Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2467 Qiufu Mountain Car God

A group of young men with hair dyed in various colors, with nose studs, ear studs and even lip and tongue studs, surrounded us waving baseball bats and chains!

Several cars on the road had punctured tires and were unable to move.

The boy from the club inside was so dizzy from being hit that he saw the group of young men approaching in a menacing manner, so he picked up the sticks in the car and got out of the car.

"Get away! We are from the Hengshan Group! Don't stop here and hinder us from doing our work!"

However, a group of young people did not stop and did not take these club members seriously at all. They still walked over in a swaggering manner.

"You bastards!" As members of the club, these guys usually don't take others seriously.

Seeing that these young people were not giving face to the association, he raised his stick and hit those young people!

In their opinion, they are just a group of children who can be driven away by giving them a beating and a scare!

But before their sticks could fall, the opponent's chains hit them!

A group of young people were not polite with their attacks. They slapped several club boys indiscriminately!

They race at night and cause people to close the road in advance.

The sealed area became their private territory.

Anyone who dares to break in is their enemy!

No matter whether you are a good person or a bad person, they will take revenge!

Speaking of people like the Yokoyama Group, even if they are members of the black society, they are far from being reckless.

And these wealthy second-generation ancestors are the most unscrupulous people. Even when facing the police, they dare to directly provoke them without taking them seriously.

The club boy didn't expect these guys to be so violent. He was knocked to the ground before he could react. Each one of them had his head beaten and bleeding. He was in such a mess!

"Asshole!" Tomohiro Kanemoto saw this scene from a distance and was furious.

The largest black society in the world was actually taken down by a gang of drag racing gangs. It would be embarrassing if word spread!

There is no need to rush to deal with Chen Xin'an's gang now. Let's solve these problem youths first!

With an order, the motorcade roared in!

There was a banging sound of the door closing, and a large number of club members got out of the car and rushed towards the racing gang!

A group of second-generation ancestors are domineering and domineering, and they don't take anyone seriously.

But when it comes to being cruel, how can they compare with the people in the club?

And I didn’t expect that there were so many people on the other side!

A dark convoy, a dark people!

They are all thugs in suits, a veritable black society!

At this time, a group of young people realized they were afraid and turned around and ran away!

The members of the club chased them and beat them until they were crying and howling. Some even had no time to ride away from their cars on the road!

With a roar, the racing party dispersed.

There were also several cars blocked on the road, and they were pushed to the side of the road by a group of people from the community, and then they were thrown on the ground and ignored!

At this moment, the commercial vehicle suddenly accelerated.

Several windows stretched out an arm, fired, and left quickly!

The club members who had not yet had time to form a circle of encirclement ran away, hid behind the car, and watched the commercial vehicle drive away!

"Stop it!" came the angrily scolding voice of Tomo Kanemoto from the intercom!

These idiots have been working for a long time making wedding dresses for others!

The convoy started to move forward and continued to chase forward!

Chu Haitao pulled into his seat belt, grabbed the armrest next to him, and said to Li Qi who was driving:

"Brother, be careful, we are entering a curve below! The road conditions are very dangerous, don't go so fast!"

Li Qi smiled slightly and said to him: "Don't worry, nothing will happen! You have to believe in my driving skills! You guys should sit tight in the back!"

In Chen Xin'an's team, Li Qi's driving skills are also very good.

In terms of proficiency in car performance, he is not as good as Xiao Zhang.

But when driving on complicated road conditions, he was more relaxed than Xiao Zhang!

After all, driving skills are also a required training subject for their special operators, and he has encountered all kinds of dangerous road conditions.

When the car turned a corner quickly, a scream came from the car.

But after the car passed three corners in succession, the car became quiet.

Everyone stared ahead, grabbing any place they could to maintain balance, and their bodies swayed from side to side as the car rocked.

The convoy behind is getting further and further away. Those club boys don’t dare to drive so desperately in such road conditions!

As the motorcade passed by, a group of young people appeared where the racing gang had gathered, all looking for the car they had left here.

Most people found their cars on the roadside, except for a young man with long hair who looked around the area but found nothing.

A woman with long green hair called to him: "Afu, where is your black falcon?"

The long-haired man looked around blankly and cursed: "Why can't I find the Black Falcon I just bought?

If my father knew that I had lost my car, he would beat me to death! "

A group of people showed sympathetic looks, but several boys exchanged gloating looks in private.

Even they can't afford a road race of the Black Falcon's caliber.

So Ah Fu rode his new bike over tonight and showed it off in front of them all night!

This made their girlfriends look jealous, calling them useless and unable to afford a nice car!

Are you not crazy now?

The car is lost!

But he dares to steal Ah Fu's car. How brave is that guy?

This guy's father is the chief of the Hengban Police Department!

The racing gang members who escaped in front lay on their cars one by one, trying to reduce wind resistance as much as possible, and roared down the mountain.

A car caught up from behind and shouted through the headset to a man with silver-gray hair at the front:

"Zhengde, those guys are following us and are still chasing us!"

The girl sitting in the back seat said nervously: "Could it be that the car we stole yesterday belonged to them, and now they have found it?"

A disdainful sneer appeared at the corner of Zhengde's mouth, and he said lightly: "Who cares?

Want to chase me? What are they chasing after?

Do you really think that my name as the Qiufu Mountain Car God is for nothing?

No one is faster than me!

They only deserve to follow me far behind and eat my shit! "

Everyone's shouts and shouts came from the headset, and everyone accelerated together with Zhengde, leaving the convoy behind them far away!

The girl hugged Zhengde's waist tightly and shouted loudly: "Zhengde, I love you to death!

ah! I just love this excitement!

I feel like I'm going to fly!

You are my king, no one can surpass you in speed! "

Zhengde laughed heartily, looked at his companion in the rearview mirror who was gradually being thrown away, and said proudly: "Tell me loudly, who am I?"

The girl opened her helmet visor and shouted loudly: "You are my king! You are the God of Qiufu Mountain!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a motorcycle caught up from behind, then overtook Zhengde's car, curved in an arc that almost balanced the ground, and rushed to the front!

The girl's voice stopped suddenly, and even Zhengde seemed to be stunned. The car went straight to the guardrail!

"Ah!" The girl screamed, and Zhengde suddenly woke up, braked, slowed down, and stabilized the car!

He widened his eyes and shouted in disbelief: "What just flew by in the blink of an eye? Did you see it clearly?"

Someone shouted in the headset: "It seems to be Afu's new Black Falcon!"

"How is it possible!" Zhengde scolded: "Afu's poor skills, I can beat him eight blocks!

It was definitely not him who passed by just now! "

Someone said: "Afu just now told us that he was meeting at the back, but his car was missing!"

"Someone stole the Black Falcon. It should be the person who rushed over just now!"

Zhengde looked ahead in disbelief and murmured: "How could it be so fast? You can't even see the taillights!"

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