Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2427 The battle situation is urgent

These prisoners never dreamed that they would die not at the hands of the enemy, but by a drone controlled by their own people!

So even if they fell to the ground and died, they all stared with eyes open, as if they were still dead.

Li Qi led everyone into the stairwell and said loudly: "Inform the boss that the rooftop is lost."

Dai Wei asked him: "Are we going down?"

Li Qi shook his head and said, "No, the boss should come up!"

Sure enough, just as Long Sheng used wireless communication to explain the situation on the rooftop to Chen Xin'an, he received an order from Chen Xin'an to wait where they were.

Li Qi took out a small pineapple, pulled off the iron ring, and held it in his hand without moving.

After three seconds, he threw it towards the rooftop door and shouted: "Everyone get down!"

A group of drones swarmed in, trying to fly into the stairwell to continue chasing the enemy.

But what he met head-on was a small pineapple that exploded instantly!

With a roar, several unmanned aircraft were scattered to pieces and fell down in thick smoke.

Li Qi rushed forward, slammed the iron door of the rooftop, and locked it from the inside.

In this way, even if the killers descend from the helicopter to the rooftop, it will still take a lot of effort to get down.

Long Sheng said to Li Qi: "Brother Qi, the boss asked us to wait here. He will bring the brothers to meet us!"

Li Diding nodded and said to everyone: "Guard the stairs and the rooftop door. No one is allowed to come to this floor no matter what!"

Xia Hongfeng pointed in the direction of the elevator and asked Li Qi, "Brother Qi, don't you need to worry about the elevator?"

A sneer appeared on Li Qi's face, and he said to him: "It's safe there, you can't get in. Come on, I'll take you two to see it!"

The elevator is still running, which means someone is taking it.

Li Qi took out the prepared tools and forced open the elevator door.

This is already the top floor, and the ceiling of the elevator room is here.

Looking at the steel cable that was moving up and down, Li Qi climbed from the side to the top and quickly removed a few screws with tools.

"Let's go!" Li Qi jumped down and pulled Long Sheng and Xia Hongfeng away.

Just as the two were about to ask questions, there was a sudden sound of something falling off in the elevator room, and then the cable slammed on the door and quickly fell down!


A dull sound sounded from the elevator, and the whole building seemed to tremble.

When Long Sheng saw Li Qi let go of his hand, he quickly ran to the elevator shaft and looked down!

A cloud of dust rose in the elevator room, and the elevator cabin had fallen to the bottom!

"Brother Qi, beat these bastards to death!" Long Sheng grinned excitedly.

Now he finally understood why the boss banned everyone from taking the elevator.

So everyone in the elevator now must be enemies, and every one who falls to death will be counted!

The three of them followed the same pattern and destroyed the remaining two elevators. Now the elevators are completely useless and cannot be used anymore.

The lobby on the first floor has been completely occupied by the killer group.

Luopu proudly stood in the middle of the lobby surrounded by the crowd and said to the people around him:

“Ask more people from above to move faster.

Encircled from above and below, coupled with the cooperation of drones, those Chinese people would not be able to leave this building alive even if they grew wings.

Remember, kill them all, leave no one alive, we don’t need prisoners! "

"Yes!" Everyone responded.

Luopu smiled coldly, looked at the chandelier on the ceiling, and said coldly: "This is what happens when you go against Goldfinger!

Now, you should be regretting that you provoked someone you couldn't afford to offend, right?

Unfortunately, even if I regret it, it's too late.

Remember in the next life, goldfinger is not something a little person like you can offend! "

At this moment, a tooth-piercing friction sound suddenly sounded in my ears. Before I could react, the earth suddenly trembled!

"What's going on!" Luopu was startled and asked the person next to him: "Go and find out what happened right away!"

Someone shouted: "The elevator fell from the fifteenth floor!"

Luopu frowned and asked everyone: "Are there any casualties?"

The man who just spoke had a look of sadness on his face, and nodded and said: "There are fifteen people inside, none of them survived, they are all our brothers!"

"These damn bastards!" Luopu realized that this was Chen Xin'an's fault and cursed angrily.

Fortunately, only fifteen people died, and he could still bear these casualties.

At this moment, two loud noises came in succession, and this time the vibration lasted longer!

Without him asking, someone came to him in a panic and said: "Mr. Lopp, the elevator has been damaged!

There are all our people inside, and now they are all killed!

The elevator shaft below is full of corpses. Go take a look! "

Luopu stumbled and almost fell down!

One elevator can accommodate fifteen people, and three elevators can accommodate 45 people!

He didn't even see the enemy's face, so he was thrown to death in a daze!

How could he accept such battle losses!

"Pull everyone back and pull back the tanks. I'm going to blow up this building! I'm going to turn it into the wrath of those Chinese people!"

Henry walked up to it, shook his head and said: "Mr. Lopp, calm down!

We can kill the guys here, but we can't destroy the building.

This is the property of the Reggie family. What Mr. Keynes means is that given the current relationship between the Reggie family and the Cexire family, it is not suitable for us to establish a strong enemy again! "

"Then burn this place with fire!" Luopu shouted through gritted teeth.

Henry smiled bitterly and shook his head.

This is so mad.

Aren't burning and exploding the same thing?

That would be tantamount to declaring war on the Reggie family, and Mr. Keynes would certainly not agree to that.

Lopp also forced himself to calm down, took a deep breath, and said to Henry:

"Notify everyone to go up the stairs and conduct a carpet search for me one floor at a time.

Shoot anyone you find, no matter who he is!

I want to turn this place into a barren land, without a single soul alive! "

Henry nodded and responded: "Yes!"

Mou Wenzhi, who had reached the thirteenth floor, took a breath and said to the panting team members around him:

"The brothers above destroyed the elevator, and our pressure has been reduced a lot.

However, I took into account that during that time, about sixty or seventy enemy people were sent to the fifteenth floor or higher to intercept us.

We have to stop now and suppress the pursuers behind us!

How about waiting for them to clamp down, we will definitely die! "

Everyone nodded, and a team member shouted: "Third squad leader, tell me, how should we fight?"

Mou Wenzhi looked at the crowd and saw that four people had been injured. Among them, there were only six who could fight including him!

And there are at least hundreds of pursuers below!

And the number of people is still increasing, because the elevator was destroyed and this has become the only passage.

The power disparity is too great!

Even in defense, it is easy to focus on one thing and forget the other, and it is difficult to be thorough.

Fortunately, the current defensive position is in a stairwell with limited space. It is easy to form a level where one man is the only one who can block it, and no one can open it.

As long as we cooperate properly, this battle will not be impossible.

Mou Wenzhi said to everyone: "Send the injured to the safety door first, remove the spring lock, and open the safety door.

If we block the people below here, the brothers above will be able to relax.

So try to recruit as many people as possible to relieve some pressure on the brothers above. "

One of the guards looked at Mou Wenzhi and said, "Squad leader three, so we are not going to go up, right?"

Everyone fell silent and looked at Mou Wenzhi without blinking.



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