Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2435 He is not the kind of person you think

The killer group retreated!

The gunshots in the building became sparse, and the killers who had almost rushed to the top retreated like a tide.

Downstairs, the members of the killer group had dropped their weapons and raised their hands.

Luopu's face turned gray and he walked out of the lobby in despair.

At this moment, Henry, who had just put down the phone, suddenly took out his gun and shot Lopp's head with a bang!

"Don't move, raise your hands!" A group of policemen rushed over with guns drawn, surrounding Henry.

Henry looked at Lopp's body on the ground expressionlessly, curled his lips, threw away the pistol, and raised his hands obediently.

If we win this battle tonight and kill Chen Xin'an, then everything will be easy.

But in the current situation, as the official attitude has become completely clear and they have taken sides, there is no point in continuing the fight.

This battle has become Goldfinger's Waterloo, and there must be someone who takes the blame.

Luopu, who has always been arrogant and extreme, became the best candidate.

And he can't live, otherwise with his character, he will never be willing to take the blame alone, and will definitely bite out a few to join him.

More importantly, some of Goldfinger's secrets cannot be known to the officials.

The best way to silence someone is to render him completely speechless!

This is what happened to Lopp, he must die!

The members of the killer group all had their hands tied with ropes, formed into several long lines, and were taken back to the police station in batches.

In the building, Chen Xin'an was also working with the brothers to collect the bodies of the deceased brothers.

In this battle, five security members died, seven were seriously injured, and 12 were slightly injured.

All the injured were sent to Huilan Clinic, and the deceased brother was sent to the hospital for cremation, and his ashes were specially transported back to the country.

Such casualties are nothing compared to the killer group.

But for Chen Xin'an, the sacrifice of every brother is an unspeakable heartache.

After the battle, the officials sent people to clean up the battlefield.

Chen Xin'an doesn't need to worry about this, and Golden Finger will bear all losses.

In the black car, Chen Xinan sat next to Boorman.

Boorman said with a guilty look on his face: "I'm sorry, Mr. Chen, I'm late!"

Chen Xin'an waved her hand: "I am very moved by Mr. Boorman's ability to see the situation clearly and uphold justice!"

Boorman nodded and said to him: "The official side will not let go of the mastermind behind what happened tonight, and will definitely give an explanation to Mr. Chen.

During this period, in two days, the election will be over, I will have time, and I will focus on this matter! "

"Then I wish Mr. Boorman a successful start!" Chen Xin'an nodded in greeting and said to him:

"There is still a lot of aftermath work up there, so I won't chat with Mr. Boorman and go up first!"

He opened the door and got out of the car.

Buck, who was standing outside, said to him: "Chen Xin'an, you... the Hexagonal Building needs a record of what happened tonight.

A staff member will come to you in two days and take notes for you. I hope you can cooperate! "

Chen Xin'an glanced at him and said calmly: "How about if I don't cooperate?"

Buck paused. Now that he was facing this unreasonable guy, he already had a psychological shadow!

Even if they disagree, this bastard really dares to take action!

Seeing him deflated, Chen Xin'an grinned, patted his shoulder and said:

"How about I tell you a way!

If I don't cooperate, you go to the police station or security bureau.

Anyway, they will have a record of what happened tonight, and you can call them.

There’s no need for it to be personal, right?

This way I will feel that you are deliberately targeting me!

You also know that I hate being targeted the most!

So, tell you, it’s best to stay away from me, otherwise I’m afraid I won’t be able to control my fists! "

After saying that, he turned around, nodded to Zuo Meng beside him, and strode away.

Looking at his back, Buck gritted his teeth angrily and wanted to shoot him.

But he didn't dare to really do that, or even let the other party notice his dissatisfaction and anger, otherwise he would beat him again!

"Go home!" Boorman said lightly, and Zuo Meng and Buck got in the car.

Turning his head, Boorman said to Zuo Meng: "Captain Zuo, do you know what you said just now moved me?"

Zuo Meng nodded and said: "I tell you, you can't control Golden Finger now, and it won't be possible in the future.

Because they are rich, even richer than the country.

And they are powerful, have a killer group, and a killer training base.

These forces allow them to dare to confront the authorities.

If you don’t take a stand now, you will be suppressed by them everywhere in the future! "

Boorman took a deep breath, then slowly exhaled it, looked at Zuo Meng and asked:

"Then do you know what I have another worry about now?"

Zuo Meng looked at Boorman and said seriously: "You are worried that Chen Xin'an will develop into a second golden finger!"

Boorman asked Zuo Meng: "Can't he? Who can guarantee how big a person's ambition is?"

Zuo Meng shook his head and said: "He will never! The Golden Glove wants to control the global economy, but Chen Xin'an has no such idea.

If you really get to know him, you will find that his ideal is actually very simple.

He just wants to live a life of peace with the woman he loves.

It would be best if his relatives and brothers were together.

His ambition has never been for the world, but for his own family.

Everything I am doing now is for this goal, and I have no choice but to reach this point! "

Buck snorted coldly and said: "These words are just as good as deceiving people who have no brains!

If Chen Xin'an didn't have ambition, he wouldn't have come abroad! "

Zuo Meng smiled lightly and did not explain anything further.

These people are so wary of Easterners that no matter how much time they waste explaining, it will be useless.

And they are self-centered and arrogant.

No matter how good they say they have a good relationship with you, once they decide that you pose a threat to them, they will deal with you without hesitation!

However, these are beyond the scope of his security captain's ability to intervene.

Even with fireworks as a cover, the battle last night was still known to many citizens of London City.

Apart from anything else, the entrance to the hotel had been cleaned up before dawn and all the bodies had been taken away.

But the stairs riddled with holes showed everything.

This is in a downtown area.

Fortunately, the media did not report it due to deliberate restrictions.

Everything was circulated among the citizens and did not have much impact on public opinion.

All day long, Chen Xin'an stayed in the clinic and performed operations on the injured brother with his own hands.

With him here, although the sacrificed brother cannot be saved, he will definitely not let the living brother die from his injuries!

After returning to the hotel, he lay tiredly on the sofa and didn't want to move.

Li Qi brought him a cup of tea and said softly: "The urn of the deceased brother has been brought back.

I have contacted the shipping company and can get on the plane tomorrow.

Philemon and the others have already left. I let them choose their own weapons and take them away with them if they want! "

Chen Xin'an nodded, patted his shoulder and said, "Aqi, thank you for your hard work!"

Li Qi shook his head and said to him: "Boss, actually you don't have to feel so guilty! It's clearly written in the assignment contract, and these are all your own choices!"

Chen Xin'an sighed and said: "I know, don't worry about me, it will be fine after a while!

When we leave, these brothers won't be in such danger! "



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