Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2464 Now give you a chance to seduce him

Before the car left the factory, the lights were flashing outside and the ground was shaking.

Dozens of cars drove towards the factory, blocking all the exits.

Chen Xin'an and his group, who had wanted to leave, could not leave now and had to stay in the office building first.

At the gate, the cars stopped, and a big bald man got out of one of the cars.

There was also a young man and woman who ran in front of him and pointed to the direction of the office building.

"Asshole!" Seeing the man and woman, Chu Haitao cursed with a gloomy face.

That's Xiaolin and Meijia!

The hot engine means that they are not hiding here to fall in love, but following Wei Yuan and Chu Haitao and returning to the factory in advance.

As for whether it was intentional tracking or an unintentional encounter, it is unknown.

But one thing is certain, these two guys betrayed them and called the people from the society here!

A large group of men in black suits, holding various weapons, walked into the factory gate and began to gather under the office building.

But there were not many guns among these weapons.

Although Daying does not ban guns, it allows civilians to own guns just like the Eagle Flag Country.

But guns are not rampant here.

Not only is the money to buy a gun much more expensive than the Eagle Flag Country, but also because the conditions for getting a gun are too complicated.

For ordinary people to own a gun, they need various exams and psychological tests, as well as various physical examinations and drug tests.

Finally, they have to undergo long-term firearms training and achieve excellent results before they can be issued a gun license and have the qualifications to own a gun.

So guns are not rampant in Daying. Even these societies usually use various sticks as weapons, because knives are considered heavy weapons in Daying.

But it does not mean that these societies do not have guns, they just rarely use them.

Now those people in the yard are a group of gang members holding sticks.

Some people came from behind, carrying some sacks behind them, and they made a rattling sound with every step they took.

Standing in front of the building, the bald man shook his neck, then raised his arm and waved it forward!

Following his action, the people carrying sacks stopped, put the sacks gently on the ground, and then took out glass bottles filled with various liquids from them!

Someone took out a lighter, lit the oilcloth on the mouth of the glass bottle, and then smashed it towards the office building!

Then, more than a dozen glass bottles flew towards the office building with flames!

With a burst of shattering sounds, the glass bottles broke the window and were thrown into the room!

The fire quickly burned and the smoke began to spread!

These bastards!

Chen Xinan didn't expect that this group of Daying people would be so cruel and ruthless. They didn't even say a word and set fire to the building directly!

Their purpose is very simple, that is, to force the people in the building out!

It is too troublesome and too dangerous to let everyone go upstairs to search. It is better to let the target run out by himself, and everyone can just wait and see.

Wei Yuan said to everyone with a sullen face: "The office building has a fire protection system, which will start automatically soon!"

Chen Xinan nodded. If the fire is too big, the fire protection system of this kind of office building will also be difficult to play a role.

He said to everyone in a deep voice: "Let's find a suitable place. Once the fire comes up, we will jump off the building!"

It's just the third floor. Even if we jump down, no one will get hurt!

Li Qi stood by the wall, holding a pistol in his right hand, aiming at a person below, and fired a shot with a bang.

At the same time, a man in the yard raised his arm and was about to throw the burning glass bottle in his hand. With a loud bang, the glass bottle shattered with a light of his right hand!

The gasoline inside flowed onto his hands and body with a big fire, turning him into a burning man in an instant!

What's more terrifying is that the flying flames also fell into the sack beside him. Before the people next to him could put out the fire, there were explosions and the bottles exploded one by one!

Some people who didn't have time to dodge were instantly engulfed by the flames, screaming and rolling on the ground!

The rest of the people hurriedly dodged, and someone shouted loudly: "They have guns!"

The bald man Kanemoto Chio carried a machete, patted his bald head with the blade, and said to his men beside him: "Hirono, come here, you take Kobayashi and Mika, and help me do something right away!"

He whispered a few words in his men's ears.

Hirono showed a sly smile on his face, and said to Kanemoto Chio:

"The president is really powerful! In this way, no matter what kind of weapons those guys have, they are not as useful as a stick!"

He turned around, waved to everyone and said: "Group one, group two, follow me!"

A group of people responded and followed him, with Kobayashi and Mika walking in front.

Soon, the dormitory building not far away was forcibly broken into by this group of people, and with a burst of crying, many people were dragged out of the room.

These people are managers and technicians of the factory, and they are all Chinese.

They are all colleagues of Kobayashi and Mika, but now from the faces of this pair of men and women, there is no sense of comradeship!

Meijia slapped a woman in the face, and cursed with a shrill laugh:

"Miss He Meijuan, don't you like to teach me a lesson?

Why aren't you so fierce now?"

The Chinese woman, who was still wearing pajamas, held her hands in front of her chest, her face full of fear, and begged Meijia:

"Meijia, please let me go! At least let me go back and change clothes, okay?"

Meijia pushed her, smiled evilly and cursed: "Why do you want to change your clothes! Aren't you quite coquettish?

You usually like to wink at Xiaolin, isn't it just right to give you a chance to seduce him now? "

As He Meijuan screamed, the straps of her pajamas were ripped off by Meijia!

The surrounding club members all laughed evilly, and from time to time stretched out their hands to touch He Meijuan's body.

He Meijuan was so frightened that she curled up into a ball, but several club members held her arms and dragged her forward.

Meijia didn't think about letting her go, so she rushed forward and tore He Meijuan's pajamas to pieces!

At this moment, He Meijuan only had two pieces of underwear on her body, most of her skin was exposed, and she collapsed and cried.

She didn't understand what she had done wrong, why her colleagues who were still chatting and joking together during the day turned into monsters at night.

I was just lying in the dormitory after work, playing with my phone, when a group of people suddenly broke in, dragged me out by force, and even had my clothes torn!

She still doesn't understand what happened and why she was so resented by Mika!

When she arrived in front of the office building, she was even more embarrassed.

There are people standing here, and they are all vicious club members!

The way she looked at her was like a pack of vicious wolves staring at a defenseless little sheep!

Xiao Lin's eyes glowed green as he walked up to He Meijuan and stared at her greedily.

He Meijuan's face turned pale and her face was filled with tears. She saw Xiaolin's intention. She shook her head with tears and said in tears: "Please, no!"

Xiao Lin didn't pay attention to her pleading, reached forward and grabbed the strap of her underwear!

People around her were also making noises. He Meijuan put her hands on her chest and wanted to resist, but she didn't dare to use too much force for fear of tearing her apart!

Just when Kobayashi was about to pull off the belt, Tomoe Kanemoto shouted loudly:

"That's enough!

When we catch those people, you can do whatever you want.

Now, let’s force the people above out first! "

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