Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2466: Speed ​​Racers

This fearless fighting style frightened a group of club boys out of their courage and they retreated one after another.

At this moment, Chen Xin'an had already led everyone to the parking lot.

Chu Haitao opened the door of a commercial vehicle and let everyone in.

He is the company's section chief in charge of drivers, and he has the keys to all the company's vehicles.

Looking at the figure surrounded by flames outside the car window, but dragging four or five club boys, Chu Haitao had tears in his eyes and shouted loudly: "Red soldiers!"

Li Qi sat in the passenger seat, patted him on the shoulder and said: "Get out of here quickly and lead those people out!

We will avenge those brothers! "

Chu Haitao wiped his tears, started the car, stepped on the gas pedal and backed out a few meters, and then slammed into the crowd!

There were only a dozen Chinese people nearby, and the rest were club members. Chu Haitao specifically looked for places with a lot of club people to bump into!

Xiao Lin got up from the ground, holding an iron rod in his hand.

Looking at the blackened legs that had been burned on the ground and the unconscious Meijia, he looked at Wei Yuan who was not far away holding He Meijuan in his arms and fighting three club boys with one hand, with an expression of resentment on his face.

He held the iron rod in both hands like a machete and quietly walked around behind Wei Yuan.

Just when I was about to hit him on the head with all my strength, I heard a scream from beside me!

Before he could react, his body was hit by a commercial vehicle and flew out with a bang!

With a crash, the commercial car opened the door, but it did not stop. Instead, it circled around Wei Yuan and He Meijuan, driving away the club boys!

"Come up!" Chen Xin'an shouted to Wei Yuan.

Wei Yuan pushed He Meijuan and ran over. When He Meijuan stretched out her hand, Xu Qing in the car immediately grabbed her hands, then pulled her hard and pulled her into the car!

When Wei Yuan also jumped into the car, Long Sheng slammed the car door shut.

"Old Qin is still down there!" He Meijuan, still in shock, pointed out the window and shouted to Wei Yuan.

Wei Yuan sat next to her, shook his head and said, "We can't stop now! As soon as we leave, the Hengshan Group people will evacuate.

Lao Qin and the others will not be in danger!

I immediately called the consulate. Someone will put pressure on Hengban officials about this matter, and they will give us an explanation! "

He Meijuan nodded, stopped talking, and leaned into Wei Yuan's arms.

While driving the car, Chu Haitao said to Wei Yuan: "Brother Yuan, the red soldier is dead!"

Wei Yuan was startled for a moment, his eyes red.

He Meijuan next to her started crying.

After a while, Wei Yuan rubbed his eyes and whispered to Long Sheng and Xia Hongfeng: "The Red Soldiers are our people!"

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!" Long Sheng and Xia Hongfeng were both angry and punched the car door several times!

Wei Yuan took a deep breath and said to Chu Haitao: "We can't stay in the porcelain factory any longer. We have been exposed. Let me ask my superiors for instructions!"

"Okay!" Chu Haitao nodded.

He Meijuan looked at Wei Yuan with a strange look on her face and asked, "Minister Wei, aren't you and Brother Tao from the company? Why do you talk like this?"

Wei Yuan stretched out his hand, touched He Meijuan's head and said, "Xiaojuan, we are not just people from the porcelain factory.

There are some things I can't tell you, but please believe that I have no ill intentions towards you and will not do anything to betray China! "

"I know!" He Meijuan held Wei Yuan's hand in hers and said softly: "No matter what your identity is, I know that you are a good person!"

"Thank you!" Wei Yuan held her hand and nodded gratefully.

Li Qi turned around and said, "We're catching up!"

Everyone turned around and saw dense car lights appearing on the road behind them.

It's someone from the Yokoyama group!

Wei Yuan said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, we can only go to Yingjing now!

But once they leave the city, the Hengshan group no longer have any taboos, they will shoot! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "I understand! Ah Qi, switch with Haitao."

"Okay!" Li Tou quickly changed positions with Chu Haitao, and he took control of the steering wheel.

The car is moving forward quickly and there is navigation, so there is no need to worry about unfamiliar places.

After all, we were in an urban area. Although the Hengshan Group's cars were pressing behind us, they did not dare to mess around.

The commercial vehicle rushed through several intersections one after another, and when it was about to leave the city, two people appeared in front of it, holding fluorescent sticks and blocking the intersection to stop the car.

Wei Yuan frowned and said: "They are the racing clan of Da Ying!

Ahead is Qiufu Mountain, which has many curves. Racing parties like to race here at midnight.

They are all young people under the age of twenty, and the police can’t do anything to them! "

Li Qi didn't care what party they were in. As soon as he accelerator opened the door, the car roared and crashed into them!

Unexpectedly, the car disobeyed the command and forced its way through. The two young men were also angry and immediately took out their walkie-talkies to report to the mountain to intercept.

These drag racing people are all children of well-known families in the local area.

After all, their cars are all valuable for road racing and require various modifications, which ordinary families cannot afford.

Moreover, they have a wild and unruly personality and do not like to be restrained. They only exercise their preferences according to their preferences, and there is no right or wrong.

Once you offend them, no one knows what the consequences will be.

Therefore, everyone avoids these bad boys and no one dares to mess with them, because they can do anything!

The commercial vehicle quickly went up the mountain, and from a distance I saw countless shiny motorcycles of different colors blocking the middle of the road, with a group of young men and women surrounding them.

Chu Haitao suddenly said to Li Qi: "Stop and let the cars behind you pass by first!"

Although he didn't understand why he had such a request, Li Qi still chose to believe it.

Although this would mean that the commercial vehicle would be surrounded by enemies!

Just when the car slowed down, Chen Xin'an suddenly said to everyone:

"You guys are just in the car, don't get off, and don't worry about what I do!

I will always be by your side!

Brother Hui, give me the bag under your feet! "

Qiao Yanhui bent down, pulled out a backpack from under the seat, and handed it to Chen Xin'an.

After taking the backpack, Chen Xin'an opened the car door and jumped out!

Xu Qing asked worriedly: "Where are you going?"

Long Sheng closed the car door and said to her with a smile: "Sister Qing, we don't need to worry about what the boss does, and we don't need to ask any questions!"

Xu Qing shook his head and closed his mouth.

The Yokoyama team's team has caught up!

I originally thought I was lagging far behind, but once I let the commercial vehicle go down the mountain and let it run when it reaches the suburbs, it will be even harder to catch up!

I never expected that I would see that commercial vehicle when I got up the mountain!

Is there something wrong with the car?

Deserve it!

Let’s see where you can run this time!

Tomoe Kanemoto was overjoyed and shouted on the walkie-talkie: "Go and pass a few cars in front and block their cars!

Follow the cars behind you, don't let them escape again! "

"President, the racing gang is in front and won't let us pass!"

"Let those brats go away! I don't have time to deal with these brats!"

Several cars accelerated, passed the commercial vehicle together, and rushed to the top of the mountain.

But just about thirty meters away from the racing party, several bangs and bangs were heard one after another!

Those cars also suddenly veered to the side and lost control!

Some directly hit the guardrail on the side of the road and fell down the mountain. Some even collided with each other, causing white smoke to rise instantly!

The boy's angry shout came over the intercom: "There are thorns on the ground, and several of our cars have been scrapped!"

"Asshole!" Tomo Kanemoto punched the back of the chair angrily!

No wonder the commercial vehicle slowed down. It turned out to be to prevent this!

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