Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2462 All the clubs are here

Since nothing happened to the people who were supposed to be poisoned, there is only one explanation: they were not poisoned at all!

Liu Zi didn't follow his hint at all and poisoned these people!

Everything that happened just now was fake, it was just an act!

"Let me go, I was just joking! I didn't call the police or inform the gang..." Heyuan Takashi knelt down and watched Chen Xin'an beg.

The sirens are getting closer and closer. As long as you can save your life before the police arrive, you can have the last laugh!

As for dignity and face, those are the things that Takashi Takashi despises the most, and they are of no use at all!

Qiao Yanhui looked at him and said: "You could have been alive, we would have left after dinner.

But you shouldn't betray us!

This is your own death! "

"I didn't..." He Yuan Takashi wanted to defend, but his whole body was instantly ice cold!

What this person just said to him was in Ying dialect!

In other words, when he made calls before, he actually did it under the eyes of others, and they knew what he was doing from beginning to end!

Chen Xin'an turned her head, looked at Liu Zi and asked, "Thank you!"

Liuzi's face was pale and he didn't dare to look at Heyuan Takashi, but just shook his head.

Chen Xin'an then asked: "So, do you want him to live or to die?"

Heyuan Takashi stared at Liu Zi nervously with his eyes widened.

He never thought that his life would fall into the hands of this woman one day.

But it also means there is hope!

He forced a smile and said to Liu Zi: "Wife, let me go!

I'm under a lot of pressure during this period, so I'm treating you badly!

Not anymore, I will treat you well!

You also know that if you don't have me, you won't be able to live in Da Ying!

Wife, you love me, right? "

Liu Zi looked at Chen Xin'an in fear and said, "Kill him, and I will become a criminal!"

Heyuan Takashi was overjoyed, nodded vigorously and said to Liu Zi: "Yes! You don't know how terrifying the prison in Da Ying is. It makes no difference if you go in and follow the hell!

I will treat you well in the future, we are husband and wife!

It was me who saved you and allowed you to live in Da Ying, have you forgotten? "

Liu Zi raised his head, looked at Heyuan Takashi expressionlessly, and said to Chen Xin'an:

"But if he dies suddenly or accidentally and it has nothing to do with me, then everything about him belongs to me!"

At this moment, Heyuan Takashi's face turned pale!

He glared at Liu Zi with wide eyes and cursed: "What did you say? Bitch, what nonsense are you talking about!"

Chen Xin'an grinned slightly, looked at Heyuan Takashi and said, "Then I understand!"

He held the hand holding the knife in Heyuan Takashi's hand, and suddenly swung it down. With a pop, the knife pierced into Heyuan Takashi's body again!

Before Heyuan Takashi could scream, Chen Xin'an held his hand and pulled out the knife again, and stabbed him hard!

Just like this, he pulled it out, stabbed it, and did it back and forth several times. He Yuan Takashi's entire stomach was stained red with blood, and even his intestines flowed out!

Kawahara Takashi looked at Liu Zi in pain, and finally took his last breath unwillingly.

The sound of sirens had already reached downstairs, and Liu Zi said to everyone: "You should leave quickly! He just made a tip, and it's probably not just the police who are here!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said to Xu Qing: "You handle it!"

"Yes!" Xu Qing responded, walked up to Liu Zi, and said to her: "Liu Zi, please bear with me?"

Liu Zi said sadly: "My name is not Liu Zi, my name is Cui Fangliu!"

Xu Qing nodded and struck her neck with a palm.

Cui Fangliu rolled his eyes and fell to the ground unconscious.

There are already many people in the corridor, and it's time to get off work.

Li Qi walked to the fire alarm nearby, smashed the glass cover with one punch, and pressed the alarm bell.

The piercing bell rang, and soon everyone in each room opened the door inexplicably and took a look outside.

Qiao Yanhui ran and shouted loudly: "There's a fire, run!"

People who had just returned home and didn’t understand the situation were so frightened that they hurried out and ran downstairs!

People on the first floor ran down again, and the nearby floors also started to move quickly.

In less than two minutes, the entire apartment was in chaos, and everyone rushed into the stairs in a panic!

A group of policemen who had just reached the third floor were pushed downstairs by people rushing downstairs before they could react.

Even the club members in suits were blocked on the first floor.

A bald man pulled out a machete, patted his bald head with the blade, looked at the group of people in front of him, and cursed:

"Asshole! Keep your eyes open and watch!

Those cunning guys are among these people!

As long as you see them, hack them to death! "

A police officer next to him scolded him: "Kanemoto Tomo, don't do this! This is a matter for our police!"

The bald man turned his head and cursed at him: "Mr. Watanabe, I advise you not to interfere!

Do you know that those people were requested by Sakura Club?

Do you know how many clubs from Daying have come to Hengban?

I advise you, the police, to deal with those people and leave it to us! "

While he was talking, Tomoe Kanemoto seemed to have discovered something and rushed into the crowd!

He pushed away the people in front of him arrogantly, grabbed one person by the collar, dragged him out, and kicked him to the ground!

The boys next to him swarmed up and punched and kicked the man!

Officer Watanabe was furious and cursed at Tomoe Kanemoto: "Asshole, what are you doing! Do you think we police officers are transparent?"

Kanemoto Chio cursed: "Didn't you see that he was wearing a sailor's uniform?"

"You idiot!" Officer Watanabe yelled angrily: "That's the Mitsui Shipyard uniform!"

Only then did Tomo Kanemoto see the factory logo on the uniform, and he knew that he had hit the wrong person, so he shouted to a group of boys, "Okay, it's not him!"

Then he walked over and pulled the unfortunate guy up from the ground, whose face was covered with blood and was moaning. He kicked him and cursed: "Get out of here! Don't wear your uniform after get off work next time!"

There is no photo information of Chen Xin'an and others, and it is impossible to tell the difference between Chinese people and Da Ying people.

In the past, people could still be distinguished by their height. After all, people in Da Ying are generally short winter melons, with an average of 1.5 meters per capita.

But in recent years, the heights of Da Ying people have been rising steadily, and they are on par with Chinese people, so it is even harder to tell the difference!

Chen Xin'an and others have already taken a shower and changed their clothes. They are no longer in sailor uniforms.

Introduced into the crowd, it is impossible to tell the difference.

They swaggered past the police and community members until they reached the side of the road.

Long Sheng said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, my people are here, go to the intersection!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and asked everyone to follow him to the intersection.

Just like the people arranged in the Eagle Flag Country, there are naturally some people in Daying who are doing things for China.

There was a container truck with several Chinese characters printed on it at the intersection. Seeing Chen Xin'an and others approaching, the back door of the container truck opened.

Long Sheng took everyone into the car, and a few temporary chairs had been added behind. Some people stood up on the chairs, and after the car door closed, they shook hands with everyone one by one.

"I am Wei Yuan, and the brother driving in front is called Chu Haitao! I have met Mr. Long, Mr. Xia, and Mr. Chen! These two are..."

Long Sheng pointed at Xu Qing and Qiao Yanhui and said: "Xu Qing, Sister Qing. Qiao Yanhui, Brother Hui. We are from the Kyoto City Bureau, and we are our own people!"

"Sister Qing, Brother Hui!" Wei Yuan greeted the two of them with a smile.

Chu Haitao, who was driving in front, also turned his head and said hello through the small window.

We are all young people, and there is no bad temper. After the introduction, there is no barrier, and the relationship becomes harmonious naturally.

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