Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2457 The captain admires you very much

Like a car that's out of control, it's difficult to control the steering wheel.

This is especially true for this two-meter-high wheel rudder!

Originally, two people were needed to steer the boat, but now with the help of the huge waves, even seven or eight people may not be able to stop it!

That Chinese guy actually wants to use his own power to control it. This is simply wishful thinking!

Therefore, he went to die!

The end may be worse than those people on the ground!

Everyone shuddered when they thought of the tragic situation in which the crew members rushed to grab the tiller in order to stop the rotation of the wheel, and were then violently thrown away, causing their brains to burst from the collision!

And now, this scene is about to happen again!

Everyone looked at Chen Xin'an with cold eyes, and even gloated a little!

Chen Xin'an was already standing in front of the wheel. He looked at the wheel that was spinning rapidly in front of him, took a deep breath, and then suddenly took action and grabbed the two arm-thick tillers!

Although everyone was watching the fun, they also let out an exclamation at this time!

According to the previous scene, the next scene will be this guy being thrown away by the wheel!

But this scene did not appear!

Chen Xin'an grasped the tiller tightly with both hands and felt the strong torque. He shouted loudly, and the clothes on his upper body were instantly torn by the suddenly bulging muscles!


The sea water poured down from outside and hit Chen Xin'an.

At this moment, in front of everyone, the naked Chen Xin'an firmly grasped the tiller with both hands, and his feet seemed to be welded to the ground, motionless!

This extremely impactful picture left everyone stunned!

No one thought that this seemingly thin oriental man would have such an explosive and perfect body. Even men would be very envious when they saw it!

If there were any women here, looking at this body covered with scars but with bulging muscles, they would scream loudly because of the overflowing masculinity!

What really made everyone excited was that this person actually did it!

He actually grabbed the wheel with his own strength!

Chen Xin'an shouted angrily: "What are you doing standing still? Do what you have to do! Tell me what to do next!"

Everyone woke up as if from a dream and stood up!


Hodgson's eyes almost popped out of his head when he looked at Chen Xin'an!

He stood up, threw the wine bottle in his hand to the ground, then took off his shirt, ran to the wheel like Chen Xin'an, and grabbed the tiller with both hands!

Following his heart-rending shouts, everyone behind him started to move and returned to their respective jobs.

One of them, probably the first officer, shouted to Chen Xin'an: "Heading 301! Full left rudder, two into one!"

Chen Xin'an looked confused, he couldn't understand it at all!

But Hodgson next to him turned the tiller hard.

Chen Xin'an was afraid of getting in the way, so she quickly let go. When she let go, the steering wheel almost knocked Hodgson flying out!

Fortunately, Chen Xin'an grabbed the tiller in time and stabilized Hodgson, whose feet had already left the ground.

Hodgson, who originally thought the wheel was under control, broke out in a cold sweat.

Only then did I realize how strong this guy next to me was!

He has been fighting against such a strong man, and Hodgson feels scared just thinking about it!

He tilted his head towards Chen Xin'an and turned the wheel to the left.

Chen Xin'an understood and began to cooperate with him, steering to the left.

As the first mate issued commands one by one, everyone began to perform their duties.

Chen Xin'an and Hodgson's cooperation is becoming more and more tacit.

The freighter, which was originally crooked and tilted as if it could tip over at any moment, gradually regained its balance at this moment. Although the shaking was still violent, everyone was able to stand firm on their feet!

In the manual control room, all the men took off their shirts, exposing their hairy chests, letting the wind and rain blow outside.

But compared to the decadence and despair just now, the entire control room at this moment was filled with men's shouts and laughter from time to time.

Everyone's faces and bodies were soaked, and it was hard to tell whether it was seawater or sweat in the bottom room!

Thunder and lightning roared in the sky, and the storm was even more raging than before.

Huge waves tens of meters high arose on the sea, throwing the cargo ship into the air again and again.

Even Shi Chen Xin'an couldn't withstand the huge twisting and twisting force, and was violently thrown away!

However, in mid-air, he quickly adjusted the impact posture and gave Hodgson a hand.

boom! boom!

The two of them hit the wall hard and then rolled to the ground.

Chen Xin'an got up immediately, ran to the wheel steering wheel, and firmly grasped the tiller again!

Hodgson, who had been thrown so badly that he could barely stand up, saw that the brave Chen Xin'an was already at the helm again, and he didn't know where he came from. He pushed himself up and rushed to Chen Xin'an's side.

The freighter plowed through the waves in the darkness. Although it was swaying, it still stood firm!

I don’t know how much time passed, but the whistling sound in my ears seemed to have become much quieter.

The sea is like a tamed giant beast. Although it roars from time to time, it is far less powerful than before.

The sky has brightened, the dark clouds that originally blocked the sky are slowly dissipating, and the long-lost sunshine finally appears, indicating that the storm has passed.

In the manual control room, cheers and shouts resounded. Everyone rushed to Chen Xin'an and lifted him up without any explanation!

Chen Xin'an grinned. When everyone put him down, he pulled up a chair and sat down. Now he really didn't want to move in the room!

The strong physical exertion made him feel weak at this time.

Now let alone Hodgson, even a child of four or five years old could easily stab him to death with a knife!

But now he can't control that much. Even if he really wants to take action, he will die in his sleep.

Fortunately, such a thing did not happen.

When he woke up, he found that he was lying in the staff cabin.

There is an indescribable laziness and comfort all over my body, but my energy is surprisingly good, and my whole body seems to have endless strength.

Closing her eyes, Chen Xin'an felt her body carefully, feeling a little strange.

It seems that the meridians that were once scarred and riddled with injuries are now brand new, as if they have been reshaped.

This kind of thing sounds very fantasy, and Chen Xin'an doesn't know whether it is true or not, but at least it makes him feel very good now, and his body feels relaxed as never before.

Turning out of bed, Chen Xin'an found that all of her clothes had been changed, from the inside out!

Who the hell dares to do this?

Chen Xin'an's face changed!

He has no idea what happened while he was asleep!

As soon as he got out of the cabin, he met Li Qi who was walking towards him. He smiled and said, "Boss, are you awake? I'm about to call you!"

Everyone is waiting for you to eat in the restaurant, so hurry up and go! "

Chen Xin'an took Li Qi's arm, coughed dryly and said, "How long have I been sleeping? Who changed my clothes?"

Li Qi smiled and said: "Twenty hours! From four o'clock yesterday afternoon until now!

The captain helped you change your clothes, and he also carried you back! "

I go!

This sleep is big enough!

But why did the bearded man change the clothes?

It's a little weird when I think about it.

Li Qi smiled and said to Chen Xin'an: "Don't worry, boss, now the captain admires you very much!

We have turned enemies into friends!

And I heard from the first mate that the reason why the captain was obsessed with avenging Katsu Uemura was because the two of them were lovers!

Yes, just what you imagined.

On ocean voyages, this phenomenon is very common! "

Chen Xin'an's hair stood up immediately, he folded his arms and shouted loudly: "Fuck! What the hell!"

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