Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2478 I am too hard to kneel down

A group of delinquent youths from a club suddenly fell silent.

The earring man looked at Li Qi's palm, then at the half stick in his hand, stretched his neck, swallowed, and took a step back.

Aze and his sister ran over, stopped Li Qi and the others and said, "You can't do anything!"

Long said angrily: "Are you okay, brother? I've been bullied right to the doorstep, and you still have to endure it?"

The girl pointed outside and said, "Look over there!"

Everyone turned to look and saw that the owner of a store outside was dragged out by members of the club and pushed to the ground.

Several men in suits held pistols and pointed them at his head!

The younger brothers in Da Ying's black society are divided into two types of people, which are easy to distinguish.

One type wears all kinds of trendy casual clothes, dyes their hair in various colors, and dresses up in all kinds of weird and weird ways.

Although these people are vicious and powerful, they are the most peripheral people in the society.

They are usually the most basic juniors, acting as thugs.

The other is a suit, tie, leather shoes, and a crew cut. This kind of person is a real corporate member.

They are not vicious, but vicious.

Not much to say, once you take action, you are going to risk your life, at least to make the other party's hands and feet broken!

In the past, those who came to Chinatown were the peripheral people.

Now that real community members are actually here, it means that this time the Dao United League is going to take serious action against Chinatown!

If not, someone might die!

These gangsters are easy to deal with, but once they attract the backbone of Dao Helian, everyone will be in danger!

Aze said to Long Sheng: "This is my sister Liang Rui. She doesn't let everyone do it because she is afraid that everyone will get into big trouble!"

Seeing that the person opposite was cowed, the earring man and his gang also became proud.

They walked forward swaggeringly and cursed at Li Qi: "Asshole! Are you very powerful? Then try touching me!

Believe it or not, if I lose one hair, your store will be closed from now on! "

Aze suppressed his anger and said to the man with earrings: "I told you, the president is not here!

When he comes back, he will give an explanation to your president! "

The earring man cursed: "Asshole! Do you think we are fools?

I don’t care whether you are president or not, today we are going to take away all the debts we owe!

Moreover, a new expropriation contract has to be signed. If anyone dares to resist, your business will be stopped! "

Aze gritted his teeth and said to the man with earrings: "What contract?"

The man with earrings waved his hand, and a short young man with eyes walked out from behind. He took out a contract from his bag and walked up to Aze.

This guy is not tall, a head shorter than Aze, but his attitude is very arrogant.

The look in Aze's eyes was squinting contempt. Just when Aze reached for the contract, the little man loosened his grip and the contract fell to the ground.

Aze subconsciously bent down to pick it up, and the gangsters around him laughed loudly.

Holding back his anger, Aze picked up the contract, glanced at it roughly, glared at the man with the earrings and cursed:

"You might as well come and take over!

I mentioned so much in one go, but we don’t make any money every month, we just work for you?

None of these conditions are possible, I won’t sign this contract! "

The man with earrings looked at him coldly and said: "If you don't sign, get out of Chinatown, get out of Yingjing! Go back to China!"

Liang Rui cursed angrily: "This is Chinatown, where Yingjing officials do business for us. It's you who want to get out!"

The little man looked at her with a sinister smile and said: "This is Da Ying! If we Da Ying people tell you to get out, you have to get out!"

But if you don’t want to leave, you can stay, as long as you…”

He chuckled and reached out his hand to touch Liang Rui's face.

Liang Rui screamed and stepped back. Li Qi grabbed the little dwarf's wrist with a snap.

"Asshole, let go!" The little dwarf struggled hard, but the other party didn't move at all. One hand was like a vise, tightly clamping his wrist!

A gangster next to him picked up the stick in his hand, raised it high above his head, aimed at Li Qi's arm and was about to smash it down!

But after waiting for a long time, his arm didn't even come down.

Even my companion became impatient. He turned around and was shocked!

I saw that the guy still kept his hands raised above his head, but his face was flushed and his face was ferocious, but his body seemed motionless as if acupuncture points had been tapped!

"Narumi, what's wrong with you?" The companion next to him saw something was wrong with him and supported him.

But as soon as he pulled his arm, the guy screamed like a slaughtered pig.

Chen Xin'an walked over calmly and said calmly: "You'd better not touch him. Now his acupuncture points have been sealed by steel needles!"

Some of these gangsters also understood Chinese, and they immediately translated Chen Xin'an's words to the earring man.

Only then did everyone realize that the guy with his arms raised had a steel needle inside each eye socket!

I'm afraid if I move even one millimeter to the side, my eyeball will be punctured!

The key is, no one saw when the two needles were inserted!

The faces of the men with earrings showed frightened expressions, and they all looked at Chen Xin'an.

Could it be this guy's method?

What kind of people came to Chinatown today?

The kid just cut off the wooden stick with one palm, thinking he was strong enough.

Unexpectedly, here comes another person who can shoot steel needles without anyone noticing. If it pricks him, he will die without knowing it!

Unexpectedly, the club sent the elite main force. I originally thought that these Chinese people would be obedient and submit, but I never expected that they would still be so unfavorable!

Liang Dong took the contract from his son's hand and took a look at it. His face turned blue with anger and he cursed at the gangsters:

“You really don’t treat us as human beings!

Even when Yifeng Society was in trouble before, it wasn't as ruthless as you wanted!

Moreover, this is Chinatown, a place where we Chinese do business. Why should we use kneeling service to the Japanese people?

What does our business method have to do with you?

I don’t need you to tell me what to do! "

Now that the boss has arrived, Li Qi let go of the dwarf and ignored him.

The little dwarf rubbed his sore wrist, but with a contemptuous sneer on his face, he said to Liang Dong:

“This is what our new president has added, and all your Chinese shops cannot refuse.

Soon our people will be here to train you.

Don’t worry if you are not used to it, we will let you use the most authentic Chinese kneeling method instead of the Da Ying kneeling posture.

This way you will get used to it. Anyway, you have always been kneeling to the Japanese people! "

A group of gangsters laughed loudly.

Aze cursed angrily: "Fart! You Da Ying people are the only ones with weak knees, and you kneel down at every turn! I have a hard bone and can't kneel down!"

Liang Rui, whose face turned red with anger, translated his words to Chen Xin'an and others, and everyone had angry looks on their faces.

But Chen Xin'an waved her hand, took the contract from Liang Dong's hand, then grabbed the little dwarf's neck and said to the earring man: "Let's go out and talk!"

"Asshole!" the man with the earrings cursed. Before he could speak again, Chen Xin'an's hand holding the contract wrapped his arm around his neck, half-walking and half-dragging him away from the restaurant!

A group of gangsters wanted to take action, but for fear of hurting their own people, they did not dare to mess around for a while, so they could only follow behind them.

Liang Dong and his son also wanted to follow them out, but Li Qi stopped them, shook his head and said:

"The boss just doesn't want to implicate you, so you can just continue doing business!"

"But..." Liang Dong wanted to say something anxiously, but Li Qi shook his head with a smile and walked out with Long Sheng and Xia Hongfeng.

Xu Qing came over and said to Liang Dong: "Boss Liang, don't worry, they will be fine!

If he wants to take action, it's actually the people from Dao Helian who should be worried! "

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