Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2449 We’re in big trouble this time

The severe pain almost made Katsu Uemura scream out. He looked at Chen Xin'an in horror, but found that there was something wrong with his eyes, everything he saw was red!

After a while, he recovered. Just when he was about to ask questions, Xu Qing had already walked up to him, raised his knees, and pushed his right leg heavily between his legs!

"Ouch!" Uemura Katsu bent over, rolled his eyes, and let out a wolf howl!

Xu Qing spat and cursed at him: "Beast, if you dare to take my idea, I will destroy you!"

With a bang, Uemura Katsu fell to the ground, curled up, and passed out!

He didn't know how long he had been unconscious, but the harsh ringtone suddenly rang, startling everyone.

Fortunately, the ringing didn't last long and was quickly turned off.

Katsu Uemura, who had a bruised nose and swollen face, suddenly sat up and said, "Here we come, the coast guard is here!"

He stood up and wanted to run out, but there was a sharp pain down below, and Long Sheng blocked the way in front of him.

Uemura Masaru said anxiously: "The captain doesn't speak eagle flag fluently, so I have to negotiate with the coast guard!

If there is a problem with the negotiations, no one will be able to leave! "

Chen Xin'an waved his hand and said to Long Sheng: "Let him go!"

Long Sheng immediately got out of the way.

An imperceptible sneer appeared on Kamimura Katsu's face.

After I went out, I reported you, and also said that you were dangerous elements and asked the coast guard to shoot you directly!

Chen Xin'an behind him suddenly said: "Mr. Katsu Uemura!"

Uemura Masaru held his stomach and bent over, stopping with a painful expression.

Now he already knows that this man's kung fu is terrible. He may only have a chance to survive the opponent's hands if he brings a gun!

He stopped stiffly.

Chen Xin'an said to him in a relaxed tone: "You'd better think about how to deal with the coast guard after you go out.

Also, you have the tip of a steel needle that I just stuck in your head.

You should know about Chinese acupuncture.

The tip of this needle will all enter your head in an hour, and then drill into your blood vessels.

As the blood flows, your blood vessels will be riddled with holes.

This process is very painful, I think you have vaguely felt it now! "

Not to mention it was okay, Katsu Uemura didn’t pay attention to this.

But after hearing Chen Xin'an's words, Uemura Masaru felt a stinging pain on the top of his head!

The place where Chen Xin'an had stabbed the steel needle just now felt like a red-hot iron rod had been stabbed into it. The pain was so painful that half of his head was numb!

"Ah!" Uemura Katsu hugged his head and collapsed on the ground!

Chen Xin'an had expected it, walked up to him with a smile, put an injection behind his ear, and said to him:

"Remember, don't drop this needle for an hour.

And be sure not to pull it out yourself, otherwise you will die of cerebral hemorrhage, don’t blame anyone!

I'll give you the second shot in an hour.

After three needles, I forced the needle tip out!

Now your life is in my hands, so you should know what to do!

Ah Qi, give him a headset! "

Li Qi took out a portable communication system from his backpack and handed it to Katsu Uemura.

Uemura Masaru breathed heavily.

After the silver needle was inserted, his head felt much better.

Terrible ancient Chinese medicine!

He knew who he was meeting!

Grandpa once said that during those years in China, what I was most afraid of was meeting ancient Chinese doctors.

On the surface, they were treating the diseases and injuries of the Japanese soldiers, but they could kill the Japanese soldiers without knowing it!

There once was a very famous ancient Chinese doctor who killed an entire regiment of Japanese soldiers by himself!

When he first heard this story, Uemura Katsu was still a little unconvinced.

Over the years, he has traveled around the world, and also went out of his way to meet the legendary ancient Chinese doctors, and found that they were all a group of charlatans who deceived the world and stole their reputations.

Only now do I know that the terrible ancient Chinese medicine my grandfather talked about is real.

An ordinary needle, in their hands, can become a staff that brings the dead back to life, or a sharp blade that kills people invisible!

"Don't kill me! You can do anything you ask me! I won't betray you!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said: "This is the best! Okay, you can go out now, remember to report the situation to me at any time!"

Kamimura Katsu bent over, endured the severe pain, and walked out step by step. When he reached the door, he carefully said to Chen Xin'an: "This door..."

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Lock it!"


The iron door was closed and we went back to the place. Katsu Uemura gradually walked away.

Long Sheng said to Chen Xin'an worriedly: "Boss, this kid is not reliable at all!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said: "Of course it's not reliable, but he is afraid of death!"

Xu Qing widened his eyes and said, "What will happen if he finds someone who knows acupuncture and uses the needles an hour later?"

"Then wait for death!" Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, looked at Xu Qing and said, "It was because the needle tip entered the blood vessel that he was tricked!"

"Ah?" Everyone was stunned!

Long Sheng said anxiously: "Then we were soon betrayed by this kid? Boss, why were you being polite to him just now? We should use the trick you said!"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said: "There is no such trick at all! Chinese acupuncture is not a witchcraft, and it is impossible for such operations to go against the will of heaven.

I just used my inner strength and his understanding of China's psychology to give him an illusion.

The steel needle was not broken, it was still in his head and could be removed with a minor operation in the hospital.

But unless I remove the needle behind his ear, he will be in big trouble! "

At this moment, Masaru Uemura's hurried voice came from the headset: "Mr. Chen, we are in big trouble!

This time it’s not just the Coast Guard, but also people in green from the Eagle Flag Country!

They are about to upload it for inspection, so you must hide it! "

Chen Xin'an whispered: "Okay, you have to tell your men not to talk too much! I've been discovered, and your life can't be saved either!"

"I know, don't worry about this!" Uemura Katsu said quickly to Chen Xin'an.

After ending the call, Chen Xin'an frowned and said to everyone: "It seems that Boorman and Lehman already know that we have chosen to sneak across by sea!"

Everyone became nervous. Li Qi pulled his backpack over and said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, do you want to prepare?"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said: "If you can't help it, don't do it.

Once the enemy forms a naval blockade, we will not be able to go to the high seas, or even return to the Eagle Flag Country! "

With the current weapons and equipment, not to mention the green equipment of the Eagle Flag, even the Coast Guard cannot deal with it.

Most of the weapons were left to Zuo Meng and the others, and some were given to Zhang Jian.

What everyone is holding now is just a dozen small pineapples and four pistols.

There is also a body armor and a combat knife for each person, but nothing else!

After all, we are sneaking across the border, not an armed invasion.

It’s a lot of trouble to bring the equipment, and it’s hard to pass the sea inspection.

At sea, Chen Xin'an cannot do whatever he wants, and there will be many restrictions when fighting.

So I won't fight if I can, not to mention what's more, now we are encountering a joint inspection by the Coast Guard and green-clad officers. Once the gunfire rings out, everything will be over.

Li Qi nodded and put his backpack next to him.

There is nothing we can do, and now we can only sit here and resign ourselves to fate.

Soon, the sound of chaotic footsteps and some people's curses came from above.

Hearing the footsteps getting closer and closer, everyone became nervous, avoiding the front position of the baffle under the iron door, and leaned on both sides of the iron door.



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