which is to establish a good relationship with this group of people and look for all available opportunities.

So everything that happens later is a matter of free play and cannot be advanced in advance.

Li Qi didn't expect that he would gain a lot from drinking with those in green clothes.

It doesn't matter if you don't understand the language. It's enough for a man to drink and make gestures with his hands.

And it was precisely because of the language barrier that these guys didn't take it into consideration.

Once you drink too much, these words will no longer hold the door.

All of them became loudmouths and even revealed what they wanted to do in the evening.

What they didn't expect was that Li Qi really couldn't speak Eagle Flag Language.

But like Chen Xin'an, he can't speak but he can understand!

China's special forces will have regular foreign language training and teaching.

After all, on the battlefield, this is a useful skill.

Of course, I won’t learn very profoundly, just some simple communication language.

But understanding is the most important thing.

So Li Qi probably understood what these people were going to do tonight, and also knew where those things were placed.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to go to the bathroom, he dropped the items.

Now in that box, only one package is genuine, and the rest are lime powder...

Ross shook his head and led three of his men to the front of an abandoned train engine. He picked up an iron bar from the ground and struck the big iron lump in front of him three times.

Soon, several figures appeared from around them, all wrapped in black clothes, like ninja costumes in the movie.

Ross curled his lips with disdain.

These damn Da Ying people know how to make things mysterious.

In comparison, the Chinese people are much more pleasing to the eye now than the Ying people!

"Mr. Ross, we meet again!" A Japanese man said to Ross in skilled Eagle Flag language: "Have you brought everything?"

With a move of his right hand, Ross asked his men to take the box over and said to the man in black in front of him:

"Mr. Pingya, it's great that you can come in person!

There are a lot of goods this time. Do you have enough money? "

Ping also moved his hand, and a man in black behind him threw two suitcases over and threw them to the ground.

Ross also nodded to his men and placed the box next to the cash box.

Another person from both parties stepped forward, opened the other party's box, and began to inspect the goods.

This was not the first transaction between the two parties, so Ross took a cursory look at the bills and closed the box.

But the man in black checked one bag and found that there was no problem. When he was about to check other goods, Ross cursed impatiently:

"Is it over yet? Is this our first time working together? You don't believe me so much? Don't waste time, okay? I'm still waiting to go back to sleep!"

The man in black who was inspecting the goods stopped and turned to look at Pingya.

"Haha, Mr. Ross is our old friend, so there will be no problem!" Ping Ye nodded and said:

“Ryoji, that’s it, no need to check!

Mr. Ross won't lie to us. I trust him. Let's go! "



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