Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 244 Don’t pity me because I am a delicate flower

At the intersection of Donghuan Road, there were few pedestrians on the wide street. Although the shops were open, not many people visited.

This place is located in the new development zone of the eastern suburbs of Dongshan. There are usually few people during the day. It is really lively at night when the construction workers are off work.

At the door of a hair salon, two men in ordinary clothes and sloppy walked in. One had long hair and the other was bald. There was a bag under the armpit of the bald man.

The proprietress curled her lips and asked, "Are you guys here for a shampoo or a massage?"

Needless to say, these are workers who are off duty and sneak out to find excitement during the day.

These guys are stingier than each other, but they are more energetic than each other.

So they will spend money to buy fun, but every time they have to take advantage of it, and they wish to get back both the principal and the interest, which is especially unpopular with the ladies.

Don't look at the bag under the arm, making it look like a big boss, but in fact, it is a street stall item bought for five yuan, which contains toothbrushes and newspapers, and at most a few coins and dimes.

The long-haired, cultured man on the left lowered his voice and said, "Is the chick that just came in from your shop? How much does she charge for an hour of massage?"

The boss lady said without raising her head, "The chick in the red leather jacket, right? I advise you not to think about it, you can't afford it!

That's for the big boss above you, who usually goes out to book the place and doesn't play in the shop!

I'll help you change two, both young and beautiful, pure massage for 30 yuan per hour, affordable enough, right?"

The cultured man was not happy, and said with a stern face, "Boss lady, you are boring now, right? How young and beautiful can she be for 30 yuan per hour?

We want the chick just now, you tell us how much it costs, no matter how expensive it is, we have to pay Is there a price?"

The boss lady's face darkened, and she looked at them with disdain and said: "It's a waste of words to talk about it. Can you afford it?

For a girl of that level, you two don't earn as much in a year as she does in one night. Who of you is willing to spend that money?

Five thousand per hour, pure massage, how many hours can you open?

Do you want me to help you two pee so that you can look at yourself? Can you afford to play like that?"

The bald guy on the right was unhappy. He opened the bag under his armpit directly, took out a stack of hundred-dollar bills from it, threw it on the counter, and cursed at the boss lady:

"Who are you looking down on! Are two hours enough? If not, there are more here. Just take it away for the whole night, okay?"

Oh my god, I met a contractor!

The only one who dresses like this and spends money lavishly is the contractor.

The boss lady was embarrassed. The price she offered was actually accepted by two seemingly insignificant guys.

The key is that she can't afford it. That girl doesn't do this!

"This..." The boss lady blushed and said to the long-haired man and the bald man awkwardly: "Well, the one just now is really not good, can I change two models for you?" Seeing that the two men were silent with dark faces, the boss lady gritted her teeth and said to them with a look of sacrificing her life: "Go for it! I haven't worked for a long time, otherwise I will personally accompany you, okay?" The long-haired man untied his belt, and the boss lady quickly waved her hands at him, and scolded coquettishly: "You bastard, why are you so anxious? You have to go to the room to take off your pants!" The long-haired man scolded her unhappily: "I'm peeing here for you to look at. With your old face like an orange peel, how can you be five thousand yuan an hour!" "Your uncle!" The boss lady's face darkened and glared at the two guys, but she was reluctant to earn this money, and she didn't have the ability to earn it, so she was really in a dilemma. The long-haired man scolded her, "Why are you wasting time? Why don't you just tell the girl and ask her if she's willing to do it? What are you doing here?"

The boss lady nodded and said, "Okay, you two wait here for a while, I'll go ask her!"

After a while, the boss lady came down from upstairs and said to the two, "Five thousand an hour, who will go first?"

The bald man pointed to the ten thousand yuan on the counter and said, "We'll do it together, he'll do it after he's done, it's my turn, is that okay?"

"Okay!" The boss lady took the money and said to the two, "Go up, the second room on the left!"

The two grinned and hurried upstairs. The boss lady spat and cursed, "You really have some money to show off!"

The door opened again, and more than a dozen people came in.

The boss lady frowned, and just as she was about to speak, "Pah!" A stack of banknotes hit her face.

In front of her stood a young man who was at most twenty years old, but he was still very handsome. Although his clothes were very ordinary, he gave people the temperament of a child from a distinguished family.

This is not a contractor, but he doesn't look like a big boss either. Who is he?

The young man stuffed the money into her arms and said to her with a smile: "Boss lady, don't shout!

Just tell me which room those two people went to just now.

Don't worry about anything else, understand?"

The boss lady was about to speak, and a square-faced young man next to the young man took out a small black leather notebook and showed it to him. The boss lady's face turned pale, and she nodded quickly, pointed upstairs, and whispered: "The second room on the left hand."

The young man turned around and wanted to go upstairs, but the square-faced man grabbed him and whispered: "Ming Shao, don't you wait for Brother An?"

The young man was Lei Ming, and he tapped his wrist and said to him: "A Quan, are you stupid? It will take at least 20 minutes for my master to come over, and by then the girl will have run away!

Finally, the old man is not here, and the girl is alone. We can't waste this good opportunity!

What's going on? Are you afraid? We have so many men, why are we afraid of a young girl who has just grown up? You are still a student in the police academy, so pull him down! "

Ah Quan covered his mouth and said to Lei Ming: "No, I'm afraid that she will strip you naked again! Do you think that girl has any fantasies about you? She likes to take off your clothes so much!"

Everyone laughed out loud.

Lei Ming blushed and cursed: "I'm going to avenge my shame this time. I have to take off this girl's clothes! Stop being so nagging, come on! Leave two people behind and watch the boss lady!"

The second room on the left hand side upstairs is a small massage room with two massage beds inside, not much space.

Not long after the long-haired man and the bald man entered the room, a young girl wearing a red tight leather jacket walked in, stood at the door and said to the two of them: "The two bosses want a massage, right?"

The long-haired man and the bald man looked at the piggy look on her face, and their saliva almost fell to the ground. They nodded vigorously and said, "Yes, I specially selected you, so you've been waiting for me!"

The young girl came over with a smile and said to the two of them: "The two bosses will help move the bed first and focus on it. I will stand in the middle and press it together for you two!"

"No problem!" The long-haired man and the bald man turned around impatiently, moved the massage table, and then after seeing that the distance was suitable, they couldn't wait to lie down on the bed.

The young girl walked to the middle of the two beds, looked at the two of them and said, "Bosses, get ready, it's about to begin! My strength may be a bit heavy, so you have to hold back!"

"Come on! The harder you work, the more I like it!" The long-haired man shook his hair and grinned with big yellow teeth.

The bald man also said with a coquettish look on his face: "Please do your best! Don't pity me just because I'm a delicate flower. Brother can bear it! Come on!"

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