Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2426 They are just ordinary people

The moment the helicopter was hit, Dai Wei and others who had been waiting at the stairs rushed out!

Under the intense suppression of firepower, the killers who had just landed were instantly knocked down!

At the same time, the helicopter that was hit did not fall immediately.

The entire cabin burst into flames, but the seriously injured pilot tried to control the helicopter to make an emergency landing on the roof.

Just because the instrument was severely damaged, the helicopter could no longer remain stable and crashed into another helicopter!

The pilot of the helicopter was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat and quickly turned and raised the altitude, causing the helicopter to fly into the air.

Then he watched helplessly as the burning helicopter hit the corner of the building, its huge body tilted, turned into a big fireball, and fell down!

Seeing the huge fireball falling from the sky, the members of the killer group who were besieging the hotel below panicked and fled!

It’s just that there are people and cars everywhere, so it’s not that easy to leave quickly!

Some people simply abandoned their cars and ran away, while others were trapped in place, unable to escape at all, and screamed in despair!


The fireball hit the ground, hitting two vehicles, and then caused the fuel tank to explode.

In front of the lobby of the Four Seasons Hotel, a raging fire burned, illuminating the surrounding area as bright as day!

Seeing the remaining helicopter fleeing in panic without looking back, Lopp pulled out his pistol and fired wildly into the sky!

"Damn it! You useless things! If you escape from the battlefield, I will execute you all! A bunch of cowards without courage!"

His words were transmitted to the helicopter through the wireless intercom. When they heard Lopu's curse, the faces of the helicopter pilot and several members of the killer group in the cabin turned pale.

This is not just talk. If they escape now, they will definitely end up miserable.

There was no choice but to turn the helicopter around and go back.

Even if we lose another helicopter, we still have to seize the rooftop!

Luopu's face was livid, and he gritted his teeth angrily as he looked at the building in front of him.

He originally imagined that the battle could be resolved within half an hour, but now it has developed like this.

The fight has been going on for so long and we can’t even get into the building!

I didn’t expect those guys to be so difficult to deal with!

But it’s not surprising when you think about it.

I haven't encountered an opponent in many years who can make Goldfinger suffer such a big loss!

If Chen Xin'an was so easy to kill, he wouldn't be able to come to the Eagle Flag Country, and the killers sent in China would kill him.

But it doesn't matter, the battle has just begun.

If I don’t show you how powerful I am, you don’t know how scary Goldfinger is and you should not mess with it!

Holding his right ear, Luopu asked in a cold tone: "Are you ready?"

Someone's response came from the headset: "Everything has been debugged and it's time to start!"

Luopu gritted his teeth and said: "Then what are you waiting for? Go, my children!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the sunroof of a large container truck on the roadside suddenly opened slowly to both sides.

A group of black balls were ejected, quickly transformed in the air, spread their wings, and flew towards the building in front!

The smoke gradually dissipated, and the killers who broke in had been cleared away.

Mou Wenzhi wiped the blood on his face with his sleeve and said to the brothers beside him: "Hurry up and replenish the ammunition. Take as much ammunition as you can. The enemy will definitely attack again!"

This battle gave everyone some surprise. Many bullets are common to both sides.

In this way, the enemy becomes a powder magazine. If you want to replenish ammunition, just kill a few more people.

At this moment, Mou Wenzhi seemed to hear a strange noise, as if there were mosquitoes in his ears.

And not just one mosquito, but a swarm of them.

"What's the sound?" Mou Wenzhi took off his gas mask and asked everyone.

Everyone also took off their masks one by one and looked around strangely.

A team member pointed in the direction of the door and shouted to everyone: "Open quickly, get what you want!"

Everyone turned around and saw a group of black things flying in from outside!

Before everyone could see clearly what they were, a ball of fire glowed on those little things!

The two team members standing in front were hit instantly and shouted: "Hurry! It's an attacking drone!"

Mou Wenzhi shouted: "Evacuate! Give up the first floor!"

"But..." The team members hesitated. If they left, the enemy would rush in!

Mou Wenzhi looked at the swarm of drones and shouted loudly: "Hurry! It'll be too late if you don't leave!"

This small drone looks inconspicuous, but its firepower is not weak.

Each one is equipped with a miniature Gatling gun, with a firing rate of more than 500 rounds per minute!

It can even carry small bombs, powerful enough to kill two or three people!

Everyone was unable to lift their heads under the weight of the bullets, and knowing that it was unrealistic to stay here, they all followed Mou Wenzhi and ran upstairs.

At the same time, as the lobby door crashed and shattered, a large number of light armors rushed in. A large number of killers jumped out of the cars and shot wildly around them!

Mou Wenzhi led everyone into the stairwell and quickly went upstairs.

Go straight to the boss and abandon every layer of defense because there is no point.

However, you must take the stairs and the elevator is prohibited.

The killers did not have so many taboos and occupied all three elevators.

They have to be the first to go upstairs and intercept their opponents.

On the top of the building, the battle was coming to an end.

The killers suffered heavy losses. In addition to those who were annihilated on the spot, four others had already thrown away their weapons and raised their hands to surrender.

No matter what the orders above are, your life is your own.

Staying alive is more important than anything else.

Dai Wei pointed his gun at the heads of the prisoners and said to Li Qi: "A Qi, don't believe these foreigners.

Surrendering now is just a disadvantage, but if we let them gain power, these bastards will definitely raise their guns against us! "

Everyone also nodded.

Long Sheng snorted coldly and said: "Foreigners generally don't fight the enemy desperately on the battlefield. They value their personal lives more.

Surrender is not a shame to them, it is as common and simple as drinking cold water.

So this doesn't mean they surrender, keeping it is indeed a hidden danger! "

Xia Hongfeng frowned and said: "No matter what, if they hold the gun, they are the enemy. If they put down the gun, they are just ordinary people.

Can we really attack these already defenseless people? "

Everyone fell silent.

To be cruel doesn't mean that he is as cold-blooded and ruthless as an animal.

Li Qi suddenly shouted to everyone: "Quiet! Listen!"

Everyone looked strange, but no one said anything.

Sure enough, everyone soon heard a strange buzzing sound.

Countless black shadows rose from downstairs, densely packed, probably hundreds of them.

When the four prisoners kneeling on the ground looked at it, they immediately grinned, with a treacherous smile on their faces.

Surrendering is only forced by the situation to save one's life.

Now that our secret weapon is here, you damn Chinese people are going to be in trouble. It's your turn to kneel down!

No, you will all die without even a chance to kneel down!

The four of them looked at each other and suddenly rushed towards the gun they had just thrown on the ground, ready to pick it up again!

Li Qi suddenly realized what it was and shouted to everyone: "Run back to the corridor, quickly!"

At this moment, the surrounding black flying objects began to spit out tongues of fire!

Several prisoners had just picked up the guns they had dropped on the ground. Before they could straighten up, bullets were whizzing towards them!

Their eyes widened one by one, and they were instantly enveloped by the overwhelming rain of bullets!



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