Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2480 You are an amazing person

People around him screamed loudly and fled.

The expressions of a group of men in black changed drastically, and they immediately took out their guns and pointed them at Li Qi.

But at this moment, there was a sudden roar: "Everyone stop!"

All the club members stopped moving and turned to look at Mr. Yagi.

Li Qi made a gesture to Long Sheng and Xia Hongfeng in the dark, telling them not to act rashly, and they nodded.

From the moment he found the two of them in the Eagle Flag Country, Chen Xin'an had been deliberately asking them to follow Li Qi.

During their time in Montenegro Tiger, what the two learned was limited after all.

Chen Xin'an didn't have time to teach them too much, so he just wanted them to see and learn more around Li Qi.

Actual combat is the best training ground!

Now there is a good tacit understanding between the two of them and Li Qi.

Of course, if you want to have the tacit understanding between the boss and Li Qi, you probably won’t be able to achieve it in another three years!

Mr. Yagi walked up to Chen Xin'an and stood in front of him. He looked at him coldly and said, "My name is Kenji Yagi, and I am responsible for collecting the protection fees in Chinatown.

I've been here many times but never seen you! "

He actually used very standard Chinese.

In fact, many people in Daying can speak Chinese.

If Eagle Flag is their first choice for learning foreign languages, then Chinese is their second choice.

Of course, the purpose of learning is very intriguing.

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, looked at him and said, "No doubt, I am not from Chinatown at all!

I just can't stand how arrogant you guys are, so I decided to teach these rubbish guys a lesson! "

Kenji Yagihashi squinted at Chen Xin'an and said coldly: "Chinese people, do you know what you are talking about?

Do you know who you are against?

I advise you not to meddle in your own business, lest you get angry. When the time comes, you will not be able to travel to Da Ying, but you will lose your life here! "

Chen Xin'an smiled, looked at Yagihashi Kenji and said, "What if I say, I am Chen Xin'an?"

"Chen Xin'an?!" Yagihashi Kenji shouted, looking at the man in front of him in disbelief.

He is considered a high-level backbone of Dao Helian, so how could he not know this name?

But he didn't expect that the legendary person would actually stand in front of him!

That's right, how can ordinary people have such courage? Only Chen Xin'an can be so unscrupulous!

Not far away, the whistle of a police siren came, and a young man ran over and whispered to him: "Mr. Yagi, the people from the Metropolitan Police Department are here..."

"Let them go!" Kenji Yagihashi said with a sullen face: "They have nothing to do here!"

The younger brother looked confused and said to him: "Mr. Yagi, he is from the Yingjing No. 1 Police Department!

The leader is Fujiwara Yosuke! "

"This bastard!" Yagihashi Kenji knew this person and often went against people in the Dohelian.

Even he himself can’t count the brothers he captured!

Dao Helian can bribe most of the police in Yingjing, but only the First Police Department has not been able to get it!

And the leader is Fujiwara Yosuke, who is also the top leader of the First Metropolitan Police Department.

Looking at Chen Xin'an in front of him, and listening to the sirens getting closer and closer, Yagihashi Kenji took a deep breath and suddenly made a decision that no one expected: "Let's go! Go back to the club!"

People in Chinatown watched in stunned silence as the people from Dao Helian got on the bus and left. No one was left.

Even the injured people and corpses were cleared away, which felt a bit incredible.

You know, these people never give up until they achieve their goals!

But everyone is not stupid, and they all know that it was caused by those people who were against Dao Helian.

Especially the person who was talking to Yagihashi Kenji didn't know what he said, so he asked the other person to withdraw.

As for the police officers who came in later, everyone knew that it could not be their fault.

In order to get rid of the oppression of those black societies, everyone has made countless calls, but none of them have worked.

Those guys gave the police face and left as soon as they came.

But as soon as the police left, they came back and were even more aggressive than before!

People in Chinatown can't be said to be disappointed with the police in Yingjing, but they don't have too many illusions either.

Otherwise, they wouldn't have set up their own escort team!

"Hey, Yosuke-kun, long time no see! I heard you got promoted, congratulations!" Qiao Yanhui stood at the door of the restaurant and said to a police officer walking in front.

The man laughed loudly, came over and hugged Qiao Yanhui, patted his back hard with both hands, and said loudly:

"Jun Hui, I miss you so much! When you called me, I couldn't believe my ears.

Last night I just dreamed about the scene when we fought side by side. Unexpectedly, I received a call from you today. I even suspected that this was also a dream! "

The two hugged each other and laughed, and it was obvious that their relationship was really good.

Qiao Yanhui saw that Chen Xin'an and others had come back, and immediately said to Fujiwara Yosuke: "Yosuke-kun, let me introduce my friend to you!

Who is this……"

He pointed at Chen Xin'an and suddenly didn't know what to say!

Chen Xin'an has a sensitive identity and is also a person wanted by the Japanese police. Once his identity is discovered by Fujiwara Yosuke, he may...

Without waiting for him to hesitate, Chen Xin'an looked at Fujiwara Yosuke and said, "I am Chen Xin'an!"

"Chen Xin'an!" Fujiwara Yosuke's expression changed drastically, and he subconsciously reached for the gun from his waist!

Behind him, several policemen also made gestures of touching their guns, and Li Qi and the other three were immediately alert.

The atmosphere suddenly dropped to freezing point!

Qiao Yanhui said nervously: "Yangjie-kun, Mr. Chen is my friend and he also saved my life! Without him, I would never be able to leave the Eagle Flag Country!"

Fujiwara Yosuke took a deep breath, waved to the police behind him, looked at Chen Xin'an and said:

"Chen Xin'an, for the sake of Lord Yanhui, I will let you go today.

But you'd better behave yourself in Yingjing, I'll keep an eye on you.

As long as you dare to mess around, I won't guard against you! "

Long Sheng and Xia Hongfeng looked disdainful. Whose face does my boss need?

Even if you are a police officer, so what?

I originally thought that the boss would scold him rudely, but I didn't expect that Chen Xin'an just nodded, said good, turned around and walked into the restaurant.

Long Sheng and Xia Hongfeng frowned, why did the boss become so cowardly?

Could it be that he was really afraid of these Japanese policemen.

Qiao Yanhui looked at Chen Xin'an gratefully and nodded to him.

Sitting back at the original table, the diners around looked at Chen Xin'an and the others with awe in their eyes.

After all the trouble just now, no new customers will come to dine for a while, and the restaurant is rarely at peace.

Liang Dong came over with a woman, A Ze and Liang Rui.

"Mr. Chen, thank you!" Liang Dong picked up the bottle of wine that he had not finished drinking just now, poured it for himself and Chen Xin'an, and said excitedly:

"Thank you everyone! Without your generous action, today's matter would not have been so easy to solve!

I'm a stupid person and can't say any nice compliments, so I'd like to give you a toast on behalf of the whole family. Thank you very much! "

Chen Xin'an picked up the cup, clinked it with him, and said with a smile: "Boss Liang, to be honest, today's success is not all for you, it is mainly my own business!"

Liang Rui blinked her big eyes and said to Chen Xin'an: "Uncle Chen, who are you?

Why do the people in Daohelian and the police change their expressions when they hear your name?

I have never seen them look like that. You must be an amazing person! "

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