Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2477 This wine is not for free


The glass door of the restaurant was smashed and glass was scattered everywhere.

The guests who were dining were startled and turned their heads to look at the door.

A group of young men in strange clothes came in, each holding a stick in their hands, talking loudly and cursing casually.

The strange thing is that the guests in the restaurant did not look panicked. They seemed to have become accustomed to it and continued to eat the food in front of them.

"You bastards!" Aze hurriedly protected his sister behind him and rushed towards those people.

In front of everyone in Chen Xin'an, he smiled brightly and spoke appropriately, but in front of this group of people, he became angry and lost his temper. Obviously, this was not the first time he saw this group of people.

But before he could rush forward, someone picked up the stick in his hand and whipped him hard, knocking him to the ground!

"Asshole!" Liang Dong turned around and was about to rush over, but Chen Xin'an grabbed his arm.

Liang Dong turned his head and said to Chen Xin'an with a gloomy face: "Fellow, don't be afraid, just continue to eat!

These people are from Da Ying's black society. They are just looking for trouble for us shop owners.

They didn't dare to be rude to the guests, otherwise the Ying officials would not let them go!

Don’t worry, we won’t cause trouble to everyone. When you’re full, you can leave first. I’ll ask Aze to find you in the afternoon! "

He wanted to break free from Chen Xin'an's hand and save his son and daughter, but he was shocked to find that no matter how strong Li Qi was, the other person's hands were like steel pliers, preventing him from breaking free!

"What do you want to do?" Liang Dong looked at Chen Xin'an in horror. Now he felt that this person was no longer an ordinary person!

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and said to him: "Don't be afraid, let's go take a look!"

Li Qi, Long Sheng, and Xia Hongfeng stood up together.

Liang Dong's expression changed greatly, and he said to everyone: "Don't be ridiculous! Listen to me, these people are not easy to mess with, they are members of the Dao United Alliance!

This society is very famous in Da Ying, especially in Ying Jing. Everyone knows about it!

If you provoke these people, you will be in big trouble!

This matter has nothing to do with you, so don’t interfere! "

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and said to him: "As long as you are a member of the black society in Japan, you have something to do with us!"

In Hengban, all the black societies in Da Ying are chasing Chen Xin'an and his gang. Dao Helian, as the second Da Ying society under Sakura Club, is naturally involved!

So of course Chen Xin'an will not let them go.

What's more, Chen Xin'an has a very good impression of this family.

The kind of indifference he encountered in Chinatown in Eagle Flag Country was not met here.

This made him cherish this compatriot family and fellow villagers.

Moreover, the other party deliberately made friends with them, not to take advantage of Chen Xin'an.

Whether he had a plan in advance could not be hidden from Chen Xin'an's eyes.

The father and son were purely happy because they met a fellow villager, and there was absolutely no pretense in their behavior.

This is why Chen Xin'an is willing to come forward.

Li Qi had already walked to the door and looked at the group of people coldly.

He didn't speak Japanese, so he didn't speak at all and just stared at the guys.

Seeing someone standing up, a group of delinquent youths looked at each other and then laughed.

One of them held a wooden stick with a thick wrist, pointed at Li Qi's nose and cursed: "If you are not a staff member of this restaurant, then get out of here!

Who dares to interfere in what we are doing in Dao Helian? "

Aze was helped up from the ground by his sister, and he reluctantly said to Li Qi: "Brother, don't worry! You can't afford to offend them! Other compatriots will come over to help in a while and drive these bastards away!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a noise outside. Aze turned his head and looked outside, and was startled.

It turns out that the entire Chinatown is in a situation like my own!

This time, Dao Helian mobilized hundreds of people and broke into Chinatown.

Almost every shop was blocked by a group of club members, banging and smashing with sticks.

Chen Xin'an asked Liang Dong: "What do they want to do?"

Liang Dong gritted his teeth and said bitterly: "Collect protection fees! These are inevitable when doing business here.

Either this society will collect it, or that society will collect it.

Five years ago, the Daohe United suppressed other associations and came to Chinatown specifically to collect protection fees.

In order to avoid trouble, we compromised and paid them a certain amount of money every year, and we lived in peace for the past few years.

But this year, the boss of Dao Helian passed away due to illness, and his wife became the president.

Instead of paying every year, you pay every month, and the expenses in two or three months can catch up with the previous year!

Of course, no one is willing to pay because there is no profit at all!

After a few conflicts, they started to take action! "

Qiao Yanhui said with a puzzled look on his face: "Why didn't you call the police? Doesn't the official care?"

"Official?" Liang Dong had a sarcastic smile on his face and said to Chen Xin'an and the others:

"The officials of Da Ying, or directly the police of Da Ying, are the most cowardly police in the world.

He is timid in doing things and has no courage at all.

As long as the case involves the black society, they will be timid and have no efficiency at all! "

Qiao Yanhui on the side sighed, nodded to Chen Xin'an and said: "The relationship between the Da Ying official and the black society is too close!

It's much more serious than the Eagle Flag Country!

There used to be a saying that the police in Japan were in charge of the associations, and the associations were in charge of public security!

If it hadn't been for the incompetence of the police here in Da Ying, I wouldn't have had to come all the way here!

However, my friend has now become a police chief and has the qualifications to be on an equal footing with the bosses of these societies. I call him and I believe he will not sit idly by and do nothing! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and did not stop him from calling.

He turned to Liang Dong and said: "Boss Liang, don't worry, I won't sit back and watch this matter.

We, compatriots and fellow countrymen, are not called us for nothing.

This meal was not for nothing!

We Chinese people, even if we are thousands of miles away from home, as long as we get together, we are a family! "

Liang Dong said anxiously: "I thank Mr. Chen for his kindness. It's just that you can't afford to offend these people!

We only have these few people, and we are no match for these hooligans.

It would be safest to wait for the president to come back and take everyone to negotiate with the boss of Dao Helian. "

"What about now?" Xu Qing looked at Liang Dong and asked, "Are you going to let them bully you now?"

Liang Dong sighed and said helplessly: "They came well prepared today, but it seems they won't give up until they achieve their goal!

The whole Chinatown was visited by them, the president went to another place for a meeting, and we were leaderless.

I have no choice but to endure it temporarily and give them a month's money! "

Xu Qing frowned and was about to object when Qiao Yanhui patted the back of her hand and said:

"We can take action, but if we beat these guys away, Boss Liang will suffer even more when we leave!"

Xu Qing was stunned.

Of course she won't stay here for the rest of her life.

But today, even if we drive away everyone from Dao Helian, it will be useless. The other party is a black society, and they will definitely not let it go, and will definitely retaliate even more crazily!

At the door, Li Qi and the others looked at each other with the group of community members, and their swords were at war.

The club members were all arrogant and shouting curses.

On the other hand, Li Qi and the other three didn't say a word, they just looked at each other coldly with contempt in their eyes, as if they didn't take these people seriously!

One of the men with earrings pointed at Li Qi's nose with a stick and yelled curses.

Before he finished speaking, Li Qi suddenly swung his arm, his right palm was like a knife, and with a click, he cut the stick with a thick wrist into two pieces!

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