Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2458 They are the people you are looking for

The main control room has been repaired and the cargo ship has resumed normal operation.

A storm killed six people, but the living people eliminated their barriers and began to get together.

In the past few days, Hodgson brought a bottle of wine to Chen Xin'an for a drink every day.

Chen Xin'an has been avoiding him, fearing that one day she would be unable to bear it anymore and slap him to death!

Only my daughter-in-law has seen my body, and now it has been exposed to a bearded man!

What’s even more terrifying is that this bearded man is still a rabbit!

Now Chen Xin'an gets goosebumps whenever she sees Hodgson, as if she has swallowed a cockroach.

After sailing for twenty days, the cargo ship finally arrived at Springfield Port in Hengban City, Da Ying.

After Chen Xin'an and others escaped Da Ying's sea inspection in the spare fish tank, they changed into crew clothes and docked with the cargo ship at the dock.

Long Sheng and Xia Hongfeng had been calling, trying to contact friends to come over, but they didn't seem to get through.

A group of local people from Daying blocked the trestle and seemed to want to board the ship.

Hodgson and the first mate Leighton, who were talking to the consignee, walked over to them to stop them, but they didn't know why a conflict broke out, and the first mate was pushed a few times.

Fortunately, people from the receiving party intervened and the conflict did not worsen. However, the group of people still blocked the entrance of the trestle.

Hodgson winked at Layton and asked him to sneak over and find Chen Xin'an.

"Mr. Chen, it's not good!

A group of Japanese people wanted to board the ship by force, saying they were searching for several Chinese people who had stowaway.

Our client here said that many gang members have come to the port in the past few days and have been searching for Chinese people.

Many Chinese people were forcibly taken away, beaten and thrown back.

The client said that these people should not be offended, otherwise their life in Da Ying would not be easy these days.

The captain asked me to tell you to hide for a while and then come out after dealing with these people.

Chen Xin'an thought for a while, nodded and said to him: "Okay, let's go to the spare fish cabin first."

Everyone returned to the spare fish cabin and listened to countless people passing by outside with Japanese accents and cursing.

They were not police officers, so they did not search carefully.

After checking, we found nothing, so we left together.

Leiden ran over to open the door for everyone and said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, we have entrusted the client to take you out.

Just wear the uniform of our cargo ship and say you are someone who helps assemble it.

This is the seaman's certificate we made. You can take it and use it. It should come in handy.

It's just that we can't help you after we get ashore..."

Chen Xin'an took the seaman's certificate and said to Layton: "Thank you Captain Hodgson for me, thank you, and all the brothers on the ship!

You are my friends, Chen Xin'an. If you have the opportunity to go to China, you must call me on this phone.

At that time, I will take you to visit the Chinese mountains and rivers and enjoy Chinese food! "

Leiden smiled and took the note handed over by Chen Xin'an, nodded and said: "I will tell the captain and thank Mr. Chen for the invitation.

I can’t wait to go to China to see it. I know the food there is delicious! "

After saying goodbye to Layton and other crew members, Chen Xin'an led everyone away from the cargo ship and followed the client's people to the parking lot.

The moment they stepped ashore, everyone felt like they were stepping on cotton.

It’s been too long on the boat, and now that I’m on shore, I’m still “landsick”!

Fortunately, everyone was wearing uniforms and hats, covering their faces, so no one noticed.

Walking to the parking lot, everyone got into a black commercial vehicle.

The client's name is Kaori Takashi, a working man in his mid-thirties, wearing glasses and with his hair parted.

He has a professional smile on his face, he nods and bows to everyone he sees, and he speaks very politely!

"Mr. Eugene, Mr. Hodgson said you were to stay at the tram for two days.

Are you here to travel?

Do you have any plans?

If not, I can recommend a few places, and I can also help you arrange several professional tour guides! "

The name on Chen Xin'an's seaman's certificate is Eugene, and his nationality is in the Eagle Flag Country.

Although they are oriental in appearance, there are quite a few oriental people who hold the nationality of the Eagle Flag Country.

And most of them have changed the name of the Eagle Flag Country, so this identity will not arouse suspicion from others.

What the people of Daying admire most is the culture of the Eagle Flag Country, and they are simply fans of the Eagle Flag Country.

A pure Eagle Banner man can almost walk sideways in Da Ying.

The police in Japan dare not interfere with riots in public places.

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and said to Heyuan Takashi: "Mr. Heyuan, you're welcome, we have friends here.

You can just find a hotel later and leave us at the door.

We will contact our friends and they will come and stay with us! "

Heyuan Takashi frowned, then immediately smiled and said: "Since that's the case, then I won't bother you!"

While talking, the car suddenly slowed down.

Heyuan Takashi turned to the driver and asked, "What's going on?"

The driver lowered his head and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Heyuan, there is someone blocking the road ahead for inspection!"

If you stop someone for inspection, it means you are not from the police!

Chen Xin'an looked out of the car window and saw a group of men wearing Japanese ethnic robes in front of them, checking one car after another.

Kawahara Takashi frowned and murmured, "Why are the people from Sakura Club here?"

He said this in Japanese, but Chen Xin'an could understand it.

Someone from Sakura Club?

It was obvious that we were here to find him!

After all, he and Sakura Club can be considered old friends!

The vice-president of Sakura Club, Heiya Asakusa, and several masters of the One-Touch style all died at his hands.

Even the president Kazuo Yamasuke suffered a big loss at the hands of Chen Xin'an!

If we talk about the whole country, who hates Chen Xinan the most?

Needless to say, the first choice is Yamasuke Kazuo, the president of Sakura Club!

Chen Xin'an smuggled himself from the Eagle Flag Country to Da Ying. This news should have been deliberately revealed to Golden Gloves by the Eagle Flag Country officials.

Sakura Club originally had an inextricable relationship with Golden Gloves, and they also had an sworn hatred with Chen Xin'an.

Now it's hard to wait until Chen Xin'an comes to the door automatically, so naturally he won't let go of such a good opportunity to avenge his shame!

A group of men wearing long robes and carrying machetes came to the commercial vehicle and knocked on the window.

"It's okay, I'll go down and tell them and they will be released!" Heyuan Takashi comforted Chen Xin'an and the others, opened the door and got out of the car.

Chen Xin'an gave everyone a wary look, and then stared at the people outside.

Heyuan Takashi patted the car door, as if he wanted the other party to see the company logo clearly on the car, but unexpectedly, he was slapped in the face with a big mouth.

It seemed that it was only then that Takashi Kawahara remembered that the other party was the number one black club in Japan, and a look of fear appeared on his face.

Then he suddenly pointed to the carriage and shouted loudly to the group of people from the Sakura Club: "They should be the people you are looking for!

I don’t know them at all, but they hijacked our car and wanted us to take them out!

Believe me, their documents are all fake, and even the eagle flag language they speak is very substandard! "

I didn’t expect this guy to betray everyone!

Chen Xin'an shouted angrily: "Do it!"

Just when the people outside opened the car door and wanted to rush in, Chen Xin'an kicked the guy in front away!

At the same time, Li Qi rushed to the driver's seat and held down the driver's hand that was about to draw the knife!

Then, he punched the driver in the head, knocking him unconscious.

Then he opened the door, kicked the driver out of the car, and sat in the driver's seat!

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