Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2414 I Can't Let You Leave Here Alive

Since they chose to silence him, the Japanese would not hold back.

In the continuous shooting, Auston also fell in a pool of blood, leaving only Ross!

Looking at the Japanese who were surrounding him with guns, Ross dropped the gun in his hand and raised his hands.

Now he was sober from the alcohol, and he felt that he was doomed tonight.

But he still refused to give in, gritting his teeth and saying to Ikeda Heiya: "You know what the consequences will be if you kill me!"

Ikeda Heiya's face was grim, and he nodded and said: "Of course I know! So killing one is killing, killing them all is also killing!

As long as this news doesn't leak out, no one will know what happened here!

Let's frame this matter on the Dongchao people, or the Murphy people...

No, it should be the Chinese who have been making a lot of trouble recently!

In this way, no one will know the truth!"

Mentioning the Chinese, Ross suddenly had hope. He turned his head and looked at the commercial vehicle he drove.

But at this moment, the door of the commercial vehicle was opened, and it was empty inside, without a single figure!

The damn Chinese, still saying they are friends?

He must have run away as soon as he found out that the situation was not good!

Ross looked desperate, looked at Ikeda Heiya and said: "Friend, what happened today should be a misunderstanding..."

Ikeda Heiya raised his gun, aimed at Ross's head, shook his head and said:

"Now, no matter what you say, it's too late!

I'm sorry, my friend, I can't let you leave here alive!"

Ross closed his eyes. He never thought that he would die like this!

He was very unwilling, but there was nothing he could do!

At this moment, a gunshot rang out.

Ross's body trembled, but he didn't feel any pain.

He slowly opened his eyes, lowered his head and looked at his body, and he was unharmed!

But Ikeda Heiya in front of him had already fallen to the ground, and the blood flowing from the part of his back where he was shot had dyed his clothes red.

The man in black next to him reacted, shouted loudly, and shot in the direction where the gunshots came from just now!

There were dense gunshots all around, and the bullets seemed to have eyes, covering all the men in black!

The Daying people fought back, but the enemy couldn't tell the number of people and couldn't find their specific location.

The enemy's whereabouts were erratic, but their shooting skills were extremely accurate!

In less than three minutes, the men in black were knocked to the ground one by one like moving targets.

It was not until this moment that the raiders appeared from the dark.

Ross was so excited that he almost cried when he saw them!

"Hi, my friends!" Ross shouted to Chen Xin'an and Li Qi.

The two looked at him and smiled and nodded, but at this moment, a man in black suddenly jumped up from the ground and pointed a pistol at Ross's head!

"Don't come over, or I'll shoot him in the head!" Ikeda Heiya shouted loudly, coughed twice, and blood gushed out of his mouth.

The bullet injured his lungs, but did not kill him immediately.

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi didn't seem to expect that this guy was so lucky!

Seeing Ross being held hostage, the two had to lower their guns.

Ikeda Heiya turned pale, staring at Chen Xin'an and Li Qi fiercely, gritting his teeth and cursing:

"Damn Chinese! It turns out that you, a bastard, colluded with the Chinese and wanted to get rid of us, so you used the weapon to deceive us!"

Although Ross was held hostage, he was still unwilling to be wronged, and shouted angrily:

"My gun is real! I didn't lie to you! It's you who wanted to frame us! Damn Japanese, you have no integrity at all! I won't let you go!"

"Shut up!" Ikeda Heiya roared, holding a pistol and hitting Ross on the forehead!

Ross screamed, and blood flowed from his forehead.

Chen Xinan looked at Ikeda Ping coldly and shouted: "Let my friend go!"

"Put down the gun! Otherwise I will kill him now!" Ikeda Ping also shouted at Chen Xinan: "You two, throw away your guns!"

Chen Xinan narrowed his eyes and said: "If you dare to do anything to my friend again, I promise that you will never leave here alive!"

Ikeda Ping was not threatened at all, and snorted coldly and said: "But I have enough!

Let you Chinese people explain to the military!"

Chen Xinan and Li Qi looked at each other, and the two slowly threw the guns in their hands to the ground.

But at the moment the gun left his hand, Ikeda Ping suddenly raised his arm, pointed the gun at Chen Xinan and Li Qi, and then fired continuously!

At this moment, Chen Xinan and Li Qi rolled quickly, and hid behind the bunker at lightning speed!

But Ikeda Ping was also cunning enough to control the bullets in the gun. When there was only one bullet left, he stopped shooting and put the gun against Ross's forehead!

"Go, you'd better behave yourself, or I'll blow your head off!"

Rose actually had a chance to break free when he was shooting.

But he didn't muster up the courage.

Now that he was controlled again, he didn't dare to do anything rash, and he was strangled by Ikeda Heiya and left obediently.

Not far from the locomotive, there were several cars parked. These were the cars driven by the Japanese.

Ikeda Heiya took Ross hostage and walked to a car, opened the driver's door, pointed a gun at Ross's head and said:

"Get in, drive! Don't play tricks, or I'll kill you now!"

Rose had no choice but to turn around and get in the car.

But at this moment, Chen Xin'an's voice suddenly came from the side: "Lower your head!"

A ray of cold light flew over and passed right in front of Rose!


The sword pierced Ikeda Heiya's shoulder. Ikeda Heiya screamed and fired involuntarily with his right hand!


Ross seemed to have been pushed, his whole body hit the car door, and then fell to the ground!

Ikeda Heiya's pistol also fell to the ground, but he didn't bother to pick it up. He stepped over Ross's body and got into the car, then put into gear and started to escape!

Ross endured the severe pain, grabbed the pistol on the ground, and pulled the trigger crazily at Heiya Ikeda!

But there were no bullets in the pistol, and he could only watch the injured Ikeda Heiya drive away!

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi ran over and helped Rose up on the ground.

Chen Xin'an said with a worried look: "Ross, you are injured!"

Ross turned to look over his shoulder, gritted his teeth and said, "It's okay, I can't die!

Friends, thank you.

If it weren't for you, I would be a dead person now! "

"You have to go to the hospital now!" Chen Xin'an looked at Ross with concern.

"No need yet!" Ross forced himself to stand up, looking around.

He staggered forward, with Chen Xin'an and Li Qi following beside him.

Finally, Ross discovered something, walked over quickly, and picked up the lockbox from the ground, his face full of excitement.

This is the money that people in Japan use to buy goods!

This guy really wants money rather than his life!

After lifting the two money boxes, Ross's eyes fell on the comrades who had been beaten to death, with a sad look on his face.

"Brothers, go to God with peace of mind, I will help you get revenge!

Damn the Ying people, I want them to pay with blood! "

"Mr. Ross!" Li Qi called, also holding a box in his hand.

That is the box used to carry goods.

Ross walked over with a sullen face, put the money box in his hand on the ground, took Li Qi's box, opened it and dumped the contents on the ground.

He checked bag after bag, his face getting darker and darker.

Sure enough, they are all lime powder!

"What is this?" Chen Xin'an opened a bag with her feet, revealing a pattern in the corner of the bag.

Crossed arms, top hat, pipe, old man's head!



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