Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2460 We won’t disturb you for a long time

Fresh water is scarce at sea, so it is impossible to take a shower and wash your feet every day.

At first, everyone was not used to it, but everyone is like this under limited conditions, and there is nothing to be pretentious about.

Slowly everyone got used to it.

And having been baptized by homemade rotten eggs, I have a certain immunity to all kinds of stinky smells.

So everyone's shoes have been worn for nearly a month, and there must be a strong smell, but I'm used to it and don't feel any discomfort.

But Heyuan Takashi is not used to it!

He is considered a white-collar worker in the company, and he leads a very elegant life.

In addition, his wife is like his slave, forced by him to do housework every day.

The house must be cleaned spotlessly, the clothes must be washed, ironed without any wrinkles, and even sprayed with some of his favorite perfume.

When have you ever smelled this smell? It smells worse than a dead fish that has been rotting for a month!

It even choked my nose and hurt my eyes!

Now his eyes were crying uncontrollably!

Long Sheng said righteously: "No, we are guests. How can we not respect your customs when we come to your home? We can't wear shoes!"

Xia Hongfeng nodded and said, "Just keep at it and you'll get used to it soon! You can even close your eyes and appreciate it carefully. This is the smell of the sea!"

If he hadn't been unable to defeat him, Takashi Kawahara would have turned against him now!

This is the fucking smell of the sea!

I have been eating sashimi since I was a child. Growing up by the sea, I can tolerate all kinds of fishy food.

But the smelly feet of you guys are totally different from the fishy smell!

It has nothing to do with the smell of the sea!

He shouted toward the kitchen: "Liu Zi!"

The woman walked out of the kitchen with small steps, stood at the door and asked, "Here! I'm preparing dinner, please wait!"

Heyuan Takashi stood up with a dark face, walked over to the woman and said: "Go and get the shoe covers for the guests to put on!"

The woman nodded quickly and said, "Okay, let me think about where to put it? It seems to be in the cabinet in the entrance hall! No, it's in the cabinet in the bathroom!"

She turned around to look for her, followed by Takashi Kawahara.

Soon the sound of Takashi Kawahara's curses and slaps came from the bathroom!

"You useless woman!

I don’t do anything every day, I just clean up my house and leave things in a mess!

Do you know how hard it is for me to work outside?

I took you in and gave you the identity and household registration of a Yingren, but is this how you repay me?

Are you willing to embarrass me in front of guests every time?

Still want me to kick you out! "

Kawahara Takashi, who was submissive in front of everyone, didn't expect to be so violent at home. He was a veritable domestic violence man!

His wife looks quite dignified and has a gentle personality, but she is unlucky to be married to such a man!

And this kind of domestic violence was obviously not the first time. When Chen Xinan saw the woman for the first time, he saw the scars on her arms.

At that time, I thought I had accidentally scratched myself, but now it seems that I was hit by Takashi Kawara.

The strange thing is, why don’t women divorce such men?

Not to mention resisting, he didn't even talk back, he just endured it submissively!

Three minutes later, Heyuan Takashi came out with a bag of things and placed it next to the square table.

Then he ran to the entrance, held his breath, picked up everyone's shoes, and said with a grimace:

"Please put on your shoes and shoe covers. This will be equivalent to respecting our customs!"

Long Sheng still wanted to refuse, but Xu Qing shook his head and said, "Okay, put it on!"

She couldn't stand the smell, let alone the Kawahara Takashi family!

Without saying anything else, everyone put their shoes back on and put on their shoe covers!

"Liuzi, open the windows and exhaust fan!" Heyuan Takashi quickly shouted in the direction of the bathroom.

Soon the woman came out of the bathroom, opened the window in the living room, and pressed the exhaust button.

Everyone also saw that there were obvious finger marks on both sides of her face and neck.

The corners of his mouth were also bleeding, and his arms were exposed outside his clothes. There were also raised swellings, which should have been left after being beaten with a hard object!

This guy Takashi Kawahara is not only a scumbag, but also a pervert!

By hitting a woman so hard, you are taking all the anger you have received from the outside and taking it out on your wife!

Xu Qing stood up and said to Liu Zi: "Madam, can I borrow your bathroom? I want to take a bath!"

Liu Zi looked at her blankly, feeling like she was talking to him, but didn't understand what she was saying.

Heyuan Takashi said: "She can't understand the Eagle Flag language. I'll ask her to take you there!"

Turning his head, he said a few words in Japanese dialect to Liu Zi. Liu Zi nodded and said to Xu Qing: "Please follow me!"

Xu Qing took his backpack and followed Liu Zi to the bathroom.

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi exchanged glances, feeling a little strange.

There are two common languages ​​in Daying, one is Daying dialect and the other is Eagle Flag language.

As a native of Japan, you can’t understand the Eagle Flag Language?

Then she must not be a pure Yingren!

Heyuan Takashi handed tea to everyone and said cautiously: "Everyone, you can see now that my house really has limited space.

If you want to live here, it will indeed be a bit inconvenient..."

Chen Xin'an waved her hand and said to him: "Don't worry, we won't disturb you for too long.

I just want to borrow a place to take a shower and rest, and I will leave soon! "

Heyuan Takashi breathed a sigh of relief and said to Chen Xin'an: "Then I'm relieved, you should leave now!"

He said this sentence subconsciously, and it was in Da Ying dialect.

After saying that, he also shrank his neck and carefully looked at Chen Xin'an and the others.

Seeing that no one responded, he felt relieved.

These Chinese people can’t understand the Ying dialect!

At this moment, Heyuan Takashi's phone rang. He took out his phone, took a look at it, and said to Chen Xin'an:

"It was the company's phone number. I never got back, so the company called to ask..."

Chen Xin'an waved her hand and said to him: "Just answer the phone by the window and don't worry about us!"

Heyuan Takashi quickly bowed to everyone, apologized, walked to the window with his cell phone, and started talking to the other side in Japanese.

Xu cleaned for almost twenty minutes, changed his clothes and came out, sat next to Chen Xin'an, and said to Long Sheng and Xia Hongfeng:

"You guys go and wash it too, the place is not bad, it's no problem for two of us to wash it together!"

Long Sheng and Xia Hongfeng stood up, took their bags, and walked to the bathroom.

Xu Qing glanced at Heyuan Takashi who was still on the phone by the window, and lowered his voice and said to Chen Xin'an:

"That Liu Zi is from Lingnan, China!

Five years ago, I came to Da Ying to do business, but was affected by a fight between two black groups. The store and all my hard work were burned to the ground.

In a desperate situation, she met Takashi Kawahara, agreed to marry her and obtained her Da Ying household registration, and then she married this scumbag. "

Chen Xin'an curled her lips and asked with a sarcastic sneer: "You are living such a life that you are reluctant to divorce?"

Xu Qing sighed and said: "All the documents are hidden by Heyuan Takashi, and the money given to her every month is only enough to maintain the lives of the two of them.

A weak woman is really divorced in this foreign country. Where do you want her to go? How to live? "

Chen Xin'an frowned and stopped talking.

Everyone in the world has their own misfortunes, and others have no right to judge.

If the other party asks him for help, as a compatriot, Chen Xin'an will not sit idly by.

But since no one said anything, Chen Xin'an would not be too bored to do anything!

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