Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2419 Everyone is here for work

A temporary stage has been set up in the center of Century Square.

The world's most well-known mobile phone brand and one of the top ten local companies in the Eagle Flag country, Aipu will hold a new product launch conference here.

Not only Boorman, but also many official people have been invited and will come to participate.

The press conference started at ten o'clock in the morning, and preparations began at eight o'clock.

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi arrived at the scene at nine o'clock and began to survey the terrain, looking for all suitable places for sniping.

Since the last speaking event, Chen Xin'an has paid more attention to security in this area.

Li Qi marked each point, and after Boorman arrived, he would have people patrol these points.

If there is a problem at any point, just find the person in charge of that point, which saves a lot of trouble.

Forty minutes later, Boorman's motorcade arrived.

The person driving Boorman now is Nie Fenghan.

Originally, this was Chen Xin'an's request, but Boorman refused on the excuse that he was unwilling to change the driver.

In fact, he just didn't want people like Chen Xin'an to enter such a private territory of his.

However, the last time a tanker truck exploded at an intersection, the original driver failed to escape and died in the car.

Nie Fenghan, who took Boorman to escape safely, also impressed him with his skillful skills, so he has now become Boorman's dedicated driver.

Of course, it is only during the election period. After the security mission for Boorman is over, he will still return to the security team.

It was impossible for Boorman to hire him as a full-time driver, so he could only rent it on a short-term basis.

As expected, there were some men in suits who came with the security convoy.

Each of them wore sunglasses and had a dignified demeanor, for fear that others would not recognize them as bodyguards.

Moreover, they stood around Boorman, isolating Zuo Meng and others, forming a human wall to protect Boorman in the middle.

This is what the people from the Security Bureau did at the beginning. Unexpectedly, after they left, such a group of people would come again.

This is what Chen Xinan hates the most.

He said to Boorman with a gloomy face: "Mr. Boorman, what's going on?"

Boorman knew what he was asking, and explained with a somewhat embarrassed expression: "Mr. Chen, don't get me wrong.

These were specially sent to me from the Hexagon Building.

There is no way I can refuse!

Mr. Green, come here and get to know Mr. Chen! "

He is indeed an agent from the Hexagon Tower!

Green, who was wearing sunglasses, walked over and looked at Chen Xin'an with his eyes hidden behind his sunglasses. The expression on his face showed no intention of getting to know him.

He said to Chen Xin'an expressionlessly: "Ask your people to protect the perimeter, and leave Mr. Boorman's close security to us.

Tell your people to pay more attention to the command prompts in the headphones and respond at any time.

Let me first say that I will only publish the order once.

If you can't keep up and something goes wrong, you will be solely responsible.

There is also a ten-meter rule. Except for you, no one else can approach Mr. Boorman within ten meters.

No need to put on such a show, Mr. Boorman's safety is now the top priority of the Hexagon Building.

We must do everything to protect Mr. Boorman, which requires the joint efforts of all of us. "

Not far away, an agent pointed at Zuo Meng and cursed: "Let your people do their work!

I told them not to stand within the cordon!

Are you all a bunch of blind people? Can't even see it right in front of you?

A bunch of idiots who don't have any security knowledge, how can they do security work! "

"Mr. Boorman!" Chen Xin'an showed no emotion or anger on his face. He just looked at Boorman calmly and said:

“Since these agents are ensuring your safety, let’s safely evacuate!

Terminate the cooperative relationship and avoid unnecessary obstacles and impacts. "

"No!" Boorman and Green shouted at the same time.

Chen Xin'an glanced at Green and ignored him.

Boorman smiled and said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, I just explained that these people are sent by Hexagonal Building, and I can't refuse.

Personally, I still trust you very much. I suggest that we coordinate well and avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, okay? "

Green said coldly to Chen Xin'an: "Since you have a contract, you must fulfill it.

We are short of manpower and you are on hand to assist.

Everyone is here for Mr. Boorman's safety, so don't worry about work.

Just cooperate with us and we'll be fine. "

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, nodded and said, "Since you said so, I know what's going on! Captain Zuo!"

"Here!" Zuo Meng heard Chen Xin'an's greeting, pushed away the agent in front of him, and ran over.

Chen Xin'an said to him: "There are a lot of people today, and security work has been upgraded.

Except for security personnel, no one is allowed to come within ten meters of Mr. Boorman!

Check all suspicious persons and drive them away immediately if they have deadly weapons!

Remember, anyone and everyone, get it? "

A smile appeared on Zuo Meng's face, and he stood at attention and replied: "Understood!"

"Beep!" He took out his whistle and blew it hard, shouting loudly: "Assemble the security personnel!"

Thirty security guards quickly assembled. Zuo Meng repeated Chen Xin'an's order just now, and everyone's eyes lit up.

The expressions of the group of agents changed. Many of them could understand Chinese.

Just like these security guards, although they can't speak, they can understand what is being said.

Chen Xin'an's order was basically aimed at them!

Sure enough, a group of security guards rushed over, forcibly drove them away, and even searched them!

The agent who just pointed at Zuo Meng and cursed took out his pistol and cursed at Luo Niu in front of him:

"Go away, you idiot!

We are from the Hexagon Building. Who gave you the courage to do this to us?

Get your dirty hands off, or I'll beat you to death right now! "

Luo Niu raised his head, took out his gun, and hit him directly on the head!

At the same time, the surrounding security team members also drew their guns and pointed them at these agents!

There are only eight agents, but there are thirty security team members.

Now being pointed at thirty guns, the expressions of these agents have changed!

Luo Niu's face was ferocious, he looked at the agent in front of him with disdain and cursed:

“I don’t care what you say and fart, if you dare to point a gun at me, I can beat you to death right now!

Is there anyone who can understand Chinese, please translate it for me!

It is the task of the security team to protect Mr. Boorman.

In order to complete the task, our company will do its best and use any means necessary!

Therefore, no matter what your identity is or where you come from, as long as you enter our warning range, you will be inspected honestly!

No matter who dares not to cooperate, we have the right to use force or even kill them on the spot! "

"Chen Xin'an!" Green became angry and shouted: "What do you want to do? Do you want to go against Hexagonal Tower?"

Chen Xin'an looked at Green with disdain and said, "Don't use the hexagonal tower to suppress me.

Now I just do my best to complete the work! "

Zuo Meng also ordered the security team: "Search! If there are weapons, they will be fired immediately. If you resist, shoot!"

Green understood what he said and became anxious. He shouted to Chen Xin'an: "Tell your people to stop. Do you want to make a big mistake?"

They were agents, and they would never give their guns to anyone else.

Therefore, if the security personnel forcibly confiscate it, it is inevitable that they will take action.

But he wasn't stupid either. He could see that he couldn't make a comeback at all.

Once a fight breaks out, they will 100% be wiped out!

Boorman also changed his expression, and quickly stood up to smooth things over: "Mr. Chen, calm down, everyone is here for work, there is no need for it to be like this!"

Chen Xin'an grinned and said to him: "I'm not angry at all! You're right, everyone is here for work.

In this case, let me help Mr. Green find something to do! "



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