Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2413 Don’t let anyone go

Ross curled his lips, yawned, and waved to his men.

The man who checked the money picked up the two boxes, turned around and walked behind Ross.

Everyone was too lazy to say hello to the Da Ying people and turned around to leave.

Ping Ye, who was about to say some polite words to Rose, turned gloomy, but didn't say anything and waved to everyone.

They didn't dare to offend Ross and his gang. After all, they were regular troops of the Eagle Flag Nation.

Once these guys are annoyed, it will be big trouble!

Ross led everyone back to the commercial vehicle and was about to open the door when a scream came from the direction of the people not far away!

Immediately afterwards, those Daying people who had disappeared appeared again, and Ping Ye shouted to Ross: "Friend, I'm sorry, you can't leave now, there is something wrong with this guy!"

Ross looked at the three people around him, his expressions darkened, and he said to the Pingya people who were approaching, "What do you mean?"

A man in black was carrying the box that Ross gave them just now, followed by the boy who was inspecting the goods.

But now, that guy's mouth is as swollen as if there were two fat intestines hanging from it!

Rose frowned and said to Pingya, "What do you mean?"

Ping also pointed to the box and said coldly to Rose: "Friend, this is not our first transaction, and our previous cooperation has always been very pleasant.

But this time, you went a little too far, right?

If you are short of money, you can tell me directly and I can lend you any amount you need!

To deceive me by pretending to be lime powder is not something friends should do! "

"Damn Da Ying people, you said we deceived you with fake goods?" Ross's face turned dark when he understood.

The man in black carrying the box threw the box over angrily, gritted his teeth and cursed:

"See for yourself, this is lime powder!

You bastards, you actually use this thing to pass off, you really don’t take us Da Ying people seriously at all! "

One of Ross’ men behind him yelled: “Damn Da Ying people, what do you mean?

These goods have been inspected by me personally, and they are all top quality!

It has never left my sight, how could it turn into lime powder?

I think it's you bastards who want to get the goods but don't want to pay, so that's why you say this, right? "

A group of Da Ying people were all angry!

"What did you say? It was obviously you who used lime powder to deceive us!"

"You dare to use such clumsy means to deceive us, don't you dare to admit it?"

"Don't think that we Da Ying people are easy to bully. Return our money, otherwise none of you will be able to leave today!"

Upon hearing this, the men behind Ross were also angry!

They all took out their guns and pointed them at the men in black!

"You despicable Japanese people, do you want to take advantage of others? Then you have really found the wrong opponent!"

"No matter how stupid we are, we will never trade fake goods. This is tantamount to cutting off our financial resources! So it's all your own mischief!"

“Auston, actually, these goods haven’t always left your sight.

Just now, these goods were taken away by them!

And then you tell us it’s a guy, what does that mean? "

Seeing these Eagle Banner men pulling out guns, the men in black were not polite and pulled out their guns one after another!

The two sides were at war with each other, and the atmosphere was very tense, but they were still restrained, and no one fired the first shot.

The people of Da Ying have some scruples. After all, the group of people in front of them are regular troops of the Eagle Flag Country!

Once a fight breaks out with them, the entire Eagle Flag Country will have no place for the Japanese people to gain a foothold!

And Ross didn't want to cut off this financial path.

It is very easy for them to seize those goods.

So a batch will be stored for a long time.

However, only the Da Ying people can launder these goods and sell them.

When other people do this, they will always have difficulties and troubles of one kind or another.

Pingye looked gloomy, took a deep breath, and said to Rose:

"Friend, I believe you made a mistake due to negligence, so you took the wrong goods. You didn't really want to deceive us!

How about this, let's all calm down and resolve this matter.

You pay us back half of the money first, and then go and get the real thing, and we give you the remaining half.

Only to you, my friend, can I, Heiya Ikeda, be so generous!

I hope you can cherish the opportunity for us to continue to cooperate! "

Ross yelled angrily: "Ikeda Heiya, did you take too much medicine and your brain was damaged?

What I got is the real thing!

You also inspected the goods just now and then took the boxes away.

It took a long time to come over and tell us it was fake. Who knows if you changed it yourself? "

Ikeda Heiya cursed angrily: "We only checked part of it, and only that part is true! The rest is all quicklime!"

Ross sneered: "What a coincidence, there are so many bags inside, if you just check one, it's real.

If you take it away, it will all be fake!

Damn Da Ying people, do you think I will believe your lies? "

Ikeda Hei was about to be furious, but he didn't know how to refute it. After all, whoever heard this felt weird!

This is indeed a great coincidence!

But they really weren't up to anything, it was these damn Eagle Banner people who were playing tricks on them!

Liangji's mouth swelled and he cursed at Ross angrily: "You bastard Eagle Banner people!

Do you really think that we Da Ying people are easy to bully?

If you don't pay back the money, I will expose you bastards! "

The surrounding area suddenly became quiet, and even Ikeda Heiya's expression changed.

This kind of thing is taboo. If these people are really exposed, both sides will be completely torn apart and will fight to the death!

"Ryoji!" Ikeda Heiya shouted angrily with a straight face.

Liangji also knew that he had made a mistake, but he was unwilling to admit his mistake. He gritted his teeth and pointed at Rose and said:

“These bastards are trying to deceive us with fake goods today, and they will rob us directly tomorrow!

We cannot give in, we must..."


Before he could finish speaking, a gunshot was heard. A mass of blood exploded from the back of Liangji's head, and he fell straight to the ground with a bloody hole in his forehead!

When the two sides are at war with each other, if someone shoots first, it is equivalent to a direct declaration of war!

Suddenly, there was loud gunfire in the factory!

"Asshole! Who fired the gun?" Ross yelled, but his body was not idle. He ran behind the front of the car and kept shooting at the men in black.

The companions behind him shot at the man in black and said hello heartily.

It wasn’t me, I didn’t shoot!

Ikeda Heiya yelled and cursed: "Don't shoot, if you have something to say!"

The subordinate cried out sadly: "Boss, Liang Zhi was beaten to death, do we still have to endure it?"

Ikeda Heiya looked at Liangji's body and was extremely confused.

I don’t want to endure it, but I really can’t afford to offend these people!

But now the situation is beyond his control. Even if he wants to be merciful, the other party will not give him this chance!

Concerned, Ikeda Heiya shouted loudly: "Then leave no one alive. Don't let any of them escape. Kill them all!"

"Yes, boss!" Everyone shouted in unison.

A man in black threw a large canvas bag over and shouted to everyone: "Take this big guy and kill such a bastard from the Eagle Flag Country!"

A group of men in black were already large in number, but now they had large weapons with more powerful firepower. With a burst of intensive firepower, two Eagle Banner men were knocked to the ground.

The men in black quickly surrounded Ross and Auston!

Ross was a little panicked. He didn't expect that these Da Ying people were so bold and dared to kill them!

Feeling that the other party had formed a siege, Ross and Auston had already revealed their desperate looks!



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