Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2415 We just added fuel to the fire

Seeing this pattern, Rose's face became extremely ugly!

With a gloomy face, he lifted up two cash boxes and said to Chen Xin'an and Li Qi:

"Let's go, let's get out of here first! I know who is the mastermind in this matter!"

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi looked at each other and followed Ross.

"These corpses..." Chen Xin'an pointed to the ground and asked Ross.

Ross gasped and said, "I will arrange for someone to come over and take care of it when I get back, don't worry!"

Chen Xin'an frowned and looked at Ross and said, "Your injury is a little bad now, let me help you take a look!"

He asked Li Qi to take the box from Rose's hand, put it into the car first, and then helped Rose lie down in the back seat.

Li Qi drove and left the abandoned factory.

Chen Xin'an took Li Qi's knife and cut Rose's clothes.

"Friend, I will give you an injection to relieve the pain and dig out the bullet. Otherwise, even if you survive, this arm may be useless!"

Ross nodded and said to Chen Xin'an: "Friend, I believe in you! Come on, I will leave my life to you!"

Chen Xin'an nodded, took out the cloth bag, took out the silver needle, and started to inject Ross.

After the needle was placed, Chen Xin'an said to Li Qi: "Drive slowly and steadily!"

He found half a bottle of whiskey from the car, took a sip, spit on Rose's wound and the sword, then held the handle of the knife and opened Rose's wound.

An hour later, with a squeaking sound, the commercial vehicle stopped at the emergency entrance of the Green Hospital in London City.

Li got out of the car and rushed into the lobby.

Doctors and nurses soon arrived with a stretcher.

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi carefully lifted Ross and placed him on the stretcher.

Ross was pushed into the consulting room. After the doctor examined the wound, he shook his head and sighed:

“Fortunately, it has been taken care of, and now it’s just a simple bandage!

It was a blessing in misfortune. If the bullet had strayed by just one centimeter, it could have been fatal.

One second of delay in taking it out will prevent you from using this hand for the rest of your life!

My child, you are lucky to have someone with such superb medical skills take care of you in time! "

Ross looked at Chen Xin'an outside the door with a grateful face. When he saw the other person's eyes moving over, he raised his left hand and put it at the corner of his eyebrows, then raised it suddenly in a salute.

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and nodded towards him.

The bandaged Ross was wheeled out and required hospitalization for observation.

Chen Xin'an handled the hospitalization procedures for him.

Rose said to him: "Specialized nurses will come to take care of me in a while. Two friends, you have to go back and rest!"

Chen Xin'an and Li Didi nodded. This is a green hospital, and Ross doesn't need them to take care of him.

Just when the two turned around to leave, Ross suddenly stopped them.

"Wait a minute!" Ross bent down, opened the cabinet next to him, took out one of the two boxes he had just put in, and handed it to Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an smiled, looked at Ross and said, "Friend, you know I'm not doing it for this, and I don't care about it!"

Ross looked serious, nodded and said, "I know! But I still beg you to accept it!

All I can do is thank you for saving my life!

And my life is more than that!

I just wanted to share everything I got with you, my best friends!

So, you must accept it, this is the spoils of war after we fought side by side tonight! "

Chen Xin'an looked at the suitcase in her hand, then looked at Rose's serious look, nodded with a smile and said, "Okay, I'll take it! You take good care of yourself and I'll come over to see you when I have time!"

Ross said to the two of them: "Drive that commercial vehicle back and use it first. When you don't need it anymore, I'll drive it back!"

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi did not refuse, nodded and left with a smile.

The two got into the car. Li Qi wanted to say something, but Chen Xin'an waved his hand and pointed around the car.

After driving to the Four Seasons Hotel, Chen Xin'an and Li Qi carried the cash box upstairs and let out a sigh of relief after entering the presidential suite.

Looking at Long Sheng and Xia Hongfeng, these two boys were already sleeping.

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi sat on the sofa and laughed heartily.

Everything tonight went smoothly due to the planning and performance of the two of them.

The medicine was slipped by Li Qi, and the shot that killed Liang Zhi was also prescribed by Li Qi.

There was a scuffle between the two sides. The two got out of the car and no one intervened.

When their fight was almost over, the Ying people took control of the situation, and the two of them appeared as saviors.

And the shot fired by Ikeda Heiya was also shot by Chen Xin'an.

It is to make him seriously injured, but not fatal for the time being, so that Ross can be hijacked and escaped.

The people of Daying must have a leader before they can resist stubbornly.

If only a ragtag group is left, they will surrender.

And Chen Xin'an's purpose is to cause chaos in the entire city of Lieton and even the Eagle Flag Country!

The golden glove seal on the bag was of course stamped by Chen Xin'an.

He knew that the Golden Gloves had a close relationship with the Eagle Flag's green uniforms, so he used this method to provoke them.

Rose's special status meant that this loss would not be in vain.

The people of Da Ying are definitely having a hard time. As for whether the Green Suit and Golden Glove will break up, Chen Xin'an will not have any delusions based on this one thing.

But it doesn’t matter, the general election is coming, and there will be opportunities!

Everything tonight is dancing on the edge of a knife, very dangerous.

But it went smoothly and was worth it.

"Tomorrow at noon, I'll go downstairs to have lunch with Boorman and Lehman.

You stay up there and get the guys ready.

If the negotiation breaks down and the green outfit forces his way in, you don't have to worry about it, just do it!

I will inform Zuo Meng that if something happens, I will behead him directly!

Let’s play big! "

Li Qi's eyes were excited and he nodded, but he still said rationally: "Boss, if there is hope, don't take this step!"

Chen Xin'an sighed and said, "You think I want it!

When that time comes, there may not be many brothers among us who can leave the Eagle Flag Country alive!

But I can't hand over the initiative to the enemy, otherwise our entire army will be annihilated! "

How could Li Qi not know this? He nodded with a smile and said:

"Don't worry, boss, no matter what the situation, brothers will go all out.

No matter what the outcome is, everyone is content with their destiny and no one will complain! "

The two chatted for a while, then went back to their rooms to take a shower and sleep.

When I woke up, breakfast had been served in the restaurant.

After everyone waited for Chen Xin'an to wash up, they all sat down at the dining table together.

Li Qi smiled and said: "Boss, have you watched the news?

The Eagle Flag Country's military took action against the Japanese people, under the pretext of combating drugs and eradicating illegal immigrants.

Hundreds of Japanese people gathered in Liujialou Street to protest and were arrested by green-clad armed forces. More than a dozen people died on the spot.

It's very lively outside now, and immigrants from other countries are also suffering. "

Long Sheng said with a smile: "There is news that this chaos is promoted by Golden Gloves behind the scenes!"

Chen Xin'an laughed and scolded: "There's some shitty news. Is this the fucking fault of yours?"

Long Sheng and Xia Hongfeng laughed.

Xia Hongfeng said hehe: "We just added to the fire!

He hid the stamp stamped by the boss on the people in the parade, and happened to be caught by the green suit.

As for what they think, that’s none of our business! "

Chen Xin'an shook her head helplessly, stared at the two of them and said:

"You still think you two haven't caused enough trouble?

Don’t contact people outside now, don’t do anything, just wait for the opportunity! "

Long Sheng and Xia Hongfeng knew that their boss was worried about them, so they nodded.



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