Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2418 Life and Death Needle

But this guy is not very capable!

After so many years, what is Mr. Hua’s status? What is his status?

I'm still regretting that I didn't take another shot back then. If you hadn't died back then, your life would have been better!

Chen Xin'an curled her lips and said to him: "This shot hit your brain, causing you to suffer all these years.

And as you age, the cerebellum shrinks at an accelerated rate, and sooner or later this injury will kill you!

But it is your honor to meet me.

Surgery and medicine don't work for this kind of injury. The only thing that can relieve it is Chinese acupuncture!

It just so happens that I am a master of acupuncture and I always carry silver needles with me! "

Chen Xin'an took out the silver needle and spread it on the table in front of Lehman.

Just letting him watch, he picked up silver needles of different lengths and thicknesses one after another and pierced his head.

In less than five minutes, Lehman's head was like a hedgehog with hundreds of silver needles stuck in it.

Lehman also turned his eyes white at this moment, leaning on the back of the chair, sweating profusely all over his head!

Boorman watched this scene nervously and stretched out his hand to stop people from the restaurant from coming to check.

Ten minutes later, Chen Xin'an started to take the needle.

After all the silver needles were removed, Lehman closed his eyes and sat motionless on the chair.

Boorman asked Chen Xin'an nervously: "Mr. Chen, Mr. Lehman, he..."

Chen Xin'an didn't answer, just tilted her head and shrugged.

What happened?

Boorman was so anxious that he just wanted to ask clearly when he heard Boorman on the chair take a long breath and say in a trembling voice:

"In the past thirty years, I have never felt so relaxed as at this moment!"

After hearing these words, Boorman's hanging heart finally relaxed.

Chen Xin'an put away the silver needle, packed the cloth bag, and said calmly: "No need to be happy so early.

This kind of old disease cannot be cured by just one session of acupuncture.

If I'm in a good mood and do this to you twice a week, I'll save you five more years of life!

However, I will leave three needles on your head. You'd better not let a layman take them out. They are for life-saving purposes! "

Lehman looked at Chen Xin'an with a complicated expression and asked him: "Why? We are not friends, why did you save me?"

Chen Xin'an said calmly: "Because I don't want to be hunted down by the entire Eagle Flag Country's green outfits!

I know it is your duty, but no matter how important the identity of a dead person is, it is not as important as the life of a living person!

Some things really don't need to be taken so seriously.

One more friend is really worth more than one more enemy.

Especially for people like me, it's better to be friends than enemies.

After all, enemies are life-threatening, but friends are there to save lives!

What do you think, Mr. Lehman? "

After shaking his head, which seemed to have weighed two pounds less, and looking at the two people lying on the ground, Lehman looked at Chen Xin'an with a complicated expression.

Boorman whispered: "Mr. Lehman, Mr. Chen is the major shareholder of Nada Building. From now on, we can leave all recruitment promotions in green uniforms to Mr. Chen!"

The purpose of his words was to tell Lehman that Chen Xin'an's financial resources should not be underestimated.

It may not be as good as Golden Finger, but it is not something that ordinary businessmen can achieve!

Lehman took a deep breath and said to Boorman: "Please ask people from outside to come in, clean up the place, and send them to the hospital.

Notify the kitchen that food is ready to be served.

Today at noon, we drank, chatted and made friends instead of talking about business. "

Boorman breathed a sigh of relief, immediately took out his mobile phone and started making calls.

Soon, several men in suits with quick hands and feet came and put the two wounded people on the ground on stretchers and carried them away.

Someone even brought a mop and broom to clean the floor.

Within two minutes, the environment had returned to its original state, and even the broken chairs had been cleared away.

Chen Xin'an glanced at the backs of the men in suits, and there was nothing unusual on their faces.

I went to the bathroom to wash my hands, and when I came back, the dishes were already on the table.

Boorman brought good red wine, and the three of them started drinking and chatting as if nothing happened. They had a very harmonious lunch.

After drinking and eating, Boorman and Lehman left together, and Chen Xin'an turned and walked into the elevator.

Back in the presidential suite, Li Qi came over and said to him: "Boss, all the people in green clothes have withdrawn!"

Chen Xin'an nodded, as expected.

And not only were the hotels evacuated, the entire city of London was also lifted from lockdown.

Long Sheng smiled and said to Chen Xin'an: "Is the crisis resolved now?"

"It doesn't count!" Chen Xin'an shook his head, slapped him and said, "You and Hongfeng just stay here and don't go anywhere!"

Xia Hongfeng said with a bitter face: "Boss, if you don't go out all day long, you will easily get sick!"

Chen Xin'an scolded: "Being sick is better than being dead!

Do you really think the Eagle Banner people are so easy to fool?

The general election is coming, and everything is about the general election.

Everyone gives a step and a temporary truce.

But you can't step on someone's nose blatantly. Do you really think that the official and green outfits are afraid of you?

It will be no good for everyone if we completely break up with each other! "

Li Qi patted the two of them on the shoulders and said with a smile: "If you endure it for a few days, we will find the ship. Let's go!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said: "I may keep in close contact with Lehman these days and give him acupuncture.

Be careful not to meet him.

After the election, we leave the country as soon as possible!

Also, be careful of the people around Boorman, there are a group of mysterious people in suits who are invincible.

Ah Qi, give Mengzi and the others a warning to pay attention to this group of people.

I suspect that it should be the agent assigned to Boorman by the Hexagon! "

Li Didian nodded.

Long Sheng asked with a strange look on his face: "Isn't Boorman one of our group? Why are we guarding against him?"

Chen Xin'an snorted coldly, shook her head and said: "There are no eternal friends, just like Lehman and I, we will not be eternal enemies!

After the election, all the demons and monsters should show their true colors! "

Thinking of the chat with Boorman at lunch just now, Chen Xin'an said to Li Qi:

"Tomorrow at Century Plaza, Boorman will attend a business event.

The two of us will go there together.

It's still the same as before, I am in the light and you are in the dark.

The last canvassing before the general election, the enemy will not miss this opportunity.

We both need to be careful! "

Li Di nodded and responded: "No problem!"

Long Sheng frowned and asked, "Once they fall out..."

Chen Xin'an curled her lips and smiled, shook her head and said, "Don't worry!

Do you really think I have such good intentions?

You knew he was an enemy and you still treated him?

I planted the needle of life and death, and my life is in my hands.

If he dares to rebel, I will kill him! "

The three needles on Lehman's head were not life-saving means.

Those were the three little pineapples that Chen Xin'an deliberately left in Lehman's body!

This is equivalent to putting Lehman's life in Chen Xin'an's hands, and only Chen Xin'an can solve it in this world!

Chen Xin'an has never been a good person who repays evil with kindness.

The more he tests the edge of danger, the more he likes to keep some escape routes in his hands.

Only in this way can he go through life and death again and again and have the last laugh!

The general election in the Eagle Flag Country is not just a struggle between the financial groups behind the candidates, but also a struggle of various means.

Otherwise, with the unparalleled financial resources of the Golden Glove, every major capital city can be easily taken over by their people.

These methods are used in every possible way, as long as you can have the last laugh, everything is worth it.

The meaning of success and defeat is vividly reflected in this kind of election!

This commercial event was Boorman's last resort to win votes.

It is also the opponent's last chance to defeat this powerful enemy.

Of course, Boorman also knew this, so he discussed it with Chen Xin'an for a long time and had to be accompanied by Chen Xin'an in order to feel at ease.



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