Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2453 Battle on the deck

"Hahaha! Those damn Chinese people have been knocked out by now, right?"

"Do I need to say this? This is our unique rotten egg attack! Even we can't stand the smell, how can they stand it!"

"If you dare to kill Assistant Uemura and go against our people on the Mixie, they are really looking for death!"

Hodgson stood on the deck and shouted to everyone: "Get ready!

Give me a call when one comes up!

Now that we have entered the high seas, no one can control what we do!

I want to make sure none of them are left alive, and they all die here to avenge Uemura Katsu! "

He hated Chen Xin'an and those bastards!

Katsu Uemura is the medium through which he communicates with the Da Ying officials. Through this person, he can win more opportunities and benefits for the Mixie!

This time when he went to Da Ying, Uemura Katsu had promised him to discuss with Da Ying officials the ownership of a batch of helpless goods.

If he could get it at that time, he could return the cargo to the Eagle Flag Country at a very low price, or transfer it to Farr, and then sell it at a high price!

This profit is enough for him to earn after running for ten years!

But now, these damn Chinese people have ruined everything!

It would be strange if he wasn't angry that such an opportunity to make a fortune was lost from his hands!

Now, he wants all these Chinese people to be buried with Uemura Katsu!

If I can’t make a fortune, you can’t live either!

Anyway, we have reached the high seas, and in my territory, you can live if you are allowed to live, and you must die if you are allowed to die!

At this moment, the cabin door was suddenly kicked open, and a black shadow rushed out!

"Fire!" Hodgson shouted, and the surrounding crew members held various guns, pointed at the hatch and pulled the trigger!

But then everyone saw it. What flew out was a quilt, and it was still smoking and on fire!

"Stop!" Hodgson raised his hand, it was just a quilt, there was no need to waste bullets.

A crew member next to him stood up, looked at the quilt and said, "This seems to be my quilt!

Yes, this is my quilt, and it has roses embroidered by my girlfriend for me!

damn it! This is my most important thing. Who will light it up for me? "

Just as he was about to rush over and put out the fire, the person next to him screamed: "Be careful!"

Another flaming object flew out, this time several pieces of clothing.

"Ah! My Armani! I only wore it once!"

Another crew member shouted heartbreakingly.

Inside the cabin door, clothes and bedding were constantly being thrown out, and without exception they were set on fire.

And it seemed to have been deliberately wet and splashed with oil.

In this way, the flames are not big, but the smoke is a lot.

At first, the crew wanted to come over and put out the fire, but as more and more things were thrown out, the fire became so intense that no one dared to get close.

And the smoke was even bigger, covering the entire cabin door!

There were curses all around, these burning things all belonged to them.

There are some precious or commemorative ones among them, but now they have all turned into a ball of black smoke!

But in this thick smoke, two black figures rushed out from the cabin door!

He was caught off guard, and the people ambush all around didn't even have time to shoot.

By the time he reacted, the other party had already taken action!

A crew member was holding a pistol, aiming it at the black figure in front of him, and was about to pull the trigger, but his wrist was pinched!

Before he could react, the gun in his hand was removed.

Immediately afterwards, the whole body flew up like a cloud and mist, and hit a companion not far away. The two fell to the ground together!

Chen Xin'an rushed out without even looking at the two people on the ground!

His target is only Hodgson. As long as he is trapped, everything will be solved.

But just when he was about to approach the other party, a strange noise suddenly came from next to him!

Chen Xin'an subconsciously grabbed a crew member and blocked him in front of him!

Then a strong force hit the crew member, causing him to scream in pain.

At the same time, it felt like it was raining suddenly above his head, and a lot of water drenched him!

The other party used a high-pressure water cannon!

The person blocked in front of him felt like he was hit by a car, his body involuntarily pressed against Chen Xin'an!

But at this moment, Chen Xin'an put his arms on the back of the sailor in front of him, and his feet slid backwards quickly on the deck like ice skates!

The poor crew member didn't know how much water he was forced to drink, and he made a gurgling sound from his mouth.

He didn't have the strength to escape at all, and could only passively withstand the attacks from both sides of the medium and powerful water column and Chen Xin'an.

Fortunately, when we reached the side of the ship, the water column moved away and rushed to the thick smoke!

The flames were quickly extinguished and the smoke slowly began to dissipate.

The number of water cannons increased from one to three, and they were aimed at Chen Xin'an and Li Qi who rushed out of the cabin door!

The crew member in front of him had collapsed to the ground helplessly.

Chen Xin'an shouted at Li Qi who was ten meters away: "Run!"

The two started almost at the same time, running quickly on the deck!

Three water dragons were chasing each other, closing in on the two of them step by step!

The two of them ran to a crowded place, just to let the person controlling the water dragon throw a rat weapon.

And the more people enveloped by the water dragon, the smaller the pressure of the water flow!

Being attacked by three water dragons, even Chen Xin'an couldn't rush to Hodgson's side in a short time.

Although Hodgson looks quite silly, he is not stupid at all. Seeing the movements of Chen Xin'an and Li Qi, he knew their purpose. He shouted and led the crew to retreat quickly!

Li Qi knew that he had to catch this person to solve the problem. Naturally, he would not let him go easily. He jumped down from the high platform with a volley and wanted to rush towards Hodgson.

But at this moment, a water dragon suddenly rushed over and hit Li Qi in the air!

Li Qi was rushed backward by the strong current.

And behind is the sea outside the ship's side!


Chen Xin'an finally drew his gun and shot the crew member who was controlling the water dragon in the arm!

The guy screamed and fell to the ground, and the water dragon tilted to the side.

Li Qi's body was about to fly out of the side of the ship and fall straight down!

At the critical moment, Li Qi grabbed the ship's railing with both hands and was finally saved from being swept into the sea!

Chen Xin'an breathed a sigh of relief and raised his gun to aim at the remaining crew members.

A group of crew members all turned pale, threw away the tools in their hands, turned around and ran towards the captain's cabin.

The real open-air deck of this medium-sized ocean freighter is not large, and containers dozens of meters high are placed elsewhere.

There are about four to five thousand containers, all concentrated in the front half of the cargo ship.

The cockpit and engine compartment are behind and below, leaving limited space on the deck.

Chen Xin'an did not chase those people, but ran to the side of the ship. Li Qi had also turned over and jumped onto the deck. Chen Xin'an breathed a sigh of relief.

In such a vast sea, once you fall into the sea, no matter how good the water quality is, you will be dead!

The two turned around, and Li Qi whistled in the direction of the cabin door.

Long Sheng and the others also came out from below!

It was just a night down there, and it felt as if a century had passed before seeing the light of day again. Everyone took a few deep breaths.

Chen Xin'an walked to the injured crew member, lowered her head and looked at him with a half-smile and said: "It seems that your friends have abandoned you!"

The crew member, whose shoulders were soaked with blood and his clothes were red, gasped in pain, looked at Chen Xin'an with pleading eyes, shook his head and kept saying: "Don't kill me! Please, I don't want to die!"

As if Chen Xin'an didn't hear anything, he pulled out his sword, looked at the crew member coldly, and then stabbed him!



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