Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 242 I’ll give you two million too

Now even the policemen next to him looked at Chen Xin'an with admiration in their eyes!

Li Zecheng clapped his hands and looked at Chen Xin'an and sighed: "Awesome, Mr. Chen, your skills are simply amazing!"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said: "I'm not that powerful. A real master will open the safe within three minutes!"

Everyone was stunned. They opened a safe in three minutes, an operation they couldn't even imagine!

Let this hateful guy do it again!

Xu Qing was really angry and embarrassed, and wanted to turn around and leave immediately.

Stay with this guy and she says no and he'll do it for you right away. She said yes, but he refuted it for you!

But he was right every time, and that was the most irritating thing!

However, Chen Xin'an, as if he was deliberately angry with her, tilted his head and said seriously: "You should understand now, right? The person who stole the official seal does not need Han Xiaolei to be an internal agent!"

Xu Qing's face turned red, she glared at him, turned around and said, "Zhang Yuan, let that woman go and let her come back!"

"Okay!" A male police officer responded, walked out quickly, and soon came back with a woman.

Chen Xin'an had also seen the woman. She was the woman who took care of Li Zecheng on the plane. It turned out that her name was Han Xiaolei.

Hearing that Chen Xin'an had cleared her suspicions, Han Xiaolei looked very excited and bowed to Chen Xin'an repeatedly. Chen Xin'an asked her a few questions and asked her to go aside to rest and calm down.

Through understanding Xiaoting and Han Xiaolei, the entire case was clarified.

The other party is a master and has been making plans since Mr. Li moved in.

Han Xiaolei likes to eat durian from Dongshan, but it tastes very strong when peeled.

So Han Xiaolei bought it and asked the receptionist to help with it and then sent it to the room.

During this process, thieves took advantage of the situation and tampered with the durians.

So Han Xiaolei felt upset after eating durian and did not go to the Liquor Building with Mr. Li.

But the other party dressed up and pretended to be Xiaoting, and came to the room to clean the room after a time lag.

At this time, Han Xiaolei would definitely go to the bathroom, leaving only the waiter in the room, so she started her personal performance.

It's just that her movements were faster than Chen Xin'an. Before Han Xiaolei came out, she had already succeeded and made a perfect exit.

As for Xiaoting's illness, Chen Xin'an guessed that it was the other party's hands and feet, so that she would not have to frequently enter the presidential suite to clean it, and it would give her a chance to pretend!

Seeing everyone listening attentively to Chen Xin'an describing the case, Xu Qing felt particularly uncomfortable.

I am the captain, this is my job! How do you let this damn guy steal the show? Don’t I want to lose face?

Clapping his hands, Xu Qing said to everyone: "That's pretty much the case! Now we're going to arrest people!

Zhang Yuan, investigate the files and list all thieves who can pick locks as key investigation targets! Investigate these people first! "

"It's useless!" Chen Xin'an shook his head and said to her, "This person is definitely not in your computer file system!"

This guy refuted her again!

Xu Qing snorted coldly and said: "How do you know? It's like you know the thief!

Don’t jump to conclusions if you don’t know clearly!

Do you know that our police criminal files are online nationwide?

Do you know how powerful this database is?

As long as you are a citizen of China, you will definitely be in our database! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said: "If you want to say that, then it is indeed the case!

But even if this person is in your database, you can't find it!

Because it’s impossible for you to compare one by one!

It is impossible for this person to have a criminal record.

If it was someone who had nothing to do with this matter, how would you find her? "

Xu Qing seemed to be listening to a fantasy, and said to Chen Xin'an with a sneer: "Are you sick? If she wasn't doing this, how could she be so skilled at doing this kind of thing?"

Chen Xin'an shrugged and said, "I mean, she is a thief, but she has never been caught by the police, so even if she stands in front of you, you don't know she is a thief!"

Shen Changsheng smiled and said: "You two don't have to argue, I have a solution!

It's better than this. The two of them investigate according to their own methods. Whoever can find the official seal first will win!

To make the game more fun..."

"President Shen!" Xu Qing looked at this guy who was afraid of chaos in the world with an unkind expression, and said in a deep voice: "This is not a game, this is solving a case!"

"Yes, yes, solve the case!" Shen Changsheng looked at Xu Qing and Chen Xin'an with an embarrassed smile and said:

"The hard work of the two of you and other comrades cannot be wasted in solving the case, so I will use one million as a bonus. Whoever gets the official seal can get this one million, how about it?"

Xu Qing said angrily: "President Shen, it is our police's responsibility to investigate and solve crimes. Your one million is...how much? One million?"

Xu Qing was stunned. He looked at Shen Changsheng in disbelief and asked, "Really?"

The team is so short of funds! Leader Lei is so stingy that he allocates funds to the team down to a few dollars each time!

Therefore, some people outside who call Leader Lei are respectfully called Lei Gong. When they come to Xu Qing, they become Thunder Rooster...

One million was given at once, and it was all for the team, not the bureau. The temptation was too great!

Before Xu Qing could think about it, Li Zecheng nodded and said, "Okay, I'll add one million too!"

That’s two million!

Xu Qing's eyes were about to turn red, and Zhang Yuan's and others' hands and feet were twitching with excitement. If the two million yuan was transferred, all the equipment would be replaced!

Taking a deep breath, Xu Qing looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Okay, then I'll compete with you! Aren't you awesome? Let's see how awesome you can be!

I don't believe that we professional police officers are no better than an amateur like you!

Two million must be mine! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Yes, the two million must be yours, I don't want it!"

Xu Qing pouted and said, "What's wrong? Are you giving in now? This is not like you, Chen Xin'an! Don't be discouraged. Weren't you very powerful just now? Why don't you dare to compete now?"

Li Zecheng smiled and said: "Yes, Mr. Chen, I believe you can do it. Maybe you will catch the thief earlier than Officer Xu!"

"Although this is impossible, you can also have this fantasy and use it as your own motivation!" Xu Qing patted Chen Xin'an on the shoulder and said:

"Don't worry, even if you lose in the end, I will give you a little bonus. After all, you have contributed! I will give you...two hundred yuan!"

"Hahaha!" All the police officers laughed.

Chen Xin'an also grinned and said to her: "Forget it, keep the two hundred for yourself!

I’ll give you two million, but I don’t want it!

And I will add another two million to your police force.

You can transfer money directly now, just give me your account number! "

There was silence all around, and everyone looked at Chen Xin'an in disbelief, as if they were looking at a fool.

"What are you talking about!" Xu Qing stared at Chen Xin'an and said, "You don't want the two million bonus, but you still want to give me two million as a bonus? Do you treat me as an idiot?"

Chen Xin'an curled her lips and said: "It's only two million, I wouldn't lie to you, right?

If I just take a bottle of wine and sell it, how much is it worth?

It's a huge sum of money to you, but to me, it's just a matter of minutes, so why would I care about it? "

After hearing this, Xu Qing and a group of policemen were in a daze, but Li Zecheng and Shen Changsheng wanted to get into the hole!

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