Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2482 This is the real Chinatown

After eating and drinking, everyone did not leave. Many people came in outside, all of them shop owners in China Street.

Everyone saw Chen Xin'an's performance just now.

It was precisely because of the appearance of this person that Dao Helian left in embarrassment.

So now everyone respects Chen Xin'an as if he were a hero.

Aze and Ruirui removed the bowls and chopsticks from the table, made tea and brought it over, and then introduced the people who came here specially to Chen Xin'an.

"This is Uncle Hong Yuan, the owner of the noodle shop across the street. This is Mrs. Miaozhen and her daughter Chunya, the owner of the cake shop next door. This is Brother Lang, who runs a supermarket in Chinatown..."

"Relieve my anger! I haven't felt as comfortable as today for many years!" Uncle Hong Yuan gave a thumbs up and said to Chen Xin'an:

"Young man, you helped us Chinese people in Great Britain breathe a sigh of relief today!"

Lang Ge nodded and said: "Let the people from Dao Helian kneel down and eat the contract, it will relieve their anger just by looking at it!

Brother, don’t dare say anything else. Whatever you need, come to me and get it!

Don’t take away any points, you’re welcome! "

Mrs. Miaozhen held her four or five-year-old daughter in her arms and said to Chen Xin'an:

"Child, don't go out during this period, just stay in our Chinatown.

If you offend Dao Helian, they will not let you go.

Here, we protect you, they can't find you! "

Everyone nodded.

A middle-aged man wearing glasses said: "I have a room above, how about Mr. Chen staying with me?

Although it's not a star hotel, it's just a small hotel, but the conditions are pretty good! "

Aze smiled and said: "Uncle Liang, no need, my mother gave Mr. Chen the key to the house in Shimu Town, so they have a place to live!"

Uncle Liang slapped him lightly and cursed: "Didn't you hear what Sister Miaozhen said just now? They are in danger now and cannot leave Chinatown!

Once you are targeted by someone from Dao Helian, it will be very dangerous! "

Ruirui said with a worried look: "But it's not safe to stay in Chinatown. Our escorts can't stop those guys at all!"

"Stop talking nonsense!" Aze glared at his sister, turned to a burly young man with a red face and said: "Brother Si'an, Ruirui doesn't mean that, don't take it to heart!"

Brother Si'an shook his head and sighed: "It's because I'm not good at studying and I failed to protect everyone!

But please rest assured, Mr. Chen, if Dao Helian wants to deal with you, these brothers in the escort team will protect you even if they risk their lives! "

Chen Xin'an smiled and turned to look at everyone.

This is what his compatriots look like, this is the humane Chinatown.

He stood up, bowed his hands to everyone and said, "Thank you folks for your support!

I couldn't stay in Chinatown because there was still so much to do.

Don’t worry, everyone, Dao Helian will not do anything to me.

But they may not give up because Chinatown is a piece of fat to them, and they will definitely find a way to eat it! "

Everyone, everyone has dealt with these Da Ying societies so many times, how come they don’t know what their virtues are?

So this is not a possibility at all, but something that will definitely happen!

Chen Xin'an said to everyone: "So next time the people from Dao Helian come here, you must call me and let me deal with them!

Brother Si'an, don't be so desperate!

Dealing with those people flexibly and saving lives is the most important thing.

No matter how much you lose, you can make it back, but if your life is gone, you won’t even have the chance to take revenge! "

Brother Si'an frowned as he listened to Chen Xin'an's words, and then nodded vigorously.

After chatting with everyone for a while, it turned out that Chen Xin'an really didn't want to live in Chinatown. Although everyone was a little worried and regretful, they didn't stop him and got up and went back.

After taking two steps, Chun Ya opened her big eyes and asked Xu Qing, who had been teasing her just now: "Auntie, will you come to play with me again in the future?"

Xu Qing had some embarrassment on his face. He walked over and squatted beside her, pinched her little face and said:

"Auntie may be leaving Daying today.

In the future, when you return to China and come to play with your aunt, I will take you to many fun places and eat a lot of delicious food, okay?

Next time my aunt comes to Daying, she will definitely come to you as soon as possible, okay Chunya? "

"Okay!" Chunya nodded with a sweet voice.

Chen Xin'an smiled and said to her: "Auntie is leaving, but uncle is not leaving! Uncle will come over often in the future. Next time he comes, he will bring you toys!"

"Keep your word!" Chunya clapped her hands and jumped up, then stretched out her little hand to hook up with Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an laughed loudly, stretched out his hand to hook up with her, and asked her, "Chunya, tell uncle, what kind of toys do you like?"

Chunya thought about it seriously and said to Chen Xin'an: "I like piano! My mother said that when I turn five, she will take me to sign up to play the piano! I want to be a pianist when I grow up!"

"Chun Ya, don't talk nonsense!" Sister-in-law Miaozhen blushed and patted her daughter gently, and said to Chen Xin'an with an apologetic look: "Mr. Chen, please ignore her, she is talking nonsense!"

She is not stupid, so she naturally knows how expensive a piano is.

In her current situation, she simply couldn't afford it.

Chen Xin'an didn't say anything, she just nodded with a smile and pinched Chun Ya's little face.

Before he could say anything, his cell phone rang in his pocket. When he took it out, his eyes widened.

While waving to everyone, he answered the phone, and Brother Snake's voice came over there:

"Boss, have you come out of the Eagle Flag Country?

I called Dayao just now. You have been gone for a month? "

Chen Xin'an hummed and said to him: "We are already in Da Ying now. Where are you?"

Brother Snake said anxiously: "I just left Da Ying! This trip made a big circle, so it was delayed a bit.

Boss, are you trapped in Da Ying?

I immediately resisted, it will take about a day or two to arrive!

I will send you back to China! "

Chen Xin'an said quickly: "No! What's your plan here? Are you going to go back to the Eagle Flag Country directly or do you have other business?"

Brother Snake cursed angrily: "I have to go to Dongchao first! Some of the goods were tricked by those Dongchao people and got away with it. I have to get it back!

It will take about five days to get it and then return to Da Ying for delivery.

Once this matter is resolved, you can return to the Eagle Flag Country. "

Chen Xin'an immediately said to him: "Okay, then come over in five days, and I will return to China with the ship!"

Brother Snake said with some worry: "That's Daying, boss, you are a wanted criminal now!

Now even cargo ships from various countries docking have received your wanted notice.

How about I send you back first, and it won’t be too late to come back and ask for the goods! "

Chen Xin'an smiled and said: "No! I just want to take advantage of this time to do something!

I'll call you from another number in the afternoon. Contact me when you get here! "

"Okay!" Brother Snake responded and hung up the phone.

Chen Xin'an raised his head and said to Xu Qing and everyone: "You will handle the departure matter today. It is best to get on the plane today.

Brother Snake will pick us up in five days and take Aqi and I back to China. You don’t have to worry about this! "

After hearing what Chen Xin'an said, everyone felt relieved.

Qiao Yanhui said to everyone: "Ah Qing, Master Long, Master Xia, give me your IDs, and I will send them to the Metropolitan Police Department later.

The quota on the other side of the horizontal board can be approved online by the Metropolitan Police Department here.

If we hurry, we can take the evening flight and get back to Kyoto at 11 o'clock! "

Everyone heads.

Chen Xin'an waved his arm and said to everyone: "The sooner the better! You can leave tonight!"

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