Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2468 I will compete with you when the convoy leaves.

The two most dangerous bends in Qiufu Mountain are in the middle of the mountainside, distributed on two levels.

Not only because of the sharp curves, but also because accidents often occur here, resulting in frequent mountain collapses.

At this moment, a Black Falcon was parked at the corner of the upper curve, looking through the not-too-dense shrubs and grass, across the almost vertical hillside, at the curve below.

"I saw him!" Zhengde screamed, opened his helmet visor, stared straight ahead, and shouted: "Yes, that's the guy who stole Ah Fu's new car!"

I remembered a burst of curses later, and a group of drag racing party increased the accelerator, making the car roar towards the front with a deafening roar!

The man stopped on the side of the road, seemingly looking for something. Even though there were many cars coming behind him, he had no intention of leaving, and he didn't even look back.

Several motorcycles surrounded the Black Falcon. Zhengde and his girlfriend got out of the car. The girl ran to Chen Xin'an and shouted: "Hi! Who are you? Why did you steal my friend's car!"

Zhengde, however, stared at Chen Xin'an and shouted: "Just now you took advantage of my unpreparedness to overtake my car, now I want to compete with you again!"

From here on, whoever gets to the bottom of the mountain first wins! "

Chen Xin'an looked at this group of racing gangs, waved her hands and said, "Go away, I have no time to care about you!"

"Chinese?" Zhengde's eyes widened, he looked at the people around him and said with a smile:

"It turns out to be Piggy Boy! I thought there was another car god appearing on the crossbar sometime!"

Everyone burst into laughter, and a young man with a nose stud said to Zhengde’s girlfriend:

"Caizi, aren't you from China?

Tell him that Brother Zhengde wants to compete with him, or else he will be thrown down the mountain from here! "

The girl named Caizi scolded him with an ugly face: "Kazuo-san, please don't insult me!

As early as six years ago, my parents had become a native of Japan. I am truly a native of Japan!

What kind of lousy place is China? I’ve never heard of it!

I don’t know Chinese either! "

Masanori said to her expressionlessly: "Caizi, translate it for him!"

"Zhengde!" Caizi stamped her foot angrily and frowned at her boyfriend.

Zhengde slapped her in the face, glared at her and cursed: "I asked you to translate for him!"

Caizi covered her face, not daring to refuse anymore. She just turned around and looked at Chen Xin'an angrily!

"Hey, Chinese Piggy! My boyfriend wants you to have a competition with him! Start right now!"

"What did you call me?" Chen Xin'an squinted his eyes and looked at Cai Zi coldly.

Feeling the powerful momentum, Caizi shivered in fright, looked at Chen Xin'an with fearful eyes and said, "You Chinese people wouldn't be so graceless and want to hit a woman, would you?"

Chen Xin'an asked coldly: "You speak Chinese authentically, and you are also Chinese?"

This sentence seemed to touch Cai Zi's sore feet. She screamed at Chen Xin'an with a ferocious expression:

"I've said it before, my parents have become Japanese citizens a long time ago, and I am now a pure Japanese citizen!"

Chen Xin'an nodded, curled his lips and said, "Sure enough, Da Ying is just a place that collects garbage. A guy like you really doesn't deserve to be a Chinese!"

"What did you say!" Caizi was furious and rushed forward to grab Chen Xin'an on the face!

Even though this guy seemed like he wasn't easy to mess with, she wasn't afraid.

After all, there are so many people behind her, all of whom are her friends.

But Chen Xin'an just raised her arm, pushed her away, and said coldly: "Don't seek death!"

Cai Zi scolded with a ferocious face: "Who do you think is garbage? Where do you think the garbage collection place is?

You people are garbage and your country is a garbage dump!

Poverty, backwardness, ignorance, ignorance!

Being born there is the most shameful thing for me!

Places like Eagle Flag and Da Ying are the most noble countries in the world!

Do you know how much hardship and price my parents paid to bring me to officially join Da Ying?

How dare you call us trash?

I really don’t know where you got the nerve to say such things! "

Chen Xin'an watched her finish speaking with cold eyes, then glanced at the top of her head, raised the corner of her mouth, and said to her:

“Your boyfriend wants to compete with me?

Tell him yes.

But we have to wait until those cars on the mountain are gone, otherwise we won’t be able to compete.

You tell him to order everyone to pull over and let the convoy pass first! "

Zhengde next to him asked: "What did he say?"

Caizi didn't dare to hide it and translated what Chen Xin'an just said.

Zhengde also heard the sound of the engine coming from above his head, and knew that Chen Xin'an was talking about objective factors. He nodded and waved to everyone to disperse.

As soon as they heard that the Chinese had agreed to compete, everyone in the racing party also sneered.

"No one can defeat Zhengde in Qiufu Mountain! This Chinese man just took advantage of others' unpreparedness. As long as Zhengde gets serious, he will lose!"

"Of course! Chinese people are too timid to risk their lives! He is no match for Zhengde!"

"This car thief will be in trouble if he loses later! I've already told Ah Fu, and now he's chasing after me with a knife!"

Chen Xin'an also turned the car around and placed it against the hillside.

Looking at the people standing at the front of the curve, Chen Xin'an said to Cai Zi: "Let them put their cars wherever they want and go away.

Otherwise, the convoy will run into them when it comes over! "

Caizi sneered coldly and said to him with a look of disdain: "Why, do you want to please others now so that I won't trouble you if I lose?

I see too many weaklings like you in Da Ying! "

Chen Xin'an grinned and said nothing.

He couldn't afford to be angry with a little girl now.

Although Cai Zi mocked him, she still translated his words to everyone.

When those people standing at the front of the curve heard that it made sense, they stopped their cars and walked to the buffer area here.

I could see the car lights from behind, and a commercial vehicle was right in front, roaring past!

Long Sheng in the car screamed: "Did I get dazzled just now? I seemed to see the boss outside!"

Li Qi, who was driving, smiled and shook his head and said, "Don't worry, let's get down the mountain quickly!"

When he saw the lights of a row of motorcycles in the distance, he saw Chen Xin'an.

Although it was just a quick glance, he was already relieved.

Sure enough, the boss ran to the front to do something!

Those chasing soldiers are in trouble!

Less than a minute after the commercial vehicle passed by, the convoy behind it began to swarm in.

"President, those racing boys are right next to you!" The driver in a black car shouted to Tomoe Kanemoto behind him.

Tomo Kanemoto snorted and said with a straight face: "Ignore it! Our target tonight is Chen Xin'an, don't worry about the others for now!"

"Yes!" the driver responded, continuing to maintain speed and drive through the curve.

Chen Xin'an, who was standing against the hillside, saw the car and showed a wicked smile.

Compared to the cars next to it, this car is quite obvious.

No one stuck their head out with a stick to show off their power, and the car was a bit more upscale than the others.

Is this the car of the boss of the Yokoyama group?

Chen Xin'an wrote down the location of the car, and then began to measure the speed and distance.

Zhengde next to him was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat.

Fortunately, there was no big misunderstanding with these people just now, otherwise I would definitely suffer a loss tonight!

This convoy is really scary. Looking up now, the long queues lit up on the mountain road are all from other people!

Suddenly, Chen Xin'an opened his eyes and pulled out a pistol from his waist!

The people next to me were startled and screamed: "Asshole! What do you want to do!"

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