Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 241 Did you smell something?

This is what a woman with early menopause is like. You don't want to talk to her, but she comes to you to provoke you.

Chen Xin'an suddenly raised her right hand and said to her, "Did you smell something?"

"What does it smell like? The hotel's disinfectant smell?" Xu Qing asked him with a frown.

Chen Xin'an shook her head and said, "No! Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and you will feel it!"

"Mysterious!" Xu Qing muttered, but still listened to him, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath.

"Did you smell it?" Chen Xin'an asked.

Xu Qing scolded angrily: "It doesn't smell like anything! Are you nervous?"

After taking a look at Chen Xin'an, Xu Qing sneered and said, "Are you trying to be mysterious here? Are you exhausted?"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said solemnly: "I ate a box of leeks this morning, and the fart I just farted was tasteless!

It looks like my digestion-aiding wine infusion is ready for production! "

"Ugh!" Xu Qing looked like he was nauseated and vomiting, his face turned red instantly, he punched Chen Xin'an, and cursed: "You bastard, disgusting ghost, I will kill you!"

Lei Guang, Shen Changsheng, and Li Zecheng behind also shook their heads and smiled bitterly. They also inhaled just now, but they didn't expect that Mr. Chen was playing a trick!

I'm afraid that in the entire Dongshan City, Chen Xin'an is the only one who dares to tease the female tyrannosaurus in the city bureau like this!

Mr. Hong still looks like his eyes are watching his nose, and his nose is watching his heart.

It’s none of my business when gods fight and mortals retreat, I can’t see or hear anything!

Chen Xin'an turned around and said to Lei Guang: "Leader Lei, you can let Han Xiaolei go. This matter has nothing to do with her!"

Suddenly such a sentence came, and Li Zecheng had a hint of surprise on his face. He looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Mr. Chen, is it true?"

"False!" Xu Qing looked at Chen Xin'an angrily and said, "Chen, why do you say that, just because you saw someone pretending to be Xiaoting in the surveillance camera?

How childish! What does it mean that you saw this flaw?

Couldn't it be possible that internal and external collusion stole the official seal? "

Chen Xin'an was not angry at all. She shrugged and said, "Why is there collusion between inside and outside?"

Xu Qing scolded him: "Do you have the common sense to solve crimes?

There are no fingerprints on the safe. Is the thief a god?

How could he steal the official seal without collusion from insiders?

No matter what, the secretary cannot be cleared of suspicion and must be interrogated! "

Chen Xin'an lowered his head and asked her, "Did you smell something?"

Again? !

Xu Qing's face was red with anger, he gritted his teeth and looked at Chen Xin'an, and cursed in a deep voice: "Chen, you bastard! Do you really think I..."

"It really smells like fart, not fart!" Chen Xin'an interrupted her directly, turned around and said, "Mr. Li, bring the wine and use it!"

"Okay!" Li Zecheng quickly handed over the drink bottle in his hand. Chen Xin'an opened the lid, raised his neck and poured it into his mouth.

The black and red wine formed a thin line and flowed into Chen Xin'an's mouth. Not a drop was spilled or stained outside the bottle.

This skill alone made Xu Qing frown.

This guy is not a fool. This skill has proved that this guy has perfect control of strength.

Chen Xin'an took a sip of wine and returned the bottle to Li Zecheng.

At this moment, the aroma of wine had begun to spread around, and Li Zecheng's eyes lit up.

Whether it is a good wine or not, you can tell by the aroma.

As Li Zecheng, what kind of good wine has he not drunk?

But now that he smells the aroma of the wine, he knows that this medicinal wine is absolutely top-notch!

I had only listened to Shen Changsheng's introduction before, and the talk was garish. After all, I had never really come into contact with it, and I always maintained this suspicion in my heart.

He hasn't drank it yet, but he can already smell it. Li Zecheng also vaguely feels that this wine should not be underestimated!

"Pfft!" As Chen Xin'an lowered his head and sprayed, a smell of wine spread everywhere, and the taste became more obvious. The aroma of wine was rich and memorable!

Xu Qing scolded with a look of disgust: "Oh, you are so disgusting!"

Chen Xin'an glanced at her, snorted and said, "I didn't let you drink it, it's pretentious!"

The female tyrannosaurus had a dark face and was about to go berserk. Chen Xin'an was too lazy to call out to her and said to her, "Do you have a fluorescent flashlight?"

Xu Qing was stunned for a moment, turned around and asked his colleagues, and soon someone brought a silver flashlight.

Chen Xin'an took it and turned on the flashlight, shining the light on the code disk.

"Ah!" Xu Qing exclaimed, and then he discovered that there was a thin film on the password disk, and there were some less obvious marks on it!

"How could this happen? What is this?" Xu Qing asked in surprise.

Chen Xin'an frowned and said in a serious tone: "A kind of gum!"

"Gum?" Xu Qing looked at Chen Xin'an strangely and asked, "What is it used for?"

Chen Xin'an said in a deep voice: "Hidden fingerprints and checked passwords!"

Xu Qing glanced at him, snorted and said, "This is a double password. Even if you steal a set of passwords, you still can't open it..."

"Stop talking!" Chen Xin'an closed the door of the safe, fiddled with the rotating knob, and then pressed four numbers on the combination plate with his hand. The safe showed no response.

Xu Qing curled his lips and said disdainfully: "Why, are you a detective or a lockpicking expert?

Did you know that this is the most advanced password system in hotels now? If you don’t know the password, it will be difficult for even a real locksmith to open it?

Even if you get one right, it will still take three or four hours?

It is simply impossible to get both of them right! "

"Beep!" There was a soft sound, and the green indicator light on the password disk turned on.

This means that the password has been entered correctly!

Just now I was mocking people for not being able to open it without a password. Even if I had to hide it, it would take three or four hours. In less than a minute, the password was entered correctly.

Xu Qing's face was burning, as if he had been slapped hard!

"Hmph! You're just lucky, you got it right all of a sudden! But if you want to get another password right, it's simply impossible..."

"Shut up! Don't talk!" Chen Xin'an put her entire ear against the safe and gently turned the rotating knob.

Xu Qing was so angry that she wanted to scold him. How dare you talk to me like this?

But seeing his serious look, he closed his mouth angrily, but he kept muttering in his heart:

Pretending! Do you think you are a god? Can you open a combination lock just by listening to the sound? Then why do people design passwords?

The ink stain won't open for a while, let's see how you end up doing it!

Do you really think you are Mr. Almighty? Anything? No matter how you pretend, if you lift yourself up too high, you won’t be able to get off the stage!

A proud smile appeared on Xu Qing's face, as if he had seen Chen Xin'an's embarrassed look.

There is also the embarrassing demeanor when everyone points at him and scolds him for only pretending to be fake, but in fact he has no ability at all!

After thinking wildly for a while, I heard a sudden sound in my ear: "Click!"

Chen Xin'an moved his head away from the safe and pulled it with his right hand. The safe had been opened!

Xu Qing was stunned, looking at all this with wide eyes in disbelief!

This is simply impossible! The safe was opened without the password!

As if thinking of something, Xu Qing asked the policeman next to him: "How long?"

The policeman also looked shocked. He looked at his watch and said, "Three minutes and fifteen seconds!"

In just over three minutes, a safe with an advanced security device has been opened. Is this guy a devil?

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