Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2432 Let him do what he wants to do

After fighting against the killer troops for the first time and experiencing the power of drones, Chen Xin'an has been thinking about a question.

What method should be used to deal with drones?

With Goldfinger’s financial resources, he will naturally have a large number of drones.

In a war, this thing can be of great use and reduce casualties.

Later, he and Li Qi found Joseph, the owner of the gun shop, and after asking about it, they learned that there was really something special to deal with this thing.

The operation of the drone is radio remote control equipment and computer control program.

As long as this remote control and control are interrupted, the drone will become nothing more than a pile of scrap metal.

Therefore, with specialized electronic jamming equipment, the drone can be made out of control.

Chen Xinan immediately asked Joseph to prepare one.

I used it for the first time today and it really works.

However, the shortcomings are also obvious. It must be at close range to have an interference effect.

Drones are very maneuverable and difficult to interfere with at close range.

An opportunity like this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

Luo Niu placed the jammer on the ground to increase the interference with the radio waves. Hundreds of drones became a mess and were completely out of control, flying around and bumping around like headless flies.

The team members who were very ruthless about these things ran into the corridor, came out with the brooms and mops used by cleaners, and swung them at the drones overhead!

He beat them to the ground and then stomped them down hard, trampling them to pieces!

Li Qi said to everyone: "Don't waste too much time here, the rooftop is lost, we must take it back as soon as possible!

Brother Niu, isn’t the boss with you?

Are Philemon's friends still down there? "

Luo Niu smiled and said: "Lao Fei is so interesting! He took the brothers and directly helped us join the war!

The boss has taken them to pick up Lao Mou. Let me come up to meet you first. They will come up soon. "

Li Didian nodded, breathed a sigh of relief, and said to everyone: "Go up first and replenish equipment. Next, it may be a tough battle!"

The top floor is a hell on earth, miserable.

More than a hundred members of the killer group were lying in a mess on the corridor. There were no injuries on their bodies, but each one of them died with a hideous and terrifying look!

This is the terrifying thing about thermal pressure thunder. Although it can kill people in an instant, it can also cause people to endure great pain before death.

But there is no mercy for the enemy.

Because if these people hadn't died, then everyone would have fallen here.

Before the enemy's reinforcements arrived, Li Qi led everyone to quickly pick out the equipment on the corpses.

Needless to say, bullets, even if they are not universal, don't matter, just take away the opponent's gun.

There are also various mini pineapples and some non-lethal weapons.

There are even ten thermobaric thunderbolts!

The sound of helicopters came again overhead, and everyone knew that the killer regiment began to transport troops upward again!

With the magic weapon to deal with drones, everyone has a lot more information about retaking the rooftop.

After checking the equipment, Li Qi said to everyone: "According to the combat plan I just made, we will take back the rooftop in one go.

Remember what I said, once you find that the helicopter is preparing to attack, withdraw here as quickly as possible! "

"Okay!" Everyone nodded together.

The boss said that Ah Qi is the commander-in-chief in this battle.

Even without the words "boss", the battle just now showed Li Qi's commanding and judgment skills, and everyone was convinced of him.

As Li Qi turned around, everyone followed closely.

Everyone quickly ran to the door of the rooftop, already numb to the blood and corpses on the ground, as if they hadn't seen it.

More than twenty killers have already descended to the rooftop, and there are still people sliding down in mid-air.

Following Li Qi's order, gunfire rang out. The more than 20 people who were gathering did not react at all, and were screamed by the team members who suddenly rushed out.

But he was also a well-trained killer. He quickly calmed down, scattered around, and used various bunkers to fight back.

The helicopter overhead began to take off, paying no attention to the killer who was still on the rappel rope.

Dai Wei picked up his gun and fired two shots. The killer who was flying in the air screamed and fell down.

"Good marksmanship!" Luo Niu raised his finger at Dai Wei. Dai Wei curled his lips and said with a smile: "It must be done!"

The helicopter circled around, lowered its altitude, and began to aim at the rooftop and slowly approached.

Li Qi said to everyone: "Withdraw!"

"But those people haven't been eliminated yet!" Long Sheng looked at the killers hiding behind the pipe in front and said to Li Qi.

Li Qi shook his head and shouted: "No matter what, we must go!"

These bastards shoot indiscriminately and kill everyone!

So once the helicopter fires, the kind of bullets that can tear a person's body apart can kill everyone on the rooftop in a short time!

Everyone quickly retreated, but Li Qi did not leave. He kept staring at the helicopter.

Xia Hongfeng shouted: "Brother Qi, what are you doing!"

Li Qi ignored him and just waved his hand.

This helicopter is really in the way.

However, I wanted to use RPG to destroy it, but this guy was on guard.

If it is allowed to run rampant here, even if everyone fights to capture the rooftop, it will only take one round of strafing, and this place will become its world again!

So if you want to really take back the rooftop, you must first deal with this guy!

Seeing that Li Qi actually relied on the cover of the pipeline to rush towards the helicopter, Long Sheng and Xia Hongfeng shouted: "Brother Qi! What do you want to do? Are you crazy?"

Luo Niu and Dai Wei ran over, grabbed their arms and dragged them towards the rooftop door, shouting to them:

"Don't worry, Ah Qi knows what he is doing!"

"That's right! We are here to distract him, retreat according to orders, and let him do what he wants to do!"

The helicopter has adjusted the angle, and then it will dive down and sweep all the living people on the rooftop into slag!

But at this moment, a black shadow came towards them at a very fast speed, and when the helicopter accelerated, the opponent also began to sprint!

At the moment when the helicopter was about to open fire, a black shadow stepped on the rooftop wall and his body soared into the sky!

What the hell!

The helicopter pilot was startled and didn't react for a long time. He just felt that the helicopter seemed to have scraped something and tilted slightly.

The two killers who were still in the helicopter knew that someone had grabbed the skid landing gear of the helicopter in an incredibly bold way!

The two of them, one on the left and one on the right, held the hatch and looked down, but saw nothing.

Just as they were about to sit back in confusion, an arm suddenly stretched out from under the hatch on the left, grabbed the killer's collar and threw him out!

With a scream, the killer's body fell directly to the ground and turned into a pool of meat!

Another killer took a gun and fired wildly at the bottom, shouting and cursing: "Come out! I see you, I'm going to kill you!"

He stood where his companion fell just now, pointing his gun at the bottom.

But behind him, a man came up from the other hatch, and when he turned around in shock, the other party had already come in front of him and kicked him in the chest!

The killer also let out a terrified and shrill scream, and his body fell from the air, smashing a black car below into a pile of scrap metal!

Li Qi turned his head and looked at the driver who wanted to take out his pistol.

Feeling Li Qi's cold gaze, the driver let go of the gun and said with a curled lip: "You can't kill me, otherwise no one will drive it and you will fall to death!"


As soon as he finished speaking, Li Qi shot him in the head!



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