Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2483 Strange things in the elevator

The return trip was resolved, and everyone was relieved.

Chen Xinan said to Aze: "Can I get a Daying phone card nearby?

The kind that does not require identity verification, I will use it temporarily!"

Aze nodded and said: "There are some over there at Brother Lang. You can buy a contract phone with a card inside.

He can register anonymously, but the call fee is a bit expensive.

You only use it for five days, it's not cost-effective..."

Chen Xinan shook his head and said: "Don't worry, help me get two phones! By the way, help me exchange some Daying coins back..."

He took the backpack, pulled out a stack of Eagle Flag Yuan from it, and put it in front of Aze.

Although the relationship with Hodgson improved a lot in the second half of his sea career, the fees he should pay were not reduced.

This time, a total of 500,000 Eagle Flag Yuan were used for smuggling, and there were still 1.5 million in this bag.

Aze did not expect that this seemingly inconspicuous backpack was actually full of money!

It was the first time he saw so much cash, and it was Eagle Flag Yuan.

He took the stack of money that Chen Xinan gave him, which looked like 20,000 yuan, and shook his head and said:

"Why do you want to change it to Daying currency?

Here, Yingqi Yuan is much more useful than Daying currency!

You use this to pay the bill, and those Daying people will look up to you!"

Chen Xinan nodded and said with a smile: "Then don't change it!

You help me buy two contract phones from Brother Lang, and you can give the rest of the money to your father.

Thank him for the hospitality today!"

Aze frowned and said to Chen Xinan dissatisfiedly: "Mr. Chen, if you do this, it's too polite!

Not only me, even Brother Lang won't accept your money!

You have helped Chinatown so much, everyone..."

Before he finished speaking, Chen Xinan waved his hand and said: "Aze, brothers, let's settle accounts clearly.

You We are doing business, not a relief center.

If it were at your house, I could eat as much as I wanted without paying.

But in the store, every bowl of rice and every pot of soup has to be accounted for. I am also a businessman and understand this.

So I should charge as much as I should. There is nothing to be embarrassed about.

This way I can come here to eat next time. Otherwise, you are doing me a favor and I will never be embarrassed to come again in the future! "

Aze opened his mouth and sighed, "Okay! That won't take so much!"

Just as he was about to put down some of it, Chen Xinan pushed his hand and said, "Count your dad's bottle of wine.

Bought ones are the best, and free ones are tasteless!"

Aze smiled bitterly and shook his head, and said nothing more, and walked out with the money.

After getting two new mobile phones, Chen Xinan gave one to Li Qi.

Leaving the mobile phone numbers to these friends in Chinatown, Chen Xinan and the others drove a business car to Simu Town.

This is indeed the center of Yingjing City, and the surrounding area is very prosperous and lively.

According to Aze, my mother's aunt once married the chairman of a state-owned enterprise in Daying.

However, because the chairman was married for the second time, all the property was left to his children.

The only thing left to my great-aunt was this house.

In the past, this house was still worth some money. Now the land price in Shimo Town has been falling, and the house price has also fallen a lot.

My mother didn't want to sell this house either, so she left it to him to live here after graduating from college.

According to the address written by Sister Mei, Chen Xin'an and his group found this residential building called Rokuki New Town.

This is a high-end residential building, and those who can live here are basically the elite senior executives of various companies.

And because the Daying headquarters of some major international brands are also nearby, most of the residents on this building are foreigners.

The people coming in and out of the door are all blond and blue-eyed foreigners, both men and women.

Seeing Chen Xin'an and other oriental-looking people, they didn't feel strange, and didn't say hello, just left as if they didn't see them.

In a residential building like this, in China, although you don't take the initiative to say hello and chat, you at least have to nod.

If they were all from Daying, they would be even more polite, and bowing and greeting were indispensable.

Only when these foreigners saw their neighbors with oriental faces would they ignore them, and there was a hint of arrogance.

After entering the elevator and just about to close the door, a young woman in her twenties ran over and said to everyone, "Wait a minute!"

She said it in Daying, but everyone understood it because they heard it so many times.

Then she stood at the elevator door, facing outwards, and did not let the elevator door close.

After waiting for two minutes, she was still standing at the door, neither going up nor going out.

Wei Yuan said in Daying language: "Excuse me, do you want to go up? If not, please get out of the way, okay?" The woman looked at him and said impatiently: "Wait a minute! Mr. Ivan will be here soon! He doesn't like waiting for the elevator." Wei Yuan frowned and said: "You can change to another elevator to wait for him, which will delay everyone's time..." Before he finished speaking, the woman interrupted him unceremoniously and said: "Why should I change to another one? If you can't wait, then go out by yourself! You're still wasting everyone's time. Is your time precious?" Seeing that everyone frowned, the woman sneered and threw out the killer: "Mr. Ivan is the father of Mr. Keraudon, the president of Daying District of Tongpu International in Eagle Flag Country! He is also one of the directors of Tongpu International. Consider your own weight. Can you afford to offend him?

It is your honor to share the same elevator with Mr. Ivan! "

If these words were said to the people of Japan, they would probably be frightened and would not dare to say anything.

But standing in front of her was a group of Chinese people.

If you don’t understand, don’t speak. Even if you understand, you won’t feel honored at all!

Long Sheng cursed impatiently: "If you don't want to get in, just get out of the way! What are you talking about when you're stuck here?

Don’t they all say that the people of Daying are of good quality?

Is this your quality? "

The woman turned her head and glanced at him, curled her lips and said, "Chinese? A bunch of pigs! How can they live here? It's really..."

Before she finished speaking, Long Sheng also raised his foot, preparing to kick her out.

At this moment, a person walked in from the door and called with a smile: "Miss Tsumiko?"

The woman stood at the elevator entrance and waved to him and said, "Mr. Ivan, I'm here! The elevator is ready for you!"

Long Sheng took back the foot he was about to kick out.

No way, an old man with gray hair walked in.

His face was covered with age spots, his back was stooped, and every step he took was trembling and slow.

No matter what, when facing an old man, no matter how dissatisfied everyone is, they can't get angry.

"You've been waiting for me for a long time, haven't you?" The old man came over, hugged Tsumiko as if no one else was around, and then kissed her lips.

Everyone looked a little embarrassed.

Hugging and kissing are all etiquette in foreign countries, but it's a kiss on the face. It's mouth-to-mouth, so it's not an ordinary etiquette.

Moreover, the old man's hands were not idle. He kept touching and pinching Tsumiko's body, taking full advantage.

But Tsumiko looked like she was used to it and didn't care.

This big Ying girl really doesn’t mind being buried!

The old man took advantage and walked into the elevator. He didn't even look at Chen Xin'an and other big men, but stared at the two women, Xu Qing and He Meijuan.

He showed that lewd look that only men can have, and kept looking at the two women.

The elevator door closed and started going up.

Chen Xin'an and the others were going to the sixteenth floor, and the old man was going to the twenty-fifth floor, so the two of them stood at the back.

Listening to the obscene laughter and coquettish whispers coming from behind, everyone looked helpless.

What a weird pair!

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