As night falls, Chinatown is brightly lit and very lively.

Wang Sian was sitting on a chair in the lobby of Xuanhutang Pharmacy, shirtless and grinning as a strong middle-aged man rubbed the bruises on his shoulders and back.

"Practice boxing without practicing kung fu, it will all be in vain! How many times have I told you, but you just won't listen!"

The middle-aged man poured medicinal wine into his hands and lectured: "It's just three or five little gangsters who beat you all over your body. What have you done in Tongbei Quan in the past twenty years?"

Wang Si'an blushed and said angrily: "I practiced like this because of you, Wang Weiping, who is my father!

I really want to practice kung fu, but even you don’t know how to have luck. Who do you want me to practice with? "

The middle-aged man sighed and said nothing.

Wang Si'an couldn't bear it and secretly blamed himself for speaking too harshly.

I have been practicing Tongbei Quan with my father since I was a child, and I am more familiar with the posture than anyone else.

But when it comes to fighting, there's always something missing, so the power is really limited.

In fact, Wang Si'an also knew that what was missing was the inner energy of a martial arts practitioner!

The inner energy generated by inner energy is the most critical step for a martial artist to transform from a showmanship to actual combat.

However, when his father, Wang Weiping, was young, he was too eager for success, which caused internal imbalances, meridians and meridians to be disordered, and all his energy was exhausted.

This means that his method of practicing Qi is wrong and will not work.

Therefore, he did not have any guidance on Qi training for his son, and he was also afraid that his son would take the wrong path.

You must know that the consequences of practicing Qigong and practicing Qi Qi are very serious. Some people will suffer from hemiplegia, and some will directly become paralyzed.

Some people even died because of it!

Wang Weiping would rather his son become a martial artist who only knows how to show off, than let him be disabled or even killed because of practicing martial arts!

The few words I just said were just a complaint, but my son touched on the painful point and remained silent.

Wang Si'an was just thinking about how to apologize to his father when he heard a sudden explosion outside, startling both father and son.

The two quickly put down what they were holding and ran to the door.

Only then did I realize that Chinatown, which was once quite busy, was now empty!

However, a large number of car lights turned on and headed towards the main road!

Chinatown is a pedestrian street with road posts outside, making it difficult for cars to get on.

There are so many cars coming now, which means that the road pillars have been cleared!

There was a loud crash, and the glass door of a store was smashed by a car!

Wang Weiping's expression changed and he said loudly: "It's Lao Liang's restaurant! The glass door that was just replaced this afternoon was broken again!"

Wang Si'an gritted his teeth and cursed: "It's those bastards from Dao Helian again! I'll go over and have a look!"

He ran out the door, took out a whistle from his trouser pocket, and blew it hard!

The brothers from the escort team came from all directions, and Wang Si'an said to everyone: "Get the guy, those bastards from Dao Helian are here again!"

Everyone responded and were about to go back when they heard a rumble in their ears and a large group of motorcycles came rushing towards them, surrounding them!

At the same time, a large number of people from Daohelian jumped out of their cars on the street and rushed to the shops on both sides!

In the Liang family restaurant, Sister Mei stretched out her hand to stop the Dao Helian gangsters and begged them: "Can't we just pay the money? Let us go!"

A gangster raised the stick in his hand and swung it hard at Sister Mei's head!


The stick broke into two pieces, and Sister Mei fell to the ground, with blood pouring out of her head!

"Mom!" Aze and Ruirui screamed and rushed over desperately!

At noon, the short and short man came again. He hugged the Rui Rui with a hug, and said with a smile: "Where can I run! Come, let my brother hurt you!"

"Let go of my sister!" Aze stared at the short man and rushed towards him. Three gangsters rushed over from beside him, holding up sticks and smashing Aze's head and face!

Liang Dong rushed over from the back kitchen with a kitchen knife and shouted at the Dao Helian gangsters: "You bastards! I will fight with you!"

A group of gangsters were afraid of his kitchen knife and backed away in fear.

Liang Dong originally rushed in the direction of his wife, but when he was almost in front of her, the two exchanged glances.

The next second, Liang Dong suddenly turned around with the kitchen knife and rushed towards the short man next to him!


The sharp kitchen knife hit the short man's shoulder. The boy screamed in pain and let go of Ruirui!

Liang Dong pulled Ruirui behind him, pushed her and shouted: "Run!"

Ruirui cried and shouted: "Dad! Mom! Brother!"

The three of them looked at her at the same time and shouted in unison: "Run!"

Ruirui didn't dare to hesitate, turned around and ran to the kitchen.

There's a back door over there.

A group of gangsters wanted to catch up, and a man wearing a Ying ethnic robe at the door said:

"Forget it! A little girl is of no use, as long as they are here!"

While he was talking, he suddenly came to Liang Dong!

Liang Dong was so shocked that he picked up the kitchen knife and struck the opponent on the head!

The man looked at him expressionlessly, then suddenly raised his hands upwards with his hands clasped together, and with a snap, he firmly clamped the kitchen knife between his palms!

Liang Dong tried his best to pull out the knife, but the kitchen knife didn't move at all.

The man raised his foot and kicked Liang Dong in the stomach!

With a bang, Liang Dong's feet left the ground and his body flew out, smashing a dining table into pieces and falling heavily to the ground!

He wanted to stand up and fight the opponent, but as soon as he started, he opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood!

"The boss!"


Sister Mei and Aze screamed and rushed towards Liang Dong.

Aze supported his father, wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth with his hands, grabbed a chair next to him, and rushed towards the man!

"Son of a bitch! Go to hell!"

He picked up the chair, aimed it at the guy's head, and hit it hard!

The man swung his hands and threw away the kitchen knife between his palms!


The kitchen knife hit Aze's right knee. He screamed and fell forward!

But before his body hit the ground, the man took the lead and kicked Aze on the bad guy's chair!

When the chair was kicked to pieces, Aze was also kicked so hard that he flipped backwards in the air.

With the sound of his ribs being broken by wooden sticks, he fell heavily to the ground, vomiting blood and unable to move!

"Son!" Sister Mei screamed sadly, turned to look at the man and shouted: "What on earth do you want to do? Can't we just pay the money?"

The man raised his head, with a sinister smile on his face, and said to her: "I'm not here to ask for money, I just want to ask you a question. Where is Chen Xin'an?"

These people are really here to take revenge on Mr. Chen!

Sister Mei turned her head and said, "He left at noon. We don't know where he went!"

"Mr. Miyazawa, she lies again!" The short man came over with gritted teeth and kicked Sister Mei in the face!

Sister Mei screamed and covered her face with her hands, blood flowing from her fingers.

The short man gritted his teeth and cursed: "Damn Chinese pig boy, how dare you chop me down? How dare you lie to me?

Do you think I will believe you?

You must know where that bastard went, tell me! "

Sister Mei shook her head with her mouth full of blood and said to him, "I really don't know!"

Miyazawa walked up to Aze and looked at him coldly, with a cruel sneer at the corner of his mouth.

He raised his right foot and placed it on Aze's chest, slowly exerting force.

Azawa, who already had two broken ribs, screamed loudly, struggled, and pushed up with both hands, trying to push Miyazawa's feet away.

But he felt like a huge mountain was pressing on his chest, and he couldn't push it with his hands!

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