Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2454 The big storm is coming

Without anesthesia, Chen Xin'an dug out the bullet from the crew member's body.

I sewed up his wound and made a simple bandage.

Looking at the bandages wrapped around his body, the crew member looked at Chen Xin'an gratefully and said, "Thank you!"

Chen Xin'an smiled lightly and said to him: "What's your name? Tell me about the situation on the ship. I don't want to become enemies with you, let alone kill you all!"

The previous fights had already made the crew aware of how powerful these stowaways were.

So the crew also knew very well that they were not talking nonsense.

He glanced at the bridge not far away and said to Chen Xin'an: "My name is Wood. What do you want to know? I will tell you everything I know!"

There were a total of twenty-eight people on board, and most of them were the captain's fellow countrymen, Farrs.

The remaining ten people come from all over the world, and when they communicate with each other, they all speak the language of the Eagle Flag.

In fact, it was Katsu Uemura who was the main instigator when it came to people like Chen Xin'an.

Because he helped Hodgson win several big deals, he was deeply trusted by Hodgson.

However, Hodgson was actually not very interested in robbing Chen Xin'an.

He simply wanted to avenge Uemura Katsu, and was afraid that Chen Xin'an would take revenge on everyone, so he ordered the crew to attack Chen Xin'an and everyone.

Chen Xin'an said to Wood: "In this case, you go and explain it clearly to the captain, or let me talk to him face to face to resolve this misunderstanding.

Can everyone stay in peace and go to Daying safely? "

Wood looked embarrassed and said to Chen Xin'an: "It may be difficult.

The captain is stubborn and suspicious by nature. If I went to talk to him, he might think of me as a traitor.

On this ship, the people he trusted the most were Uemura Katsu and two or three fellow crew members.

Others, even fellow villagers, were guarded by him. "

Chen Xin'an thought for a while, nodded, and said to Wood: "In that case, let's spend it!

We will not provoke them, but they cannot provoke us either.

You tell the crew that I have no ill intentions towards you, I just want to take this ship and go to Daying! "

Wood nodded, stood up and left.

For the next week, everything went smoothly.

The crew members were all working at their own posts, and Chen Xin'an and others were active on the deck and cabin.

Hodgson and several of his confidants stayed in the bridge and did not come out.

There is a kitchen on the boat, and the food is actually very rich.

The stinky fish that even dogs ate before was deliberately served to Chen Xinan and the others by Katsu Uemura. None of the crew would eat those things.

So this Japanese bastard really deserves to die.

Now Chen Xin'an and everyone were also eating in the restaurant, but they just avoided time with the crew members.

They usually go early, and when they are full, the crew members come to the restaurant one after another.

In this way, it seemed that the ship belonged to Chen Xin'an and the others. The crew members did not take the initiative to talk to them, and looked at them with eyes full of wariness and fear.

After eating and drinking, sit on the deck and enjoy the sea breeze and sunbathe.

Long Sheng said with a smile: "I feel like we have become the most awesome stowaways in history!

I have never seen such a comfortable stowaway process, and it’s interesting to think about it.

Everyone also laughed.

Chen Xin'an said to everyone: "It's still a little bit awkward.

If Hodgson doesn't let down his guard, we won't be able to sleep peacefully. "

Now everyone takes turns to stand guard at night to prevent sneak attacks by those crew members.

The two sides seem to be in peace with each other, but in fact they are wary of each other and are on guard against each other. This is indeed tiring.

Li Qi raised his head, looked at the sky, and said to Chen Xin'an, "Boss, do you feel bored?"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said: "It was a bright sun yesterday, but today there is no wind at all! Even the sun is covered by dark clouds, it's probably going to rain!"

Long Sheng said with a smile: "It's okay if it rains, just don't get caught in a storm!"

"Shut up, crow's mouth!" Xia Hongfeng scolded him angrily.

Li Qi shook his head and said to everyone: "It's not the crow's mouth, this kind of weather really looks like a big storm is coming!"

Chen Xin'an sat up and said to everyone: "You guys wait here, I'll go to the cockpit and take a look!"

"Don't go!" Xu Qing said to Chen Xin'an: "Get a gun as soon as you get close to them. It's better not to take risks!"

Chen Xin'an also had a headache.

Hodgson was truly the most stubborn old man he had ever seen. He knew that such a confrontation was meaningless, but he still maintained enough hostility towards Chen Xin'an and the others.

"Everyone, don't be on the deck. Go back to the cabin quickly. The storm is coming!" Wood ran over and said to Chen Xin'an and the others.

Xia Hongfeng angrily scolded Long: "Look, I said you have a crow's mouth, right?"

Li Qi asked Wood: "What's going on in the cockpit? Can it be avoided?"

The course of storms can be predicted, and with the advancement of modern ships, it is completely possible to prevent them in advance.

Wood shook his head and said to him: "This storm is too big, we can't avoid it!

It will arrive in thirty minutes at most, we have to reinforce the container now! "

Watching his leaving figure, Chen Xin'an said to everyone: "Let's go to the cabin!"

Qiao Yanhui is still sleeping in bed. It has been almost a week since he boarded the ship, and he has not yet adapted.

But the situation is much better than when we first boarded the ship. At least we can eat and sleep peacefully.

Everyone looked at him with sympathy. The poor child had finally managed not to vomit. He would probably have to go through that kind of torture again later and would vomit out the gall!

It has started to rain!

The sea outside the window glass is very close, and the waves are rolling gently, looking very gentle.

It's just that the raindrops are coming very fast, hitting the glass with pitter-patter.

The sky is getting gloomier and gloomier. It was obviously broad daylight in the afternoon, but now it has become like night.

The wind is howling, and the heavy rain no longer seems to be falling from the sky, but like there is a large pool in the sky. Now a hole has been dug, and the water is pouring down!

This is not the scariest thing. What is really scary is that the waves that originally seemed gentle have now grown bigger and bigger, driving the entire cargo ship up and down!

Not to mention Qiao Yanhui, even the others couldn't stand this tossing up and down.

Even if they don't suffer from seasickness, everyone is now dizzy, their stomachs are churning, and they feel so uncomfortable that they want to vomit!

The ship remembered the sirens, the big storm was coming!

All cabin doors have been closed, everyone got on the bed, fastened their seat belts, and fastened themselves firmly to the bed.

Qiao Yanhui took out the bag he had prepared and started vomiting.

Others are no longer in the mood to ridicule others, and I can't control it at all now.

As a huge wave set off, the entire cargo ship was thrown high into the air, and then crashed heavily into the sea.

The strong feeling of weightlessness made everyone scream!

It was dark outside the window, and the boiling sea could be vaguely seen.

You can even clearly see the formation of huge waves, and then they rush towards the cargo ship one after another, throwing the cargo ship up again and again, and then slamming it down.

At this time, people can truly feel the majesty of nature.

Not to mention a person, even this cargo ship seemed so small and vulnerable!

Li Qi grabbed the railing beside the bed with both hands to prevent himself from shaking too much.

He turned his head and looked at Chen Xin'an's bed next to him, but he was shocked!

In such a turbulent state, the boss actually sat on the bed, turned his head and looked out the window, motionless!



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