Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2456 Never give up hope

During the rapid landing, everyone and the boat were caught in the big waves, as if they were swallowed up by an ancient giant beast!

And in the midst of the huge waves, a sword flashed with cold light, and with a pop, it pierced the hard steel hull.

Chen Xin'an grabbed the sword with both hands to steady her body, then jumped up and used her body's leap to grab the railing of the ship.

The next second, he climbed over the railing and stood on the deck again!

Before he could take a breath, the big waves caused by the cargo ship falling into the water hit him head and face!

Chen Xin'an grasped the railing tightly with both hands and let her body resist the impact of the big waves!

The powerful force almost sent him flying, and even the railings were bent by him!

But luckily, he got through it!

After the big wave passed, Chen Xin'an rushed forward again. Before the next big wave was about to lift the cargo ship, he kicked open the door of the main control room on the bridge!

It was quiet inside, as if no one was there!

How can this be?

In such an environment, there is no one in the main control room, just like there is no driver in a car speeding on the road!

Just when Chen Xin'an wanted to leave, he heard a slight cry in the corner next to him. He turned his head and shouted: "Who is there?"

After a while, a dark figure came out, turned on the flashlight and shined a light on Chen Xin'an, and asked in jerky Eagle Flag language: "Who are you?"

Chen Xin'an was soaked now and looked different from usual, so this guy didn't recognize her.

But since he knows the Eagle Signal Language, it will be easier to communicate.

Chen Xin'an asked him: "Why are you hiding here? Where have the captain and the others gone?"

The man said in a trembling voice: "The main control room was destroyed by the storm, and now all equipment has been shut down.

We're done! This storm is too big, there is no way we can survive it!

Soon we will all die here! "

Chen Xin'an stepped forward and slapped him in the face, scolding him: "Don't talk such useless nonsense here! Tell me where the captain is!"

The man seemed to wake up a little after receiving a slap in the face. He looked at Chen Xin'an with some fear, pointed down and said: "In the manual control room!"

Chen Xin'an grabbed his collar, lifted him up, and scolded him: "Go, take me there!"

The manual control room is just below the main control room, which converts the automated driving of the cargo ship into old-fashioned manual operation.

When Chen Xin'an arrived here, he was a little frightened by the tragic scene in the control room.

The glass here was all broken, and a large amount of seawater poured down from above and around.

Fortunately, the drainage system is still functioning normally and the water under our feet is not deep.

It's just that everything around seems to have been smashed and is in a mess.

There were also several people lying on the ground in a mess, not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

A huge wheel rudder in the middle was spinning rapidly like a windmill.

Sometimes clockwise, sometimes counterclockwise, there is no pattern at all.

Hodgson sat on a chair, holding a bottle of wine in his hand, taking a sip from time to time, and then sat motionless.

There were six or seven people left, all huddled together, hugging their heads and crying, trembling all over.

Chen Xin'an shouted to everyone: "What are you doing? Why don't you sail the boat?"

In a storm, it is difficult for human voices to compete with the roar of nature. Even if they are talking face to face, they may not be heard clearly.

No one paid attention to Chen Xin'an, and everyone's face was full of despair.

They have never encountered such a storm in their lives!

It was so destructive that it directly destroyed the main control system and basically cut off everyone's way of survival.

Chen Xin'an walked over and kicked Hodgson directly.

The drunken Hodgson raised his head and glanced at Chen Xin'an.

Even after recognizing this person, the usual hatred was gone from his eyes.

He is about to die anyway, so he can let go of his hatred no matter how great it is.

He picked up the wine bottle, poured it into his mouth, and then handed it to Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an didn't answer, but pointed at the steering wheel and shouted: "Why don't you take the helm and sail the ship?"

Hodgson took back the bottle and said nothing.

He couldn't understand, couldn't speak, and was too lazy to speak.

A person next to him said to Chen Xin'an: "It's useless! The ship has lost control and now has lost contact. We can only wait to die!"

Chen Xin'an frowned and shouted loudly: "What do you mean? Who are you?"

The other party was a bearded man in his forties. He looked at Chen Xin'an, leaned into his ear, and said loudly:

"My name is Jonard, and I am the chief engineer of this ship.

The main control room has been destroyed and can only be controlled manually.

But with the existing manpower, it is impossible to operate all the equipment!

Moreover, the equipment here is seriously damaged, and some of them are no longer usable! "

Chen Xin'an pointed to the direction of the cabin and asked him, "Aren't there still many people in the cabin?"

Jonard shook his head and said: "We can't contact him, there is no signal.

And even if we are contacted, do you think they can come and help? "

Chen Xinan stopped talking.

He had just come from the deck, and of course he was familiar with what was going on there.

It can be said that in such an environment, if the crew wanted to cross the deck, the only outcome would be to be wiped out by the group!

Jonard pointed to the rudder that was spinning crazily and said to Chen Xin'an: "You have to hold the rudder to stabilize the ship.

But the storm was too big and the twisting force was beyond human control!

See those people on the ground?

They were all thrown away by the wheel!

The current manpower, even if they all rush forward, can't control the rudder!

What's more, it was originally a two-person helm, and only two people could stand on it at most.

With so many people there is no place to stand even if they want to go up!

I can’t control the rudder, and everything I do is in vain!

It looks like this time, we are going to be buried in the storm! "

There was a look of despair on Jonard's face.

A large amount of sea water poured down on his head, but he did not dodge, letting the water rain down on his head, and then let out a cry that sounded like crying and laughing.

Chen Xin'an grabbed his shoulder and asked, "In other words, as long as we can stabilize the wheel, we can be saved, right?"

"Not sure!" Jonard shook his head and sighed: "There are too few manpower and the storm is too big. Our hope of survival is very slim!

And you can't hold the wheel steady. Did you see those corpses?

It is impossible for human power to defeat nature!

If you try to be brave, you will end up like them! "

Chen Xin'an curled her lips and shouted to him: "No matter what the result is, you have to go up and give it a try. It will definitely be better than waiting to die here!"

Jonard sighed and said: “It is useless to struggle in vain.

Those of us who often go to sea have long been prepared to die in the sea.

Now it’s just a matter of welcoming death in the most comfortable posture! "

Chen Xin'an looked at him with squinted eyes, pointed outside, and said to him: "The most comfortable way is to walk out from here, and then jump into the sea!

As long as you are still here, you are the one who has not given up hope!

I won't sit still, so I will fight!

If you choose to lie down, find a place to hide yourself! "

He turned around, slapped Hodgson on the shoulder, then pointed to the wheel and then to himself.

Then he pointed at Hodgson's heart and then around.

Hodgson looked at him like he was looking at a fool.

A mocking smile appeared on his face, he pointed at the corpse on the ground, gave Chen Xin'an a thumbs up, and then rotated his wrist so that the thumb was pointing down!

Go to hell!

Chen Xin'an ignored him, turned around and walked towards the wheel that kept turning due to the sweeping waves!

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