Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2486 I will avenge this revenge for everyone

The intense pain was so unbearable that Aze cried loudly!

"Let him go! Please, let my son go!" Sister Mei and Liang Dong both cried out in distress.

Miyazawa bent down, almost placing his weight on his right leg, and asked Aze with a grin, "Tell me, where is Chen Xin'an?"

Aze vomited blood, stared at Miyazawa, and used all his strength to shout loudly: "I don't know!"

Miyazawa lowered his face and looked at Aze coldly. He simply put his feet on Aze's body and stood on it. He lowered his head and looked at Aze coldly and said:

"You will die, and it will be very painful! As long as you tell me where Chen Xin'an is, I will free you."

"Son!" Liang Dong and Sister Mei were anxious. They struggled to stand up and wanted to rush over to save Aze.

However, the surrounding Dao Helian members swarmed up, picked up the sticks in their hands, and slapped them hard on their heads and faces!

"Son of a bitch!" Wang Si'an rushed in with a group of people, but as soon as he reached the door, he was stopped by people from Dao Helian.

Seeing the Liang family members lying in a pool of blood, Wang Si'an felt anxious. He knocked down two people with the stick in his hand, and finally broke through the obstruction and rushed to Aze's side.

Before he could take action, a figure flashed in front of him and a strong wind struck!

Wang Si'an quickly retreated, but the opponent followed him like a shadow, spinning his body while kicking with both feet, forcing him to dare not stop!

Seeing an opportunity, Wang Si'an gritted his teeth, shouted angrily, raised the stick in his hand, and swung it hard!

But there was a click, and the stick was broken by a kick!

At the same time, Wang Si'an was kicked in the chest. The kick made him unsteady and he staggered back two steps. The opponent followed up and kicked him again!

Wang Si'an fell to the ground and rolled back twice, then his body slid two meters like an ice skate and hit the wall with a bang!

He covered his chest in pain, coughed twice, vomited out a mouthful of blood, looked at his opponent in horror, gritted his teeth and shouted: "Miyazawa Tomoyuki!"

Unexpectedly, Dao Helian actually sent the most famous thug of the society!

This person is usually a secret weapon used against other societies, but I didn’t expect that he would use it against Chinatown tonight!

Wang Si'an's heart sank. This person appeared, and Chinatown was going to be in trouble today!

"Very good, you know me!" Miyazawa Yuyuki showed a sinister smile, walked over and stood in front of Wang Si'an, and said to him coldly:

"Tell me where Chen Xin'an is? It's best to tell the truth, you know my methods!"

Wang Si'an shook his head and gasped: "I don't know!"

Miyazawa Yuyuki kicked him in the face, causing the back of his head to hit the wall hard, leaving a pool of blood. His eyes turned white and he fainted!

From time to time, there were screams and the cries of women and children on the main road.

People from Dao Helian rushed into the shops on both sides and smashed them wantonly.

Even when I see valuable things, I put what I can take away in my pocket.

Those who couldn't be taken away were smashed to pieces!

The Liang's restaurant was set alight and the fire burned quickly.

Miyazawa Yuyuki held a handkerchief, wiped the blood stains on his hands, stood on the street and said coldly: "It seems they really don't know! Let's go!"

Amidst the roar of the car, Dao Helian left Chinatown, and the whole street downstairs was in a mess.

Wang Weiping shouted to the still shocked neighbors: "Help!" and rushed into the Liang's restaurant first!

Outside Yingjing Airport, Chen Xin'an glanced at his phone and said to Xu Qing and the others:

"We'll just drop it here and won't go in. Call me when you get home!"

"Okay!" The four of them nodded and got out of the car, carrying their respective boxes.

Xu Qing said to Chen Xin'an: "I don't care what you do, but you must come back alive!

I'm the only brother like you, so don't..."

Her eyes turned red and she couldn't speak anymore!

