Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2459 You don’t have to respect our etiquette

The business car swerved on the spot, frightening the people from the Sakura Club next to them and retreating one after another.

Kawahara Takashi also watched this scene with fear, and shouted loudly to those in the Sakura Club:

"Don't let them take our car! It's a company car! Aren't you looking for these Chinese people? They are right in front of you, shoot and kill them all!"

His words reminded the group of people from the Sakura Club, and they all took out their pistols.

At this moment, the commercial car screeched to a stop, and the door was opened with a whoosh!

Heyuan Takashi was startled when he saw Chen Xin'an appearing in front of him. He turned around and wanted to run away, but was grabbed by the collar. Before he could react, he was forcibly pulled into the car!

Gunshots rang out, the commercial vehicle hit the accelerator, and the car made a semicircle, knocking two members of the Sakura Club away who were unable to dodge, and then ran over them before driving away!

Sitting in front of Chen Xin'an, Heyuan Takashi turned pale, stretched his neck and swallowed.

He didn't expect this group of Chinese people to be so fierce and dare to play so hard just after they landed!

Seeing that the other party was silent, Heyuan Takashi thought that the other party was also regretting it. He cleared his throat and said to Chen Xin'an:

"Do you know you've been in big trouble?

Those people are all members of the Sakura Club, the largest black society in Japan!

If you provoke them, you won't be able to stay in Da Ying!

I am a person who values ​​​​the company's business, and even Sakura Club must give our company some face.

If I help you reconcile it, maybe I can save your life!

To tell you the truth, I also have friends in Sakura Club!

Only I can help you with this, so you'd better listen to me! "

Chen Xin'an looked at him with sarcastic eyes and asked, "Oh? Do you have friends in Sakura Club?

What's your friend's name?

Yamasuke Kazuo? "

Heyuan Takashi was stunned, his mouth wide open and he dared not speak.

In Da Ying, Yamasuke Kazuo's name is probably as well-known as Dasou's, right?

People can call Yamasuke Kazuo by his first name, so why are you pretending to be in front of them?


Long Sheng punched Heyuan Takashi directly in the face and cursed at him: "You bitch, dare to betray me? You are looking for death!"

Xia Hongfeng also rushed over and kicked Heyuan Takashi on the chin!

The two of them opened their bows from left to right, looking up and down, and gave Takashi Kawahara a hard beating!

At the beginning of the beating, Takashi Kawahara could still scream, but later he curled up under the seat, groaning feebly and unable to move!

Chen Xin'an didn't stop him either. He didn't like the Da Ying people. Even if this guy was beaten to death, he wouldn't show any mercy.

Unexpectedly, this guy was very lucky. He was beaten so badly that he looked like a pig. Not only was he not dead, he was not even unconscious. He was just convulsing in pain and unable to speak!

Chen Xin'an looked at him expressionlessly and said coldly: "Get up!"

Kawahara Takashi pushed himself up tremblingly and sat up unsteadily.

Chen Xin'an asked him: "Want to die or live?"

Heyuan Takashi knelt in front of Chen Xin'an, crying and said: "Please, spare my life!

No matter what you want, I'll give it to you! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Okay, you can live if you want, but you have to be obedient!"

Heyuan Takashi kept nodding like a beetle, and said to Chen Xin'an: "I listen to you! I will do whatever you ask me to do!"

Long Sheng sneered coldly and said with a look of disdain: "Don't you think you Da Ying people have some samurai spirit?

You are like this, you have no backbone and no sense of samurai spirit! "

Heyuan Takashi lowered his head in shame, not daring to argue.

Chen Xin'an said to him: "Show me the way to your house!"

"Ah?" Heyuan Takashi was startled and looked at Chen Xin'an in disbelief.

Long Sheng kicked him in the stomach and scolded him: "Ah what? You will do whatever I ask you to do! You just said it yourself, did you forget it so quickly?"

Heyuan Takashi screamed while holding his stomach, nodded quickly and said: "I will take you there now!"

Heyuan Takashi lives in the western suburbs of Hengban. It is considered a community, but unlike Huaxia, there is no wall.

There is an access control system under the lobby of the main building. People living in this building can use their fingerprints to enter and exit the building.

Heyuan Takashi's home is on the sixth floor. After taking the elevator up, it looks different from residential accommodation buildings in China.

It's similar to school buildings in China. There are seven or eight families living on one floor, and there is a semi-open balcony passage.

The houses are all on one side, and the doors have code locks.

Because it was working hours, there were not many people in the whole building.

Most of the people who come in and out are housewives.

Heyuan Takashi stopped in front of a door and hesitated for a moment. When he saw Long Sheng and Xia Hongfeng wanted to take action again, he was so frightened that he quickly entered the password.

As the door was opened, there was a sound of footsteps from inside, and then a woman came to the entrance, bowed her waist and said to Kawahara Takashi:

"You're back? Why did you get off work so early today? Oh, why are you injured? Who are these people?"

Heyuan Takashi cursed angrily: "Stop talking nonsense! Hurry up and prepare tea to entertain our guests!"

Although the woman looked strange, she did not dare to say anything. She bowed to Chen Xin'an and said, "Welcome, please come in. I will prepare tea for everyone!"

After saying that, she walked in with small steps.

There is a place to change shoes at the door, and walking forward is a wooden floor about ten centimeters higher.

Chen Xin'an was about to walk directly onto the wooden floor, but Takashi Kawahara had the courage to stop him!

“Gentlemen, please take off your shoes!

You don't need to wear slippers, but you must take off your shoes.

In Da Ying, this is the most basic etiquette!

I know China doesn’t pay attention to this, but this is Da Ying!

Even if you beat me to death, you must abide by this minimum etiquette! "

"What the hell..." Long Sheng's face darkened and he was about to take action.

Chen Xin'an stretched out her hand to stop him, shook her head and said, "Forget it, do as the Romans do, let's respect other people's customs and take off your shoes!"

The boss said so, and everyone couldn't say anything. They all took off their shoes and stepped onto the wooden floor.

The house is not big, only six to seventy square meters.

It seems that they don't have children yet, and there are no elderly people at home. They just live as a couple, which is enough.

The living room is simply decorated and kept very clean.

Japanese people are accustomed to kneeling, so there are no chairs or benches in the room, only a few futon-like cushions.

Heyuan Longzhi invited Chen Xin'an and everyone to sit at a small square table with a dark face.

This can't be called a table at all, and is shorter than the rice table placed on the Kang in northern China.

The woman came out with tea, but her expression changed as soon as she entered the living room.

I wanted to turn around and run away, but after taking a careful look at Takashi Heyuan, I gritted my teeth and held my breath, put the tea tray on the small table, turned around and left.

Heyuan Takashi pointed to the tea tray and said to Chen Xin'an and others: "Everyone, please have some tea. I'll ask Liu Zi to prepare it for everyone... uh!"

Before he finished speaking, he turned his head and looked like he was about to vomit!

After a long time, he calmed down and said to Chen Xin'an with red eyes:

"I'm sorry, I'm rude!

I think everyone should go to the entrance and put on those shoes! "

Chen Xin'an waved her hand and said, "No, we respect your etiquette!"

Heyuan Takashi begged and said: "No need to respect, you are not from Japan!

Go put your shoes on, please!

It's so smelly, I'm almost vomiting it now! "

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