Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2481 I want to stay here and do something

The little girl's words made everyone laugh.

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said, "I'm not a great person, I'm just a native Chinese!"

Liang Rui said proudly: "I am also Chinese!

Although I was born in Japan, I have never been registered as a citizen of Japan.

My parents told me that no matter how many years we live in Japan, our roots are in China.

My children and my brother’s children are also Chinese and only have Chinese citizenship! "

"Good job!" Long Sheng and Xia Hongfeng gave the little girl a thumbs up.

Chen Xin'an also smiled and nodded, looking at this little girl, and then thinking of Cai Zi on Hengban Qiufu Mountain. They were almost the same age, but their personalities were so different. It was really touching!

The woman said to Chen Xin'an with a kind face: "Mr. Chen, I heard from my husband, how many days do you want to stay in Yingjing?

Haven't chosen a hotel yet?

I have a house that was my aunt's property in Yingjing.

My aunt had no children. I happened to be in Yingjing when she died, so she left her to me.

The two children will stay there for two days during the holidays. It is usually empty. If you don't mind, you can stay there first!

It's right in the city center and the transportation is very convenient. We rarely go there because we are busy. You can rest assured and stay as long as you want! "

While talking, the woman had already taken out a key and placed it on the table in front of Chen Xin'an.

Liang Dong smiled and said, "My wife's name is Zhou Sumei. You can just call her Sister Mei. People in Chinatown call her that."

Chen Xin'an nodded and smiled, and said to Zhou Sumei: "Sister Mei means well, so I won't be polite.

It's troublesome for Aze and my little sister, they can only make do with it in the store for a few days! "

Aze smiled and said: "It's okay, my sister and I have lived with our parents since we were young!"

Liang Rui also nodded vigorously.

Wei Yuan came back with his cell phone and said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, something is not right..."

Seeing his solemn expression, Liang Dong immediately said to Chen Xin'an: "Let's get busy first!

Aze, Ruirui, take the food off the table and I'll make new ones! "

Chen Xin'an stopped the brothers Aze and Ruirui and said to Liang Dong and Sister Mei:

"No need! We are not so pretentious. The food is all warm. Eat it the same. Don't waste it!"

Seeing Chen Xin'an's persistence, Liang Dong stopped saying anything and asked the family to leave.

Sitting on the chair, Wei Yuan said to Chen Xin'an: "I contacted here. Through our own relationship, it is possible to leave Da Ying through formal channels, but only two people can leave!"

Long Sheng said with a smile: "I thought it was a big deal! It's just two people, it doesn't matter!

The boss and Brother Qi will leave first, and the rest of us will follow Brother Hui.

Don't they have some kind of contract? It should be okay to leave four people, right? "

Chu Haitao on the side scratched his head and said to Long Sheng: "Master Long, the situation over there is actually similar to ours.

Because we all followed the same path, we also borrowed the same rules and regulations from the police in both places.

It’s just that we didn’t take up the quota in Yingjing! "

Xia Hongfeng curled her lips and said: "That would be easier, just find more people from several places to handle this matter. With the three of you, there will be a total of nine people.

A local police department can leave two, but four or five local police departments can send us all away! "

Wei Yuan shook his head and said to him: "No! There are only two places in the whole of Daying that can take advantage of this system, Yingjing and Hengban!"

Everyone fell silent.

Wei Yuan took a deep breath and said, "But Haitao and I will not go back.

We have a new mission, we have to stay in Yingjing! "

Chu Haitao said with a smile: "Originally, I started working on the horizontal board, and then I went to Yingjing.

In fact, even if this incident hadn't happened now, it was already time to move to Yingjing, so I just happened to take the opportunity to come over! "

Long Sheng nodded and said, "So of the three of you, only Miss He has returned to China?"

"I won't go back to China!" He Meijuan shook her head and said sadly: "I came to Da Ying after graduating from university.

On the one hand, I was working to earn money, and on the other hand, I was looking for my mother.

Now I haven't found her yet, I can't go back to China! "

Wei Yuan frowned and asked He Meijuan: "Xiaojuan, your mother is in Daying? Why have you never mentioned her?"

He Meijuan lowered her head, seeming hesitant.

After a while, she raised her head and said to Wei Yuan: "My dad is a professor at a university in China.

My mother is an international student in Japan, and my mentor is my father.

Later they fell in love, but this relationship was not allowed by the school.

My dad quit his job and left school for my mom, started a business to make money, and put my mom through college.

Later, my mother graduated from college and got together with my father.

But after giving birth to me, she left without saying goodbye. She just left a letter saying that she was going back to China..."

Speaking of this, He Meijuan burst into tears: "When my father passed away, he always took a photo of the two of them.

He told me to come to Daying, find my mother, and ask her: Why did you abandon us, father and daughter?

He said that my mother is not such a cruel person and must have special reasons!

And asked me not to bear grudges against my mother..."

She was crying and speechless.

Wei Yuan sighed heartbrokenly and hugged her into his arms.

Chen Xin'an and everyone were also sighing. Now that they can't protect themselves, they don't dare to help others find their mother.

Every family has its own scriptures that are difficult to recite, and it is indeed difficult to interfere in such matters!

Qiao Yanhui also came back, his expression a little solemn.

Xu Qing asked him: "Have all those Yingjing police left?"

Qiao Yanhui nodded.

Xu Qing was angry: "Is this how you do things? You don't even count the losses?

Can you take photos and look for evidence?

The most basic thing is, don’t even ask for a confession?

Too lazy to do all the superficial work? "

Qiao Yanhui sighed and said: "This is in Great Britain, not in China!

Fujiwara and the others are pretty good, at least they dare to come!

If it were any other police officer, he wouldn't even dare to show his face! "

Xu Qing sneered coldly, his impression of the police in Da Ying was extremely bad.

Xia Hongfeng asked Qiao Yanhui, "Brother Hui, can you leave here?"

Qiao Yanhui nodded and said, "Yes! But... you can only bring one family member or colleague!"

He turned his head and glanced at Xu Qing, then looked at Chen Xin'an and Li Qi guiltily.

Everyone fell silent.

In other words, there are still two people stranded in Da Ying after all!

Chen Xin'an smiled and said to everyone: "What are you all doing with such sad faces!

Isn't this my ideal result? "

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and they all raised their heads and looked at Chen Xin'an with puzzled expressions.

How is this the most ideal result?

Chen Xin'an smiled and said: "It's hard to come to Da Ying. I can't leave so easily. I still want to stay for a few more days!

Brother Hui, Sister Qing, Long Sheng, Hong Feng, you four leave first!

This way we will have no worries here! "

Xu Qing said with a straight face: "What are you going to do? Don't mess around! Da Ying is not the Eagle Flag Country, and it is more dangerous than the Eagle Flag Country!"

This is true.

Due to various reasons, the resentment between the Ying people and the Chinese people was so deep that it was simply irreconcilable.

Moreover, there are many black societies here, controlling almost all cities in Da Ying.

Chen Xin'an is now the target of all the Ying gangs. If he still wants to cause trouble here, isn't he seeking death?

Chen Xin'an looked at her with a smile. Although this policewoman was not related by blood, she was part of a family. She was really becoming more and more like a sister!

Knowing that she was really worried, Chen Xin'an waved her hands and said, "Don't worry! I will go back soon!

But before I go back, I have to do something!

Otherwise, if you go to Da Ying and leave nothing behind, you will be laughed to death by Aman and the others! "

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