Seeing this strong-willed woman shedding tears in front of others for the first time, Chen Xin'an couldn't help but nodded and said, "I know, don't worry, Sister Qing!"

Xu Qing's eyes widened, he wiped the corners of his eyes and said, "Call me sister!"

Chen Xin'an smiled helplessly and said to her, "I know, sister!"

Only then did Xu Qing take a step back and took the tissue handed over by Qiao Yanhui.

She has been with Chen Xin'an for more than a month, so she naturally knows how dangerous this kid's actions are.

No one on the battlefield could be as tough as him, and he spent every day in fear.

This time she returned to China, and he and Li Qi stayed in this foreign country. Who could believe that everything was calm?

But she also knew that there were some things that Chen Xin'an had to do once he decided to do it, and it was useless to stop him, so she didn't waste her words and just let him be careful.

"Bon voyage!" Chen Xin'an waved to the four of them, and the four of them turned and walked towards the terminal. Chen Xin'an and Li Qi returned to the car.

Wei Yuan, Chu Haitao and He Meijuan were also planning to come to see him off, but He Meijuan had something happen to him and needed to go to the ancient house in Yingjing.

Wei Yuan was worried and asked Chu Haitao to accompany her.

After getting in the car, Chen Xin'an took out her mobile phone, pressed the answer button, and said with a smile:

“Ruirui, why are you calling me at this time?

What did you say? "

He suddenly sat up straight, the smile on his face disappeared, replaced by anger and anxiety, and said into the mobile phone:

"Don't cry, I'll be there right now! It's okay, just hide and be sure to protect yourself!"

After hanging up the phone, Chen Xin'an said to Li Qi: "Chinatown!"

The commercial vehicle was speeding along the road, ignoring any traffic lights!

The journey that originally took forty minutes, Li Qi only drove for twenty minutes and he was already there!

Standing on the main road, looking at the devastation, Chen Xin'an and Li Qi clenched their fists.

"Uncle Chen!" A petite figure ran over, Chen Xin'an turned around and hugged Liang Rui.

Liang Rui hugged Chen Xin'an and cried loudly. She pointed at the restaurant that had just been extinguished and was still smoking, and said to Chen Xin'an: "My father, my mother, and my brother are all dying..."

"As long as I'm here, they won't die!" Chen Xin'an said in a deep voice, "Take me to see them!"

There were mats on the floor of the Xuanhutang hall. Liang Dong, Sister Mei, Aze, and Wang Si'an were lying on the ground side by side. Everyone was covered in blood and flesh, and it was too miserable to look at.

Wang Weiping was sweating profusely while he was setting Azeh's bones again. His injuries were the most serious. Not only were his ribs broken, but his knees were also shattered.

Seeing that Aze's breathing was getting weaker and weaker, Wang Weiping shouted with red eyes: "Is the ambulance coming? He is dying!"

Everyone shook their heads. Regarding the medical visits in China Street, every hospital was slow and did not pay attention at all.

Chen Xin'an squatted beside Wang Weiping and said in a deep voice: "Master Wang, let me come!"

It is because of this man that Chinatown became what it is!

The Liang family's property was burned down and the people were beaten so badly.

My son was also seriously injured and is still unconscious!

His already fiery temper was now even more furious, and he cursed at Chen Xin'an:

"Come here, why are you here? Do you know how to treat illnesses?

Why didn't you come earlier? What's the use of coming now? "

Li Qi frowned and said to him: "It's not the boss who beat me. You should find the right person when you get angry!"

Wang Weiping cursed angrily: "Dao Helian sent all the toughest thugs here to find the whereabouts of Chen Xin'an.

The Liang family would rather die than tell him!

People throughout Chinatown were tight-lipped.

What's wrong with me complaining now?

My son is still lying here, and I am not even willing to beat him like this! "

Chen Xin'an took a deep breath and said to him: "Uncle Wang, don't worry, I will definitely avenge this revenge for everyone!"

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