Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2433 You call this suffering

The pilot's lifeless body had been thrown off the helicopter.

If he knew Li Qi's identity, he would definitely not say such stupid things.

The majestic soldier of the Chinese Sky Patrol Eagle Special Forces, you actually think he can’t fly a helicopter?

In this world, whether it be helicopters or fighter jets, there are all kinds of models in front of this person, and there are really very few models that he can't fly!

Sitting in the driver's seat, Li Qi looked at the control panel in front of him and curled his lips.

I thought it was the latest Bumblebee, but the operating system was relatively new to Li Qi.

This kind of black eagle, Li Qi can fly with his eyes closed!

Quickly stabilizing the fuselage, Li Qi drove the helicopter and circled around the rooftop.

The killers below looked at this scene in stunned silence, and their jaws dropped every one of them!

These damn Chinese people are too desperate, right?

And he knows everything, how can he defeat such an enemy?

Looking at the swarming crowds and cars below, Li Qi sneered, pushed the joystick, and made the helicopter dive and rush downwards.

At an intersection five hundred meters away, Boorman in the black car hung up the phone with a solemn expression and said to his eldest son Mark, who was acting as the driver: "It's been agreed, let's go back!"

Mark was about to start the car when Zuo Meng, who was on the left side of Boorman, said: "Mr. Boorman, please put me down!"

Buck, who was sitting on the right side of Boorman, scolded with a straight face: "What do you want to do? Your current identity is Mr. Boorman's personal bodyguard, don't mess around!"

Zuo Meng looked at him coldly and said, "I know who I am, I don't need you to remind me!

Since you can't make a choice, I won't force you.

But personally I wish I knew what I should do! "

Buck said angrily: "Don't you understand what I'm saying?

Your current identity is tied to Mr. Boorman.

If you participated in the past, it would be equivalent to Mr. Boorman being involved!

If you insist on having your own way, don't blame me for using force against you!

People like you just need to do your job well.

What's more, you are the only one, so what if you go back?

You couldn't even get through those people's defenses, and you were beaten to death before you even saw Chen Xin'an! "


Zuo Meng suddenly pulled out his gun and pointed it at Buck's head through Boorman.

Everyone in the car was startled and shouted to him: "Captain Zuo, are you crazy?"

Buck turned pale with fright, and said tremblingly: "Don't, don't mess around! You know what the consequences will be!"

A sarcastic smile appeared on Zuo Meng's face, and he turned the pistol around on his finger a few times before neatly putting it back into the holster.

He curled his lips and said to Buck disdainfully: "Don't speak in a condescending tone in front of me. My boss is Mr. Boorman, not you.

So your proud identity is as worthless as shit in front of me!

Your life is as insignificant as an ant in my eyes.

Whatever I do, it's not your turn to object, shut your mouth, otherwise I will beat you up like my boss, do you understand? "

"You..." Buck's face was livid with anger, but his stomach felt vaguely painful.

It seems that the power of Chen Xin'an's kick has not completely disappeared!

That bastard, and the people around him, none of them are normal, they are all a bunch of lawless lunatics!

But it's not surprising. If he wasn't a madman, how could he have the strength of more than thirty people to fight head-on with Goldfinger's entire killer group of thousands of people?

I'm afraid even a madman can't do such a crazy thing, right?

Because this is simply looking for death!

Zuo Meng looked at Boorman and said calmly: "Mr. Boorman, I know that perhaps in your eyes, what I did is incredible.

But for me, my brothers are fighting, hanging on by a thread, suffering!

I can't hide here and stay out of it.

There are many things to consider, so you will choose the way that is best for you to solve the matter.

But for me, there is only one way to choose, and that is to join the fight!

We Chinese people consider more than just interests when communicating.

A more important word is loyalty!

I know you don't understand, Buck will translate it for you!

I just want to tell you that if the contract is terminated, I can't afford liquidated damages, so I will use my life to compensate you! "

He put his hand on the car door and was about to open it and get out. Mark in front of him exclaimed: "Look, what is that!"

A black shadow swooped down in the sky, followed by a dense rain of bullets with a deafening roar, and came with the force of thunder!

On the ground, two streaks of fire quickly spread through the crowd and traffic. Countless members of the killer group didn't even have a chance to dodge before being scattered by the heavy machine guns on board.

Or he was swept to death in the carriage.

In a container truck, a middle-aged man with blond hair yelled and cursed at several staff members beside him!

"what is going on?

Who the hell can tell me what happened?

Why are all the screens blurred?

All the drones are out of control, what are you doing for food? "

About ten staff members were divided into two rows, sitting in front of the back-to-back monitoring walls, typing on the keyboard, but the monitor in front of them was still a snowflake.

The blond man kicked the table and cursed at everyone: "Tell me what's going on, or I'll kill you all!"

Everyone's face turned pale, and everyone looked sad.

After all, a female technician raised her hand and said to the blond man: "Mr. Foster, I think he was harassed by the blocker!"

Everyone's eyes lit up and they nodded in agreement.

"Yes, it must be a blocker! Otherwise, it wouldn't have caused such a large-scale loss of control!"

"I've long heard that there are jammers designed to deal with drones, but I didn't expect that the other party already has one!"

"There is no problem with our equipment and technology. If this happens, the other party must have used a jammer!"

Foster looked gloomily and asked everyone: "How many drones can we still control now? Where are they?"

The female technician who just spoke said: "There are twenty more, all on the 22nd floor. It seems that the opponent's main target is there!"

"Chen Xin'an is on the 22nd floor?" There was a hint of surprise in Foster's eyes.

This is the main target tonight. Once locked, kill him directly!

In this way, no matter how much loss there is tonight, it will be completely acceptable.

"Listen! Take the machine back and tell the equipment team to upgrade the equipment!

Determine the exact location of the main target and get all the drones on board!

At any cost, regardless of any consequences, destroy this person for me! "

"Yes!" Everyone responded and started to take action.

But at this moment, a strange sound came, like hail falling outside!

Foster frowned and shouted: "What happened outside? It's..."

Before he could finish speaking, two fire rains fell from the sky and penetrated the entire car!

Amidst the screams and screams, all equipment and human bodies were cut ruthlessly, and the entire carriage was instantly filled with fragments and blood!

The machine started to smoke, and then with a bang, the fuel tank exploded, and the entire car turned into a big fireball!

After the rain of bullets, the car was in a mess. Except for the sound of fire burning, everyone turned into corpses!

In the black car, Buck stared at this scene with his mouth open, and said to Zuo Meng in a trembling voice: "You call this suffering, with your life hanging by a thread? You are just kidding!"



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