Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2448 You will eat and live with us

In the cabin, except for Qiao Yanhui's vomiting sound, everyone else was lying on the ground, as if they had fallen asleep.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you all asleep?" Qiao Yanhui looked at the people around him and shouted, trying to get the bottle of pure water that was close at hand, but he couldn't reach it!

At this moment, the iron door was opened.

Katsu Uemura squatted at the door with a group of big and powerful crew members, and said to Qiao Yanhui with a ferocious smile: "No need to scream, they are already asleep!"

Qiao Yanhui turned pale and gasped, "What do you mean?"

Katsuki Uemura smiled and said: "The water you drink contains the medicine I gave you!

You should be thankful that we're not on the high seas yet, I don't want to cause any trouble.

So those medicines are not poisons, they are just intoxicants.

Otherwise none of you will survive! "

Qiao Yanhui looked at him with horrified eyes and asked, "Why are you doing this?

Are you from the police? "

"Hahaha!" Uemura Katsu laughed, shook his head and said: "Idiot, of course we are not from the police!

As for why we do this, needless to say, of course it’s for money! "

He waved his hand and said to the crew beside him: "Go and get all those backpacks! What we want is in the backpacks!"

Two crew members stooped and walked in.

It's very short here, and the taller the person, the more disadvantaged he will be inside.

A crew member took a fancy to a backpack and wanted to pull it over, but found that it was partially pressed under him by someone, and he couldn't pull it away for a long time.

He turned his head and shouted to Katsu Uemura: "Assistant sir, this backpack is being held down. I can't use my strength in this position!"

"Idiot!" Uemura Katsu cursed and walked in with his head lowered.

Among all the people, he was the shortest, even Xu Qing was half a head taller than him, so he was the one who moved the easiest in this cabin.

He came over to help, looking at the backpack in front of him, his face lit up with joy!

Yes, it’s this bag, and it’s all cash!

He stared at the backpack greedily, grabbed the strap on it, and was about to pull it over when Qiao Yanhui crawled over, grabbed his arm and said:

"You can't do this!

This is our money!

We will give you as much as you want, so why are you trying to steal our money? "

Uemura Masaru cursed: "You are really an idiot!

Is there still too much money?

A group of stowaways actually have so much cash. You are just here to give us money! "

Everyone burst into laughter.

Uemura Masaru's smile faded and he scolded Qiao Yanhui: "Hurry up and let go!

Otherwise I will ask them to throw you into the sea now! "

"You are simply lawless!" Qiao Yanhui yelled angrily: "You are robbing! You are seeking wealth and murder!"

"Hahaha!" Uemura Katsu laughed wildly, looked at Qiao Yanhui with disdain and said:

"Yeah, so what?

Law? sky?

On this boat, I am the law and I am heaven!

Everything here is mine!

Even the captain must obey my mercy! "

He said these words in Chinese, so he didn't have to worry about the crew members around him hearing them.

Uemura Katsu said coldly to Qiao Yanhui: "Let go! Useless trash!

Even if you want to stop me now, can you stop me?

Are you afraid that you can't even stand up now?

You people, to me, are just fat sheep!

And this woman..."

His eyes fell on Xu Qing, and he said with a sneer: "Don't think that with a beard and makeup on, I won't know she is a woman!

From the moment she climbed up the ladder, I knew she must be a woman, because only women would twist their waists unconsciously at that time!

Don't worry, I will treat her well!

You must know that women are much more useful than you.

On the boring sea, there is no better pleasure than a woman!

All my brothers will take good care of her! "

He smiled evilly and said to Qiao Yanhui: "Seeing that he is very close to you, is he your woman?

What I like to play with most is other people’s women!

Don't worry, I'll let you watch when I play with her, hahaha!

Get out of here! "

He raised his foot and kicked Qiao Yanhui on the head!

At this moment, Chen Xin'an, who was lying on the ground, suddenly opened his eyes!

Being stared at by a cold gaze, Uemura Masaru instantly felt the hairs all over his body stand up, and he subconsciously retracted his kicked foot!

He turned around immediately and wanted to run away, but Long Sheng next to him kicked him in the stomach and knocked him to the ground!

"Baga! Kill them!" Uemura Masaru yelled in horror!

But out of fear, he spoke in Japanese, and the people next to him didn't understand.

But Long Sheng and Xia Hongfeng had already rushed over, pinned him down and beat him wildly!

Uemura Katsu screamed repeatedly as he was beaten, and a crew member rushed over and knocked Long Sheng and Xia Hongfeng away.

Uemura Katsu, who had a bruised nose and swollen face, hid behind the crew, gritted his teeth, looked at Long Sheng and Xia Hongfeng and cursed:

“You fucking stowaways, how dare you hit me?

I'm going to kill you!

Listen, leave that woman alone and kill everyone else!

Chop up their bodies and throw them into the sea to feed the sharks! "

All four crew members took out their knives and rushed towards the crowd fiercely.

At this moment, Li Qi took the initiative!

He rolled forward and came to a crew member. His legs twisted and he tripped to the ground.

Before the crew member could react, Li Qi grabbed the hand holding the knife, twisted it upwards, and broke his wrist with a click!

The crew member let out a shrill scream, and the other three companions all ran over.

Chen Xin'an's leg swept across the body of a crew member. Before he could hit the ground, Chen Xin'an added a kick and kicked him out!

The remaining two crew members looked at it and turned towards Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi took action together, one each. Before anyone could see clearly, they knocked down the two crew members, and then one of them punched them in the head, making them faint!

When Katsu Uemura saw that something was not good, he turned around and ran away.

Long Sheng and Xia Hongfeng, who had already blocked him behind, kicked him to the ground without any hesitation!

The two grabbed his arms, dragged him to Chen Xin'an, raised their feet and kicked him hard!

"Bullshit! I asked you to go to China! Why the hell do you think it was decades ago?"

"Treat us as fat sheep? You have chosen the wrong person! You are a greedy person. You have been given so much money and you are not satisfied. You still want to steal money? Do you really think we are easy to mess with?"

Uemura Masaru held his head and kept rolling around, screaming in agony, but his mouth was quite hard!

“If you kill me, you won’t be able to be on this boat!

Unless you kill everyone on the boat!

In that case, no one will sail the ship, and you will not be able to leave the Eagle Flag Country! "

Chen Xin'an waved her hand, signaling Long Sheng and Xia Hongfeng to stop.

When the two stopped, Chen Xin'an looked at Katsu Uemura with a bruised nose and swollen face and said:

"Mr. Katsu Uemura, I hope you understand something.

You can take any amount of my money that is given to you.

But I didn’t give it to you, so you can’t even get a single point!

You're right, I just want to leave the Eagle Flag Country, so I don't want to get into trouble!

But if you think that I will swallow my anger like this, you are totally wrong!

Let your people go back and tell the captain that you will accompany us here to chat, eat and live with us.

When we reach the high seas, let’s go out together! "

Uemura Masaru's expression changed drastically, and he said to Chen Xin'an: "No! I am the captain's assistant, and the captain's work cannot be separated from my assistance..."

Chen Xin'an slapped a steel needle into his head and said coldly: "I didn't discuss it with you!"



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