Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2463 It’s no longer safe here

Long Sheng glanced at Xia Hongfeng, and both of them felt a little sad.

The boss still has a lot of face!

These people outside all have tempers, and no one cares about your origins.

This was not the first time for Long Sheng and Xia Hongfeng to go abroad. Every time they wanted to ask these expatriates for help, their attitude was not very good.

People know that you come from a good family and can't afford to offend, so they are very polite to you on the surface, but they are very disdainful to you on the inside.

Therefore, they could not be contacted by phone before, and Long Sheng and Xia Hongfeng had no temper.

Unexpectedly, they took the initiative to call me later, and their tone was quite polite.

After meeting, there was no barrier, and they chatted happily. This attitude was completely different from before. It was obviously because the boss was here! "

"Young Master Long, Young Master Xia, Niubi!" Chu Haitao raised his thumb and slammed it on the small window.

Wei Yuan smiled and explained: "What you did in the Eagle Flag Country has been spread here!

All brothers out there, give me a thumbs up!

I have to say, this was done beautifully! Relieve your anger! "

Long Sheng and Xia Hongfeng were both stunned for a moment, then waved their hands at the same time and said:

"It's trivial, it's not worth mentioning! This is nothing!"

"Your work is the hardest and most beautiful. We two are just lucky!"

Chu Haitao shook his head and said seriously: "This is not something that can be achieved by luck!

I'm not afraid of the two of you making fun of you. We, the young men from Kyoto, used to be a little bit emotional when we saw you.

Every time we came out, we were confused and made various arrangements, which made us feel uncomfortable.

I just think that you are just dandy boys who have achieved nothing because of your good family background!

But now we know what it means to be a general!

We ask ourselves that no one can do what you are doing!

And if you do one thing, it means more than what we do ten hundred things!

We feel ashamed of our previous short-sightedness! "

Only then did Long Sheng and Xia Hongfeng realize that the change in attitude of these expatriates was not because of the boss's face, but because they had earned it themselves.

At this moment, both of them had sore noses.

Nothing makes them feel more comforted than receiving recognition from others!

Chen Xin'an shook his head and laughed and scolded: "Let's just slap these flatterers in front of our faces, and don't talk about them again in the future!

This kind of thing can no longer be done.

It was a pure luck that I was able to leave the Eagle Flag Country alive this time!

Who dares to risk his life without thinking like this? It's over for him if you see if I smoke or not! "

Long Sheng and Xia Hongfeng shrank their necks and said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, I got it!"

Wei Yuan was shocked.

Mr. Chen is the only one who dares to speak like this to these young men in Kyoto!

Moreover, even their parents may not be able to control these young masters, and the only one who can control these second-generation ancestors is the one in front of them!

Xu Qing asked Wei Yuan: "Where are we going now?"

Wei Yuan said to her: "Hengban Porcelain Factory is our own factory.

But it's not safe there, and he should be discovered within a few days.

The situation in Da Ying is very tense now, and the Eagle Flag Country has issued an international arrest warrant for you.

With Da Ying's support for the Eagle Flag Country, the official will spare no effort to execute this wanted order!

This is not the most troublesome thing.

The Sakura Club has issued a killing order, and all black clubs in Japan will come to Hengban to deal with you!

To be honest, I won’t stay in this place for a long time! "

Long Sheng frowned and said, "Can I go back to China now?"

Wei Yuan shook his head and said: "Neither formal nor informal channels will work!

The situation in Da Ying is different from that of the Eagle Flag Country.

The community here is so powerful!

In the Eagle Flag Country, you mainly deal with official pursuits.

But now, I don’t know if there are official people arresting you, and the entire black society in Da Ying is hunting you down.

All exit channels are blocked, making it impossible to leave! "

"I can go back through formal channels! But I have to take a risk, and it may be very dangerous!" Qiao Yanhui said to Chen Xin'an.

Long Sheng's eyes widened and he asked: "Brother Hui, are you kidding me? Where are the formal channels at this time?"

Qiao Yanhui shook his head and said, "Don't forget that I am a policeman.

I have cooperated with the police here in Japan many times before and handled many transnational cases.

I have a few friends at the Yingjing Police Department.

We have an agreement and I can return to China through normal channels.

As for how many people can be brought along, I don’t know! "

Wei Yuan also suddenly realized and said: "Yes, we can use the joint police relationship between Huaxia and Da Ying to return home through normal channels.

The brothers over there in Yingjing should be able to operate it, I suggest giving it a try! "

Chen Xin'an nodded.

Xu Qing said with a worried look: "But Yingjing is also the headquarters of Sakura Club!"

This is what Qiao Yanhui means when he talks about taking risks!

Chen Xin'an thought for a while and said to everyone: "Okay, let's go to Yingjing!"

Yingjing is the capital of Da Ying, and it takes about three hours' drive from Hengban.

Wei Yuan said to Chen Xin'an: "Tomorrow morning, we will deliver the goods to Yingjing, just in time to bring everyone there.

I'm going to apologize to a few of you tonight and rest in the factory for the time being. "

Everyone nodded.

Hengban Porcelain Factory is located in the southern suburbs of Hengban City. It is a place that produces various types of porcelain tableware.

The scale is not small, with more than 300 workers.

The managers and technical team are all Chinese, about sixty or seventy of them, and the rest are all locals.

It's time to get off work now, and no one in the factory is working overtime. Except for some employees who live in accommodation, everyone else has gone home.

The car stopped under the office building, and Wei Yuan said to everyone: "There is a lounge upstairs. I'm sorry for everyone tonight, so let's make do with it upstairs!"

Chen Xin'an waved her hand and said, "You're welcome! Just have a place to rest."

These expatriates do not collect all kinds of intelligence all day long, but have their own jobs.

Only after assigning a task, they will do more private things.

I usually do the same as the locals, go to get off work and relax, and mingle with the locals.

Everyone went upstairs together, and Chu Haitao suddenly shouted from behind: "Who is in the car?"

A black car not far away opened its door, and a man and a woman got out of it.

The man was embarrassed and said to Chu Haitao: "I'm sorry, Section Chief Chu, I just came back from seeing someone off, and I happened to meet my girlfriend after get off work, so I was in the car..."

The woman next to her was blushing and didn't dare to look up.

Chu Haitao scolded with a straight face: "Mr. Xiao Lin, Miss Meijia, you know that office romances are not allowed within the company!

It doesn't matter if I find out. If Minister Wei sees it, you will lose your job! "

"I'm sorry!" A man and a woman quickly bowed and apologized: "Chief Chu, please keep it a secret for us. We will never interact in the company again!"

Chu Haitao shook his head, waved his hand and said: "You should leave quickly, I won't tell you!"

"Thank you, Section Chief Chu!" The two quickly bowed and thanked, then turned and ran away.

Chu Haitao shook his head helplessly, turned around and prepared to go upstairs, but then walked up to the black car with a frown, reached out and touched the front cover of the engine.

The hot temperature made him immediately retract his hand and look at the direction the man and woman were leaving, his face filled with anger.

Turning around, he ran upstairs and soon arrived in the lounge on the third floor.

Opening the door, he said to Chen Xin'an and others who were talking: "It's not safe here anymore. Everyone needs to leave immediately!"

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