Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2451 Is your grandpa stupid?

The iron door was locked again, and the cabin fell into darkness.

Long Sheng worriedly said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, this guy is not a good guy. You can't trust him!"

Xu Qing snorted and said, "You still don't know who your boss is?

Would he trust a Yingren? "

Long Sheng frowned and said, "But now we are locked here again. I'm afraid that bastard is playing tricks. We have limited space here and it's hard to deal with it!"

Chen Xin'an flipped his hands and there was a clatter.

Long Sheng asked strangely: "What is the boss holding in his hand?"

Chen Xin'an smiled and said: "It's nothing! As long as I'm here, that guy can't cause much trouble!

Let’s all go to sleep and have enough energy!

Brother Hui, are you feeling better now? "

Qiao Yanhui has stopped vomiting now, but he still retches from time to time.

After all, my stomach has been emptied, and now I can't even spit out gastric juice.

Xu Qing answered for him: "I'll press his head and let him fall asleep early. This will make him feel better!"

Chen Xin'an said: "Otherwise I will give him an injection and make him fall asleep completely.

But if something happens, you have to take him with you immediately.

The most important thing is to make sure he doesn't choke on the things he vomits! "

"Okay!" Xu Qing said distressedly: "I will just watch him tonight and make him feel more comfortable!"

Chen Xin'an nodded, walked to Qiao Yanhui and said to him: "Brother Hui, relax and have a good sleep!"

Qiao Yanhui responded weakly, held Xu Qing's hand tightly, and whispered: "Qing, thank you for your hard work!"

After three injections, Qiao Yanhui fell asleep.

Everyone also lay down and closed their eyes.

Those smelly beddings were picked up and put under the body, otherwise it would be impossible to sleep on this dirty and hard ship plank.

Not knowing how long he had slept, Chen Xinan suddenly opened his eyes.

There was a sound on the ship's plank, and someone was approaching the cabin, and there was more than one person.

Although they tried their best to suppress their footsteps, some people's footsteps were still very heavy, and Chen Xin'an heard them!

As soon as he sat up, Li Qi next to him was also awakened. Just as he was about to speak, Chen Xin'an shushed.

The footsteps outside gradually approached, and then stopped near the iron gate.

Chen Xin'an lowered her voice and said to Li Qi: "Get everyone up and be silent."

Li Qi turned around and went to call someone.

Chen Xin'an looked coldly in the direction of the iron gate.

When it was opened carefully, two pipes came in, and then a smell of gasoline began to spread!

"Who's outside!" Chen Xinan suddenly shouted when he felt that everyone had arrived.

The people outside seemed to be frightened, and the oil barrels fell to the ground.

"Why panic? They can't get out inside!" Kamimura Katsu's voice came from outside.

Chen Xin'an said coldly: "Mr. Uemura, what are you doing?"

Uemura Masaru laughed loudly and stood outside the door and said: "Mr. Chen, there is an old saying in China that people die for money and birds die for food!

I think Mr. Chen must have heard of it, right?

You have so much money on you and you still dare to sneak onto the ship. If you don't snatch it away, I can't even sleep! "

Chen Xin'an frowned and said, "But aren't we friends? I have also promised that I will give you more rewards after arriving in Da Ying. Why do you still want to steal our money?"

"Friends?" Uemura Masaru laughed and said, "You Chinese people are worthy of being my friends?

We Japanese people never make friends.

Everyone is just a tool to be used by us!

You are like this, Hodgson is like this, and everyone on this boat is like this!

Therefore, as my friends, you should hand over your money to me! "

Long Sheng and Xia Hongfeng were so angry that their bellies were about to explode!

"This bastard, I knew he was unreliable, but I didn't expect him to be so mean!"

"Greedy guy! The boss shouldn't have pulled out his needle just now!"

When Katsu Uemura outside heard the two people's curses, not only was he not angry, but he laughed even more wildly.

"It's too late to regret now!

It’s only my fault that you stupid Chinese people dare to touch me!

This is on my boat and I'm the boss!

Only I can deal with others, no one dares to deal with me!

I will turn this cabin into an incinerator later and burn you all to death inside! "

The dragon cursed angrily: "Then don't even think about living, this ship will turn into a fire ship!"

"Hahaha! Idiot!" Uemura Masaru laughed and cursed: "Don't you see that this cabin is independent?

It is surrounded by steel plates. Unless the steel plates are melted, the entire ship will be affected!

To tell you the truth, this place is specially designed to deal with stowaways like you who don’t obey orders! "

Xia Hongfeng shouted anxiously: "In that case, you will no longer be able to get the money, it will all turn into ashes! Your efforts will be in vain!"

Uemura Masaru snorted and said: "So now I give you a chance, whoever can give us the money will live!

And don’t think of me as a fool. Your bags are made of waterproof and fireproof materials. It shouldn’t be difficult to hold them until you are all burned to death! "

This bastard!

Long Sheng and Xia Hongfeng couldn't wait to go out and tear that bastard apart!

But the iron door is locked, and they can't get out now. They can only wait to die here!

Chen Xin'an sighed and said to the iron gate: "Mr. Uemura, is there no other way to make you show mercy?"

"Yes!" Uemura Masaru sneered and said, "Are you afraid now? Do you know that I can't be offended?

How dare you stick a needle into me!

You lied to me and said that only you can pull out the needle!

You dare to hit me!

You, a despicable Chinese who only deserves to kneel down and beg for my mercy, have you forgotten the fear of being dominated by our country?

But we are friends!

It's not impossible if you want me to spare your life.

Kill the men and leave the woman alone.

Kneel down and beg me to bring that woman to me.

Once you feel comfortable serving me, I will spare your lives. What do you think? "

At this moment, the iron door in front of him suddenly opened, a black shadow rushed out, and an iron-like hand strangled his neck!

With a bang, Katsu Uemura was pushed heavily onto the cabin next to him, his feet lifted off the ground, and he kept twisting and struggling, but the hand holding his neck did not move at all!

Chen Xin'an looked at him coldly and said, "I don't think so!"

At the same time, Li Qi and others also rushed out, swords flying up and down in their hands, and with a burst of screams, the crew members fell to the ground one by one!

Uemura Katsu's eyes almost bulged out, and he looked at Chen Xin'an in disbelief, his face full of disbelief.

How did these people open the door?

Doesn’t the key lie with you?

Chen Xin'an saw the doubts in his heart, a hint of a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said coldly:

“Do you think I’m going to give you a hug for no reason?

You look down on the Chinese people, don't you know that we Chinese people have never treated you as human beings, and we have always regarded you Japanese people as beasts?

Do you think I would call a beast my friend?

Still afraid of being dominated by the Japanese?

Is your grandpa stupid?

Have you forgotten how you were defeated by China and returned to Great Britain in despair? "

Uemura Katsu's tongue stuck out, and he said vaguely: "Let, let me go..."

As if Chen Xin'an didn't hear anything, she gradually closed her fingers and said with a sinister smile:

"Beasts are beasts, I don't want to get my hands dirty, but you came here to die!

I know that you Ying people talk like farts and have no integrity at all, so I was wary of you from the beginning!

I'll just wait for you to come to my door and seek your own death.

You really don’t disappoint!

Do you really think that this is your ship and others don’t dare to do anything to you?

Let me tell you, I have never been soft on killing animals! "



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