Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2479 Kneel down and eat it for me

The entire Chinatown seemed to have more people than usual, but instead of being lively, it was scary.

Everyone knew that Daohelian was going to attack Chinatown, so many customers had already come out of the shops and stood on the street to watch the excitement.

Chinatown is a main road one hundred meters wide and five hundred meters long, with uniform three-story buildings on both sides.

There are about 600 Chinese shops and more than 100 Japanese shops.

The Chinese Street of Da Ying, like the Chinese Street of the Eagle Flag State, has its own escort team.

But now, all of these escort members were gathered in the street with guns pointed at their heads by men in suits from Dao Helian, and they did not dare to move.

This is the main attraction of Yingjing, and even the whole of Da Ying. People who come to Da Ying, no matter which country they are from, will come to China Street.

Therefore, Chinatown’s tax revenue is an important component of Yingjing’s finances.

This place is like a big piece of fat, attracting the covetousness of various forces.

It was actually expected that Daohe would join forces now, but although the new president's methods were ruthless enough, his brain was not smart enough.

Smart people would disdain to do this kind of fishing!

Standing on the street outside the store, a gangster wearing a nose ring said to Chen Xin'an in broken Chinese, "What do you want to do? Are you looking for death? Can't you see that we are all our people here?"

Chen Xin'an glanced around and noticed that Li Qi had already disappeared into the crowd with Long Sheng and Xia Hongfeng. He shrugged his shoulders and said to the man with the nose ring: "So what? They're just a bunch of trash!"

"Asshole!" The man with the nose ring got angry and shouted to his companions: "This Chinese piggy boy says we are trash!"

A group of gangsters were angry, holding up sticks and gesticulating at Chen Xin'an.

However, no one rushed over, after all, one of his own was still in the hands of others.

Chen Xin'an let go of his hand, threw the contract in his hand on the ground, and said to the two people in front of him: "Kneel down and eat the contract!"

The man with the earrings and the little man turned their heads at the same time and looked at the man with the nose ring.

After hearing the man with the nose ring's translation, both of them became angry and yelled at Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an was too lazy to listen and kicked each of them on the knees!

With two crisp cracks of fractures, the two of them knelt on the ground at the same time!

"Asshole!" The gangsters around were shocked. Is this guy so generous?

Dare to take action in such an environment!

They wanted to rush forward, but they saw Chen Xin'an flipping his hands, holding a steel needle between his fingers, and said coldly to everyone: "Want to die?"

Everyone didn't understand what he said, but they understood what he meant and subconsciously took a step back.

Chen Xin'an raised her hands, placed the steel needles in her hands on the heads of the man with earrings and the little dwarf, and pressed two of them in!

The two people who were screaming loudly suddenly lost their voices. They just started shaking like chaff and their eyes began to turn white.

Chen Xin'an pointed to the contract on the ground and said to the two of them: "Kneel down and eat half of it for me!"

This time, there was no need for a translator. The earring man and the dwarf understood what he meant.

At this moment, the two of them had completely lost their previous toughness, and the extremely suppressed pain in their bodies made them afraid that their bodies would explode into pieces if they screamed!

The little man stretched out his trembling hands, picked up the contract from the ground, tore it into two parts, and handed one to the earring man.

Man with earrings: "..."

Damn it!

If you tear it in half, can't you just tear it sideways from the middle?

Why split?

There are five in total. Why don’t you keep two for yourself? What do you mean by giving me three?

Why should I eat one more piece than you?

But now is obviously not the time to speculate on this.

The devil-like guy was standing in front of him, holding a gleaming steel needle in his hand.

Whoever dares to take a step slower will have the steel needle pierced into the head!

Neither of them wants to taste that kind of pain again!

Seeing the two of them kneeling on the ground, stuffing the contract into their mouths, and eating it bite by bite, the gangsters all lowered their heads and felt their faces burning!


There were all people from Dao Helian around, and there was only one other person.

But he forced them to kneel down and ate the contract that these Chinese people should have signed by pinching their noses.

No matter how many people sign the contract today and how much benefit they get, it is nothing compared to this incident, because this is a shame for Dao Helian!

"Asshole! What are you doing!" A man in a suit rushed over and kicked the man with earrings and the dwarf who were kneeling on the ground to the ground!

The man with the earrings and the little man screamed and rolled on the ground, but they kept saying begging for mercy!

"He Nanjun, he forced me and broke my legs. There is nothing I can do!"

"Yes, He Nanjun, this person doesn't take our Dao Helian seriously at all. You must help us get revenge!"

A man's majestic order came from not far away: "Tian Luo Kazuo, kill him!

It seems that if we don't mean anything, these Chinese people will not give in! "

Tian Luo Kazuo nodded and responded: "Yes, Mr. Yagi!"

He turned to look at Chen Xin'an and said coldly: "Although these two guys are trash, they are members of our Daohe Alliance after all!

You bastard, if you treat them like this, you are slapping our Dao Helian in the face!

You Chinese pigs, kneel down and die! "

He pulled out the narrow knife from his waist, held the knife with both hands, aimed it at Chen Xin'an's neck, and slashed it down diagonally!

Chen Xin'an just stared at him coldly and didn't dodge at all.

There was a trace of ridicule in Tian Luo Kazuo's eyes, and his hands suddenly accelerated!


Do you really think I'm just an ordinary gangster?

With the swordsmanship of the Ito-ryu style, even if your neck is made of iron, it will still be broken under my sword!

But just when his knife was about to touch the opponent's neck, his vision went dark and the opponent disappeared!

In fact, she didn't disappear, but turned around and pressed her back against his chest.

Then he raised his hands and accurately grabbed his wrists!

Tian Luo and Kazuo were shocked. Just when he wanted to break free, the other party pulled him down. Then there was a sharp pain in his wrist, and he couldn't help but buckle inward!

The whole process was like lightning, and it was over before the brain could react!

The person who bumped into his arms moved away again, and then returned to his original position, as if he had never moved.

And the knife that was originally meant to chop off his head was inserted into Tian Luo Kazuo's own lower abdomen, and half of the blade was missing!

Lowering his head and looking at the knife in his abdomen, Tian Luo Kazuo felt that all the strength in his body was rapidly draining away as the blood flowed out.

Until now, he has not figured out how he was injured.

He could only raise his head with difficulty and cursed at Chen Xin'an: "Asshole!"

Chen Xin'an didn't say anything. He raised his foot and kicked the handle of the knife!


All the narrow knives penetrated Tian Luo Kazuo's body, and even passed through his body.

Tian Luo Kazuo staggered back a few steps due to this kick, and then sat down on the ground!

Everyone around was stunned, and a group of gangsters even shouted loudly!

At the same time, Li Qi in the crowd also moved his hand, grabbed the right hand of a man in a suit holding a gun, and pointed the muzzle of the gun originally aimed at Chen Xin'an at his head!

The man in the suit was shocked. He wanted to break free from the opponent's grasp, but was held down by an incomparable force. With a bang, he pulled the trigger!

The bullet penetrated through the chin and then passed out above the head, blowing off a section of the Tianling Cap.

The man in the suit died instantly, and his body fell backwards and hit the ground!

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