A group of Chinese employees were brought to the sacks, including He Meijuan.

Meijia stood beside her and said with a wicked smile: "Do you know what to do? Just light the oilcloth on the bottle and throw it into the office building!

I know you are weak and can't reach this far. It doesn't matter. You can come closer!

But I want to remind you, be careful of being splashed by oil fire!

In that case, your beautiful face will turn into a pile of charcoal! "

He Meijuan trembled all over and asked Meijia with a pale face: "Why, why do you do this!

This is our company, why did we burn it? "


Meijia slapped her on the face and scolded her with a ferocious expression: "Just do whatever I ask you to do, why are you talking so much nonsense?

What is our company?

You bastard Chinese people have free time at work every day and your wages are high.

I work tirelessly for you, get only a small salary, and still get scolded by you!

This kind of broken place would be happy if it was set on fire!

I will never bow my head for you Chinese people again!

Throw the bottle up quickly, or I will strip you naked in front of so many people! "

He Meijuan was so frightened that she trembled all over and began to cry.

Mika slapped her in the face a few more times and scolded her: "Why are you crying! Hurry up and do it!"

By the way, let me tell you, Minister Wei who is attentive to you every day is also up there!

You are a shameful woman, you are seducing Minister Wei and Xiao Lin at the same time. You are seducing all the men in the office!

But this Minister Wei is very fascinated by you!

Now that he was burned to death by your own hands, is he feeling depressed? "

"I didn't!" He Meijuan cried and shook her head.

She is just cheerful and laughs, and is very polite to her male colleagues in the company, but she has never gone overboard or had an affair with anyone.

She didn't understand how she had become a slutty woman in the eyes of Mika!

Raising her head, she looked at the office building in front of her.

This is the company's property, and it is also China's property.

Now he is going to be burned by her, a Chinese person?

What's more, there is Minister Wei above!

For the young minister, He Meijuan did feel his special care.

It's just that she didn't dare to think about it.

Minister Wei is young and talented, with a bright future, but she is just an ordinary woman who does not dare to expect his favor.

But she also knew that she also liked Minister Wei and enjoyed his care.

Now if she was asked to burn her crush to death with her own hands, she couldn't do it!

"Why are you still dawdling!" Meijia slapped her hard and said sternly: "Hurry up and light the fire!"

He Meijuan tremblingly picked up the lighter and bottle, and pressed the lighter several times before igniting it.

Meijia found a piece of rattan from nowhere, slapped He Meijuan hard on the body, and cursed at her:

“Stop dilly-dallying, light the bottle on fire and throw it upstairs!

I remind you, you must throw away the bottle within three seconds, otherwise you will become a roasted pig! "

The rattan hit his body, leaving dazzling bloodstains.

He Meijuan twitched in pain, cried and lit the oilcloth on the bottle mouth.

Meijia scolded fiercely: "Take two steps forward, if you waste it, I will beat you to death!"

He Meijuan took two steps forward and raised her arms.

But the next second, she suddenly turned around and cried to Mika: "You bastard, go to hell!"


The bottle was thrown at Mika's feet, oil and fire flying!

Meijia's eyes widened, and with a scream of extreme fear, her legs were surrounded by fire!

She fell to the ground, screaming miserably and rolling around.

But the flames on his body burned bigger and bigger, and there was a smell of barbecue in the air!

"Mika!" Xiaolin screamed and rushed over, trying to put out the fire on his lover, but before he could get close, he was forced back by the flames!

His face was ferocious, and his eyes were full of anger when he looked at He Meijuan. He grabbed an iron rod from the hands of the club boy next to him and rushed towards He Meijuan!

He Meijuan did not escape, and she had no way to escape now.

Just stand there, close your eyes and wait for death!

But at this moment, there was a loud noise from the office building behind him, and someone broke the glass and jumped from the building!

He Meijuan subconsciously looked up and saw a black shadow jumping down from the third floor and falling into the sea of ​​flames downstairs.

Amid everyone's exclamations, someone rushed out of the sea of ​​fire and kicked Xiao Lin to the ground!

Then a damp windbreaker was wrapped around He Meijuan's body, and Wei Yuan's guilty face appeared in front of her:

"Xiaojuan, I'm sorry, I didn't protect you!"

It was like meeting the person closest to her, He Meijuan couldn't bear it anymore, hugged Wei Yuan and started crying!

A group of club boys were stunned for a while and then came to their senses.

Seeing that he was the only one jumping down from the top, a group of people shouted and rushed over!

At this moment, a panicked shout suddenly came from the side, and a large group of people ran to the right!

Chen Xin'an led everyone to slide down the sewer pipe from the right side of the building, which is closest to the parking lot.

It's just that Tomo Kanemoto is not a fool. As soon as the people here noticed the movement of the people upstairs coming down, he immediately mobilized his troops and concentrated his troops to surround Chen Xin'an and the others.

His goal is very simple, that is Chen Xin'an. Even if everyone else is gathered together, he can ignore it and just catch Chen Xin'an alone!

It was clearly less than twenty meters away, but hundreds of people were surrounded. Chen Xin'an led everyone to attack from left to right, but it was not easy to rush over and drive as quickly as possible!

But at this moment, the enemy was in chaos!

It turned out that all the Chinese people who were forcibly brought here had taken action against the community members around them!

Chinese people have never been submissive. Wherever there is oppression, there is resistance!

Even in the face of guns, swords and axes, I have never been afraid or flinched!

These bastards want to force everyone to burn down the company's property, but no one will agree!

Tomoe Kanemoto's Yokoyama Group, a local gang in Hengban, often came here to cause trouble when the porcelain factory was newly built.

The dirty work of extortion has always been done.

Later, the porcelain factory became profitable and paid a lot of taxes to the local area. Only then did the police department intervene and drive away these guys.

So both parties are old enemies, and this is not the first time they have dealt with each other.

As long as the police department knows about what happened this time, they will definitely come to deal with these bastards from the Yokoyama group!

Therefore, everyone is not afraid of their revenge, risking their lives to fight against them and defend their company!

A big melee broke out, and everyone in the dormitory area also knew what was going on here, and kept rushing here for support.

Tomo Kanemoto gritted his teeth angrily and shouted to his men: "Hit me! No need to show mercy, the official side, I will settle the matter!"

As long as he can capture Chen Xin'an, Sakura Club will reward him heavily!

When the time comes when the Yokoyama Group has a big backer like Sakura Club, they can step out of the horizontal trap and become a large national club like Sakura Club!

So tonight, no matter what, Chen Xin'an cannot be allowed to escape from his hands!

Bottles exploded and burned in the crowd, and those club boys howled like ghosts when they were burned!

They never dreamed that these Chinese people could be so unafraid of death!

I would rather risk being attacked by flames than die with them!

Originally, four or five club boys surrounded a Chinese man and started beating him up.

Unexpectedly, the man actually ignited four or five bottles around him, wrapped everyone in the fire, and held them one by one to prevent anyone from escaping!

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