Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2417 Hua Lao’s old enemy

The powerful force caused Wright and his chair to fall to the ground!

He glared at Chen Xin'an angrily and wanted to stand up, but Chen Xin'an kicked him in the thigh again!

I have to say that this big guy's muscles are quite strong, and this kick didn't break his legs!

But it also made him howl miserably and roll on the ground holding his legs!

Chen Xin'an easily picked up the chair, swung it up and hit Wright hard!

With a crash, the solid wood chair weighing thirty or forty pounds fell apart.

Chen Xin'an was not satisfied. She walked to Wright, looked at him coldly and said:

"Tell me, what can you do if you have no patience?

If you are not happy, what can you do?

You're just a tall humanoid waste. Who gave you the courage to speak to me in such a tone? "

Wright felt as if his whole body was falling apart, and his throat was so painful that he was speechless.

But he still stretched out his right hand, trying to grab Chen Xin'an and pull him to the ground.

But as soon as he stretched out his arm, he was grabbed by Chen Xin'an.

As Chen Xin'an twisted his hands, and then bent down in a lunge, he took Wright's arm and placed it firmly on his knees!


This time, Chen Xin'an did not disappoint and broke off Wright's right arm!

Wright let out a scream of a wounded beast, and a mouthful of blood spurted from his mouth.

Under the severe pain, he wanted to force his body to stand up and fight Chen Xin'an, but it was a pity that Chen Xin'an did not give him this chance!

He kicked Wright's left arm as he stood up, causing him to hit the ground hard again!

Then he pressed on Wright's back with a sliding step, grabbed his left arm, pulled it up hard, and said:

"I just do it for Boorman's sake and don't care about you. Why do you think I'm easy to bully?

What does the so-called status mean in front of me, Chen Xinan?

I want to kill any one of you, but even if I have thousands of troops and horses by my side, I can't protect you!

Tell me about your qualifications?

The reason why I can come here today is because of your qualifications! "

What really makes others tremble is not just the strength shown by Chen Xin'an.

What's more important is the cruelty he inadvertently revealed in his plain tone!

He just said this calmly while moving Wright's arm until the crisp sound of bone breaking came!

Then he kicked Wright, who was screaming with broken arms, over, squatted down and punched him in the face!

Wright shut up instantly, his face covered with blood.

But Chen Xin'an didn't stop, she still clenched her fist, punched him one after another, and hit Wright's face calmly!

At this moment, Wright's face could only be described as horrible.

His facial features were covered in blood, and the broken nasal bones pierced the skin and were exposed.

Every time Chen Xin'an punched, the blood splattered turned the carpet next to him red!

The three people at the table were dumbfounded!

No one thought that Chen Xin'an could be so cruel!

Buck was the first to react and shouted to Chen Xin'an: "You bastard! What have you done! How dare you commit murder and hurt people in front of us? You..."


Chen Xin'an suddenly appeared in front of him and punched him on the chin!

Unexpectedly, Buck's body, which was nearly 1.9 meters tall, was hit by this punch and his feet were lifted off the ground. He flew up and fell heavily to the ground!

He covered his chin with both hands and howled loudly!

Looking at the deformed chin, everyone knows that this is a sign of a broken jaw!

Chen Xin'an looked at him with disdain and said, "I've really disliked you for a long time!

He kept chirping. Do you really think that he is a big deal just because he comes from the Hexagonal Building?

Even if you come from heaven, in my eyes, you are still trash! "

Chen Xin'an stood up, tiptoed, turned over a chair that he had just knocked over, sat at the table, looked at Lehman and asked:

"You just said, what do you want me to do for you?

Think carefully before speaking. If it's a fart, I will automatically filter it! "

Although he was shocked by Chen Xin'an's strength and ruthlessness, Lehman was a green-suited boss in a high position after all. He quickly calmed down and cursed at Chen Xin'an:

"What did you say! Do you know what will happen if you offend me? If you dare to touch me, I guarantee you..."

Before he could finish speaking, a steel needle flew over and pierced his throat!

"Chen Xin'an!" Boorman jumped up in fright.

He knew that Chen Xin'an was very courageous, but he didn't expect that he would be so bold!

This is the green-suited boss of the Eagle Flag Country. If there is anything wrong with him, Chen Xin'an will not be able to fly out of the Eagle Flag Country even if he gets his wings!

Moreover, it will also cause him to be unlucky too!

If this person dies, the shock to the Eagle Flag Country will be no less than that of Diwat's death!

Lehman also widened his eyes and looked at Chen Xin'an in disbelief.

Now he no longer looks aloof and confident!

Sometimes, instead of being afraid of opponents who are like gods, you are afraid of opponents who are like pigs.

Yes, that’s right, either your pig-like teammates or your opponents!

No matter how powerful the opponent is, they can't be stronger than the entire Eagle Flag Nation's green-clad troops.

He has plenty of ways to eliminate the opponent.

But if the opponent is a pig-brained person, he only acts on impulse and does not consider the consequences at all.

Then he's out of luck!

The opponent killed him on impulse. Even though he was blown to pieces by the green-clad troops and avenged him, he still died in a daze!

Chen Xin'an walked to Lehman's side calmly and said to Boorman:

"Don't worry, Mr. Boorman, I wanted to kill him, but what popped out just now was not a needle, but a flying knife!"

Boorman breathed a sigh of relief and said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, just don't be impulsive!

If you have something to say, please talk it over and don't fight or kill.

We are all friends, there is nothing we cannot talk about! "

Chen Xin'an grinned and said to him: "It's a pity that you, Boorman, regard me as a friend, but these people don't look down on me at all!"

Boorman's heart lifted again. He knew very well that if Chen Xin'an wanted to kill someone, he couldn't stop him!

Fortunately, Chen Xin'an just shook his head and curled his lips and said: "But it doesn't matter, we Chinese people have always repaid evil with kindness.

When Mr. Lehman came in just now, I noticed that his face was not normal, a little purple.

The wheezing sound was rapid, the breathing was not smooth, and the body was not straight, the shoulders were skewed, and the corners of the mouth were pulled down. This should be caused by the injury to the cerebellum.

So I guess Mr. Lehman must have suffered a brain injury, right? "

Boorman was stunned.

what's the situation? There was a tense situation just now, like water and fire, but in the blink of an eye, Chen Xin'an is about to treat Lehman?

Chen Xin'an put a needle on Lehman's head, then pulled out the steel needle from his throat and said to him:

"You'd better not get excited and tell me the reason for the injury. I have an occupational disease and my hands itch when I see difficult and complicated diseases!"

Boorman quickly said to Lehman: "Mr. Chen is not only a businessman, he is also an ancient Chinese physician with very good medical skills!"

Lehman glanced at Chen Xin'an with a complicated expression, snorted and said:

"About thirty years ago, I exchanged a shot with a Chinese soldier on the battlefield.

We were both shot in the head and thought the other one was dead!

Unexpectedly, they all survived.

And I also met him.

I didn’t expect that he would become the highest in China..."

With a look of resentment on his face, he gritted his teeth and said, "If I had known that guy surnamed Hua would be where he is today, I would have taken another shot back then!"

Chen Xin'an also widened her eyes, and she really wanted to shout to Mr. Hua: "Old Hua, I found the guy who hurt you back then!"



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