Habitual thinking is really killing people!

Shen Changsheng now wants to slap himself twice!

After spending a long time with Lei Guang, a gang of police bosses, I felt that one million was really an astronomical figure.

But what does this little money mean to Chen Xin'an?

They just gave away medicinal wine worth five to six million, and it's still in Li Zecheng's hands!

I still shamelessly promised others a one million bonus. Isn't this an insult?

So he threw back two million to remind them that if they didn't fall out with him directly, it would be enough to give them face!

Li Zecheng also looked embarrassed.

He didn't know how strong Chen Xin'an was, but a person who didn't even bother to join the Chamber of Commerce would care about a mere million?

As people say, you can really earn it in minutes. I was so brain-conscious that I said what I just said!

Someone came with good intentions to help him find the thief and recover the official seal, but he still humiliated him like this. It was really inappropriate!

Only Lei Guang was secretly happy at the side.

These two guys who are full of money, see you carrying each other one by one, do you think it's great because you have more money?

Is this messed up? Once Mr. Chen has a bad feeling towards you, your losses will be incalculable!

I asked you two to continue to use money to talk to me, but now you are spending money on it, right? So cool!

Chen Xin'an said to Lei Guang: "I gave the two million to the police station because I wanted our city bureau to make some plans.

In the section from Wenhui Road to Chengpan Road, the existing guard booths will be repaired.

Then we hope to add two more booths, and each booth will be equipped with an electric four-seater patrol car.

If the money is not enough, I will add more! "

"Mr. Chen, there is no need to add more!" Shen Changsheng immediately realized that the opportunity to make amends had come, and said to Lei Guang, "I will also contribute two million to do this!"

Li Zecheng smiled and said: "Count me in as well, and add two million more!"

This is six million all of a sudden! Isn’t it too wasteful just to install a few guard booths?

Lei Guang was dumbfounded. He didn't understand why these rich people were doing something that was meaningless to them.

It was Xu Qing who reacted first, glared at Chen Xinan and cursed:

"From Wenhui Road to Chengpan Road? Isn't this from your company to your home?

Do you want our police to be your free bodyguards?

Shameless! Why do not you go to hell!

What do you think our police are? Do you think we have nothing to do? "

Chen Xin'an said innocently: "What Captain Xu said, there are already police there, right? I just added two more posts.

If you are unwilling, then just pretend that I didn’t say anything and I will withdraw my words and money..."

"No! I agree to this!" Lei Guang stretched out his hand, took Chen Xin'an's hand and shook it vigorously, saying in a sincere tone: "On behalf of the Municipal Bureau, thank you Mr. Chen for your support of our work!

At the same time, I also assure Mr. Chen that the two post boxes will be erected soon, and we will be equipped with the best police and the best equipment. Please rest assured, Mr. Chen! "

Leader, can you have some moral integrity? Can a mere few million make people grovel like this?

However, according to the leader's consistent behavior, his attitude of wanting to kneel down and lick him is really not surprising at all...

Chen Xin'an nodded, then turned his head, stared at Xu Qing and asked: "Captain Xu, I have a personal question to ask you!"

Xu Qing frowned, feeling disgusted with this copper-smelling guy. He snorted coldly and said with a straight face: "I can't solve your personal problems!"

Chen Xin'an laughed, looked at her and said, "Don't worry, only you can answer this personal question!

I just want to know, how does Captain Xu know where my company is? How do you know where my home is? "

Xu Qing snorted coldly, gritted his teeth and cursed: "My uncle's name is Xu Huaqiang, how do you think I know where your home is?"

Chen Xin'an suddenly realized that this girl was actually Mr. Xu's granddaughter!

I heard from grandma that grandpa also has a younger brother who works in a cultural bureau out of town. This should be the granddaughter of the second grandpa. Unexpectedly, he became the captain of the criminal investigation team of Dongshan City Bureau!

No, even if you are Mr. Xu's granddaughter, we have no enmity or enmity. Instead, we have a kinship relationship, so we should be extra close.

Why do you have this attitude towards me, as if I am your father-killing enemy?

As if seeing through Chen Xin'an's doubts, Xu Qing gritted his teeth and said:

"The golden branches and jade leaves that my uncle has raised for me for three years were originally given to me at the end of the year, but you, the bastard, wiped them all out just like the devils came into the village!

I'm warning you, you'd better give it back to me, that pot is worth at least more than 800,000 yuan! You are a robber! rogue! "

"Well, it's getting late, let's get down to business!" Chen Xin'an turned around, clapped his hands and said to everyone: "I'll go outside for a walk while Officer Xu leads the team to catch the thief.

Mr. Li, Mr. Xu, you are busy with your own affairs. Leader Lei will go back and wait for news. That's it, let's break up! "

After saying that, Chen Xin'an didn't care whether others agreed or not, he just slapped his butt and ran away!

"You bastard! Stop, you haven't promised when to return it to me!" Xu Qing caught up with him angrily, and when he reached the door, Chen Xin'an had already disappeared!

Just kidding, Grandma’s favorite pot is also Golden Branches and Jade Leaves, how could I give it to you!

In my heart, grandma still ranks first. Who is your elder?

After leaving the Evergreen Hotel, Chen Xin'an straddled the motorcycle, picked up the things in her hands, and placed them in front of her.

This is the film that was peeled off the cipher disk, which is the gum.

It is a very thin layer of film that seems to be invisible when attached to anything. You cannot even see it unless you look carefully.

But if you spray it with special liquid, it will reveal what is wrapped underneath and the fingerprint marks on it.

Thieves also use this kind of thing and this method to obtain the password of the password disk.

Chen Xin'an was not surprised that the other party would use such a method, but was surprised by the source of this gum.

Because he knows that this thing can only be found in Qingniu Mountain! Only people from Qingniu Mountain can make such gum!

Are the thieves from Qingniu Mountain?

Even Chen Xin'an still doesn't know how many hermits live on Qingniu Mountain!

How many people are there who have unique skills like him and Master!

It is a semi-developed area. Qingniu Mountain has two big hills, which are the horns of each other.

A peak was developed, which was the right peak where he and his parents fell off the roller coaster.

He, his master, and countless hermits all lived in Zuojian Peak.

But he didn't know anyone else, but everyone knew their master and apprentice, especially the master.

Because they are doctors, who doesn’t have a headache?

As long as you are sick, go to their masters and disciples, and you can always cure the disease with medicine.

Therefore, if the other party is really from Qingniu Mountain, he should be given face and return the official seal.

But who stole the official seal?

At this moment, a figure appeared in Chen Xin'an's mind. He immediately took out his mobile phone, called Lei Ming and asked where he was.

This kid has disappeared since he was brought back from Shuitian last time. He didn't talk to Chen Xin'an on the phone for several days, and Chen Xin'an was also busy, so he ignored him.

As soon as he called, the other party hung up. Chen Xin'an was stunned for a moment, and suddenly became angry. This brat is itchy, right? Dare you hang up on me?

I still wanted to dial it again, but after thinking about it I decided to forget it, got on the Kestrel and walked towards Liangmao Company.

Halfway through, my phone rang. I took it out and saw that it was indeed thunder. As soon as I put it to my ear, the other side said mysteriously: "Master, I found her!"

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