Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2434 You are responsible for the trouble you cause.

After all, it is just a transport helicopter, not a fighter jet. The ammunition load is limited, and it will become scrap metal after the bullets are fired.

Otherwise, Li Qi alone would be sure to defeat the killer group and completely defeat them!

Some killers who only know killing skills but don't know how to use tactics are like a mob in front of him.

One fighter jet is enough to send them all to see God!

Luopu, who was directing the battle in the hotel lobby, stared at the scene of flames outside in shock, and almost collapsed!

Who the hell is he facing?

Is it really the devil?

It was obviously my own weapon, but the enemy snatched it away and killed me.

It caused so many casualties that it even destroyed the drone command vehicle!

What's even more outrageous is that the bullets were all empty and the guy drove the helicopter away again!

Goldfinger sent out two helicopters tonight. One was destroyed and the other was robbed. What kind of war was this?

Just then, Luopu's cell phone rang.

Already in a irritable mood, he glanced at his phone, answered it impatiently, and shouted into the phone:

"Didn't we already agree? Kill that person and we will retreat!

Withdraw now?


Boorman, listen to me!

I've lost so much tonight, I can't just let it go!

We haven't gotten rid of that kid yet. How do you ask me to explain to the people in the meeting when I go back?

Damn it, I don't care what you think, I just want Chen Xin'an's head!

Not to mention that you haven't become the chief executive yet, even if you are really elected, you won't be able to offend Goldfinger!

Stop being nagging, this is impossible!

Let's see what you can do to me! "

After hanging up the phone, Luopu looked gloomy and cursed at the person next to him: "Why are you just standing there stupidly!

Concentrate all your forces and attack me!

From now on, there are no restrictions on methods or weapons!

Kill those bastards and beat them up! "

In the black car, Boorman squinted his eyes and put away his mobile phone, and said to Mark: "Arrest! If you dare to resist, you will be shot on the spot!"

Buck exclaimed: "Boorman, you have to make a careful decision..."

Mark snorted coldly and said: "Mr. Buck, you heard it just now.

Goldfinger didn't take my father seriously at all!

This is why you have developed such an arrogant temper due to your consistent indulgence towards these people!

If my father is elected and there is such a group of uncontrollable people, it will be a huge obstacle to my father's work!

So even if we don't eliminate them, we still need to let them know who is the loudest person in the Eagle Flag Country! "

Boorman turned his head and said to Zuo Meng outside the door: "Captain Zuo, get in the car, let's go there together!

You are right, there should be loyalty between friends.

Chen Xin'an is my friend, so now that he is in trouble, I will not sit idly by and watch! "

Zuo Meng smiled and nodded.

But there was some disdain in my heart.

Aren't you afraid to see our people still fighting like this in such a situation?

But it's not too late to show good intentions. As long as the pressure on the boss and brothers can be relieved, and Boorman and Goldfinger can completely break up, that will be the best result!

He got into the car again and sat next to Boorman.

The car drove forward, and following Mark's order, the lights behind it brightened and the police lights flashed wildly!

Hundreds of police cars started to move from their original silent state and rushed towards the Four Seasons Hotel!

This place has become a ruin.

The car that was hit by the bullet burst into flames, and the members of the killer group who were on standby were shocked. Some were injured, and some had turned into corpses.

Fortunately, there is only one helicopter after all, and its firepower is limited.

Most people still escaped.

After listening to the orders passed down from above, everyone knew that they could not resist, so they had no choice but to rush into the building.

But at this moment, there were shouts from behind!

"Stop! Don't move, raise your hands!"

Some members of the killer group were already angry, and this damn battle was extremely frustrating.

They originally had the advantage, but they never expected that this battle would be so difficult, and they would even suffer a big loss!

Now I see someone threatening me again, even holding a weapon. It's obviously not one of my own, that is the enemy's reinforcements!

A group of killers shot at whoever came without saying a word!

Unexpectedly, this group of people opened fire directly, and the police and security bureau members were also shocked.

What was originally just an arrest, quickly turned into a battle amidst the gunfire!

Because this place was in ruins, with smashed and burning cars everywhere, police cars couldn't get in at all.

So the police and security bureau members came here on foot.

The ones rushing in front were the members of the Security Bureau again.

They were all dressed in casual clothes, so their identities could easily be misunderstood.

So a firefight ensued.

Boorman, who originally just wanted to drive away these killers, didn't expect that the plot would not go as he expected as soon as the plot started, and they would start fighting directly!

But he had no choice. Since he had already taken action, let's fight!

Damn Goldfinger, they should know that even if they have money, they can't do whatever they want in the Eagle Flag Country!

"What did you say? There was a fight outside? With whom? Official people?" Luopu's eyes almost popped out!

Originally, I wanted to concentrate all the troops to capture the building in one go, but I didn’t expect that an unexpected incident occurred and they actually got involved with the officials!

"Bullman, you damn thing!" Luopu gritted his teeth angrily and took out his cell phone to call Boorman, but the other party never answered!

"You bastard! Do you really think I'm afraid of you?" Luopu looked ferocious and shouted to the men beside him:

"Fight me! Whoever wants to stop us now is our enemy!"

Henry seemed to want to say something, but he didn't speak after all.

He knew Luopu's temper, and would not listen to anything he tried to persuade him at this time.

Fighting broke out simultaneously upstairs and outside the building, with gunfire blaring.

Just then, Luopu's cell phone rang.

He thought it was Boorman who had hit him. He saw that he was not someone to be trifled with, so he came to beg for mercy.

After receiving the phone, Luopu sneered and said, "What's wrong? Now you know how to beg for mercy?"

I'm warning you, Goldfinger is not to be trifled with!

Anyone who dares to go against us is our enemy!

Even if you become the leader, I can still get rid of you! "

"Lop, you idiot! What are you doing!" A roar came from the mobile phone, which startled Luop!

This is not Boorman's voice, this is... Keynes!

The person on the other end of the phone seemed to be very angry, and his curses could be heard by the people next to him without having to play them loudly!

“You bastard, you messed everything up!

It also implicated the entire organization and made us extremely passive!

You're coming back right now... No, you can't come back now!

Surrender to the authorities immediately!

You should bear the responsibility for your own troubles, don't implicate us! "

"Keynes, what do you mean!" Luopu's eyes turned red.

Everything today was arranged by Goldfinger, but now he is left to bear the consequences alone. What the hell is this?

Keynes's cold voice came: "The meaning is obvious, you go to jail!

We only asked you to kill Chen Xin'an, not to offend Boorman!


You don’t understand the current situation at all, and you won’t listen to anything we say.

Then let yourself taste the consequences!

You don’t have to listen, but all your property in Goldfinger will be confiscated!

And I can't guarantee your family's safety.

Lopp, remember, what will be the consequences of betraying Goldfinger!

If you take responsibility for everything tonight, everything will be easy to talk about.

If you shirk responsibility or insist on having your own way, don't blame us for being ruthless! "



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