Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2452 Communication does not necessarily use words

As Chen Xin'an tightened his fingers, Uemura Katsu's face turned purple-black.

And his throat also made a cracking sound

A large amount of blood poured out of his mouth, and his face became ferocious and painful.

What really made him despair was that the other party didn't let him die immediately.

He could clearly feel the pain of his throat bones being crushed, and the pain of suffocation caused by the broken bones blocking his trachea.

The other party seemed to be deliberately letting him feel the pain and the fear of death slowly approaching.

Uemura Masaru really regrets it now!

Why provoke such a terrible evil star?

So much so that he lost his own life!

He still has so many unfinished plans. As long as he is given up to a year, this cargo ship will truly become his!

At that time, he can open up a new smuggling route, reach Farr through the Eagle Flag Country, and earn more than those Murphys!

But now, these damn Chinese people have interrupted all his plans!

If I had known this, I should have taken out my guns and killed these people as soon as they got on the boat, then their money would have been in their pockets!

It's too late to regret now. I have no chance to make up for it.

In excruciating pain, huge darkness enveloped his whole body.

Uemura Sheng's twisted body began to relax, and Chen Xin'an's fingers on his neck had almost closed!

It was clear that Kamimura Katsu's body had been motionless for a long time, but Chen Xin'an still didn't let go of him, and was still squeezing his throat with her hands and pushing him against the wall.

Moreover, his fingers are still slowly tightening, and his face is gloomy and ferocious!

The people nearby were stunned, even the crew members were sitting on the board, watching this scene in horror.

Just looking at Uemura Masaru's terrifying appearance, one can imagine the pain he endured before his death!

Death in an instant is not terrible. The process of enduring great pain and being eroded by death bit by bit is the most terrible thing!

"Boss!" Li Qi walked to Chen Xin'an, reached out and held his arm, and whispered: "He is dead!"

Even he had never seen Chen Xin'an kill so cruelly several times.

The last one was the ogre who killed Dao Lei. The boss cut off his flesh and let him eat it himself. He died miserably.

This time the method was not so sharp, but it was also very terrifying, because under the internal strength of Uemura Katsu, the bones and flesh in his neck were completely broken!

Chen Xin'an let go of his hand, and Kamimura Katsu's body fell to the ground, with only a piece of skin hanging around his neck, otherwise his head would have rolled to the side!

The anger on Chen Xin'an's face gradually calmed down, he took a deep breath, turned to the crew members on the ground and said: "Get out of here right away with his body!

Tell Hodgson that if he wants to avenge his assistant, he must be prepared to change ownership of the cargo ship!

I don't want to kill anyone, but whoever dares to try to kill me, I will let him die! "

A group of crew members dragged Masaru Uemura's body and fled in embarrassment.

Chen Xin'an said to everyone: "Take your backpacks and let's go up!"

Li Qi put the sword back into its sheath and said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, these people are very greedy, and Captain Hodgson is not a good person either. Maybe we will still be busy!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said: "Don't let down your guard. Don't disperse either. Remember, everyone except us is the enemy now!"

"Then kill them all!" Long cursed angrily: "We can't be so worried all the time. When will it be over?"

Xia Hongfeng snorted coldly and said, "Kill them all and then you go sail the boat?

Without these people, we would not be able to go home! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said: "Everyone, be careful, but you can't always guard against them.

I will look for an opportunity to confront Hodgson directly and see if we can resolve this matter! "

Xu Qing frowned and asked: "Katsu Uemura is dead. You two don't understand each other. How to solve it?"

Chen Xin'an grinned and said to her: "Some communication does not require the use of words!"

The movement below quickly spread throughout the ship.

As everyone expected, Hodgson was very angry when he saw his assistant being killed. He personally led a group of crew members and came down menacingly with guns!

Chen Xin'an fired several shots directly at them, shocking Hodgson!

He never dreamed that these stowaways also carried guns!

As a result, he didn't dare to act rashly. After a stalemate with Chen Xin'an's people, he locked the iron door of the entire cabin and took the people up!

The location where Chen Xin'an is now is the crew's resting place.

Although the room here is not very spacious, it is much better than the place where everyone slept before where they could not even stand straight!

But now all the rooms are empty, and the crew members have gathered to deal with Chen Xin'an and the others.

Now the cabin door is locked to isolate them from above.

In this way, Chen Xin'an and the others were relieved.

Everyone looked for their own rooms and fell asleep.

Hodgson did not dare to send anyone down again, and the two sides got along peacefully that night.

Chen Xin'an arranged a warning schedule for everyone, and everyone took turns keeping watch so that the remaining people could sleep peacefully.

When I woke up, it was already bright. The person on duty was Xia Hongfeng. When she saw the boss walking out, she whispered:

"The hatch has just been opened. Will it continue to fill with oil like before?"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said: "This is not the closed cabin we stayed in before!

Once this place burns down, the whole ship will be destroyed!

They don't want to fill us in, but they want to use other methods to deal with us!

Wake everyone up and be careful!

Soon, everyone came to Chen Xin'an.

Looking at Hodgson who was so weak that he could hardly stand, Chen Xin'an said to Long Sheng and Xia Hongfeng:

"If a fight breaks out later, you two will be responsible for carrying him!

Remember, never fall behind, and never leave anyone behind! "

"Understood!" Long Sheng and Xia Hongfeng responded.

After a while, there was movement from the cabin door. Someone stood at the cabin door, and then bang, a bunch of things were dropped.

They were plastic wrap-like bags, containing some unknown things.

After being thrown down, the bag burst, and some black-green liquid mixed with various small intestines and internal organs scattered on the ground!

The pungent and unpleasant odor spread quickly. Qiao Yanhui, who had slightly relieved his symptoms, vomited again when he smelled the smell!

Not to mention him, even other people who don't have any symptoms of seasickness can't stand the smell!

Is this a homemade gas bomb?

The smell is really not something ordinary people can smell!

Looking at the figures flashing past the cabin door just now, the crew members who threw this thing were all wearing masks.

This shows that the taste of this stuff is so strong that even they, the makers, can't stand it!

Chen Xin'an also felt that her stomach juice was surging and she was extremely uncomfortable!

Long Sheng shouted to him: "Boss, get up quickly! Otherwise we will be suffocated to death below!"

Chen Xin'an took his arm and said, "Don't be impulsive! They just want to force us out.

An ambush has probably been set up outside. We will be beaten as soon as we rush out. It is very dangerous! "

Xu Qing covered her mouth and nose and said with a pale face: "But there is no way to go on like this!

They're still throwing those things down!

I feel like it's really poisonous, and I'll get dizzy if I smell it too much.

I'm a little dizzy now! "

Chen Xin'an frowned, and Li Qi beside him said: "I have a way, Long Sheng, Hong Feng, come with me!

Let's fight fire with fire! "



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