Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2490 You just need to help me find someone

The entire Dao Helian seemed to have not reacted yet, and it was still very quiet upstairs and downstairs.

In their opinion, they were just two foreign tourists who came to cause trouble, and it was enough to send a few security guards to deal with it.

Miezi stood nervously next to the elevator door, with Chen Xin'an and Li Qi behind her.

Maki has just arrived and has not been up there a few times, so she is not familiar with it at all and it is useless to bring it with her.

Mieko once accompanied her boss to the eighth floor for a meeting, so she had some understanding of it.

In this building, the higher the floor, the more mysterious it becomes.

As Mieko, she has only been to the eighth floor.

But it doesn't mean that she can't go up to the eighth floor.

As long as no one is there, the elevator can go to every floor.

Chen Xin'an didn't know which floor Dao Helian's headquarters was on, so he directly pressed the button on the fourteenth floor.

In China, few tall buildings have fourteen floors, so Chen Xin'an wanted to see who was on this floor.

The elevator reached the fourteenth floor and stopped. The door opened. The lights outside were dim and quiet. No one could be seen. It looked gloomy.

Miezi looked at the two people behind her, waved Chen Xin'an to her, urging her to go out, and then walked out tremblingly.

There is an access control on the door next to it, and you need to swipe your card.

Chen Xinan asked Miezi to take out her own card and see if it could be opened.

Miezi took out a card and swiped it, and it showed a magnetic card error.

Chen Xin'an waved his hand and gave up.

However, the door on the opposite side was pushed open, music could be heard coming from inside, and a man with a red face and drunken eyes came out with his arms around a woman with disheveled clothes.

Without saying a word, Chen Xin'an put her arm on Mieko's shoulders and whispered in her ear: "I can borrow it for a moment, don't panic!"

When the man saw three people standing in the corridor, he didn't say anything outside. He just laughed and said a few words.

It's just that he drank so much that he couldn't stand still and spoke with a loud tongue. No one could understand what he was saying.

While the door was open, Chen Xin'an also took a look inside.

It was a large room with a dim red light on and many men and women sitting there.

Several women with thick white powder on their faces, wearing kimonos and holding shamisen in their hands, were singing and dancing.

Chen Xin'an half hugged Mieko and whispered to her: "Ask him if he knows where Miyazawa Yuyuki is?"

Miezi didn't dare to hesitate and immediately translated Chen Xin'an's words.

Unexpectedly, despite being drunk, the guy woke up as soon as he heard the name. He pushed away the female companion beside him, staggered over and cursed at Mieko:

"Bold! Can you call Mr. Miyazawa's name?"

As he spoke, he raised his arm and slapped it towards Mieko's face!

Li Qi, who was next to him, went up to him and pinned his arm directly, with a smile on his face and a chuckle.

Chen Xin'an also pulled Miezi over and blocked the drunkard.

With a heavy punch, the drunk man's face changed drastically and he opened his mouth to vomit.

Li Qi covered his mouth and nose, forcing him to swallow it again!

The unpleasant taste made the drunk man's face turn redder, but the wine sobered him up.

He glared at the three of them angrily, and just as he was about to curse, Li Qi hit him with another knee, hitting him heavily in the abdomen!

At this time, the drunkard felt that his intestines were about to be broken. He couldn't bear it anymore and vomited on the ground with a loud sound!

The woman next to her was so frightened that she was about to scream when Chen Xin'an slashed her throat with his hand!

The woman said nothing, rolled her eyes and fainted. Chen Xin'an had already held her shoulders and carried her away from the door.

This series of movements was so neat and tidy that even if the people inside saw it, they wouldn't be too suspicious.

Chen Xin'an put down the woman and said to Mieko: "You only need to find one person for me. Ask him where Miyazawa Yuyuki is!"

Miezi translated Chen Xin'an's words again. The drunkard was honest this time and raised his arm to point into the open door.

Li Qi asked Miezi: "Ask who are the people inside? What are you celebrating here?"

Mieko quickly translated the words to the drunkard.

The drunkard's eyes were rolling around, as if he wanted to lie. Without saying anything, Li Qi took out a knife and placed it on his crotch.

The drunkard's face turned pale with fright, and he stammered: "Mr. Miyazawa led us to make a fortune in Chinatown today, so let's celebrate in the club..."

Listening to Miezi's translation, Chen Xin'an and Li Qi looked at each other and understood.

The two of them bumped into each other by mistake and ran to the club!

What a coincidence, Miyazawa Tomoyuki is celebrating here with the gang of guys who went to Chinatown to do evil today!

This is really hard to find, and it takes no effort at all!

At this moment, Chen Xin'an's eyes flashed with cold light.

The drunkard actually took out a knife from his waist and stabbed Chen Xin'an in the neck!

court death!

Chen Xin'an grabbed his wrist and slapped it down!


The knife was inserted into the drunk man's chest. After being slapped by Chen Xin'an, the knife was almost without a handle!

At the same time, Li Qi covered the drunkard's mouth and nose, preventing him from crying out!

Mieko next to her looked at the drunkard in horror, opening her mouth wide and trying to scream.

But Chen Xin'an just gave her a cold look, which made her feel cold all over. She covered her mouth with both hands, trying not to scream!

In the room, a group of people were acting ugly.

Under the influence of alcohol, these young men from Dao Helian put their hands into the clothes of the female companion next to them and groped around wantonly.

Laughter, singing, cursing, and crying filled the room, making the scene unbearable.

But at this moment, with a bang, a black shadow fell down and landed next to the kabukis.

Several unrecognizable women wearing white foundation stared at the fallen thing with wide eyes. It turned out to be a corpse covered in blood with a knife stuck in the chest!

Screams rang out, the women fled in all directions, and the Dao Helian disciples next to them were also half sober.

Someone pointed at the corpse and shouted: "Kensaburo? Didn't she go out with Hisae just now?"

Everyone's eyes moved to the door. Just now, Kenzaburo's body was thrown in from outside!

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi walked in, followed by the trembling Mieko.

Using Kenzaburo's personal clothes, she wiped the blood on the dagger. Chen Xin'an raised her head and smiled evilly at everyone, and then Mieko said:

"Ask them, who is Tomoyuki Miyazawa?"

"Chinese!" Before Miezi could speak, a club member next to him gritted his teeth and shouted. He stood up from behind the small square table, grabbed a long knife next to him, and slashed at Chen Xin'an.

Just as he rushed over, Chen Xin'an also rushed over!

The man slashed with the knife, but his vision suddenly went blank. Just as he was about to return the knife, his wrist was caught, and with a click, both wrists were broken at the same time!

The long knife in his hand was also snatched away by the opponent. Before he could react, a cold light flashed before his eyes!

He only felt that his neck seemed to be tingling, and his whole body became lighter and he flew up.

It seemed to be still rolling, and then I saw a body spurting blood!

Only body, no head.

But the clothes on my body look very familiar. Isn’t that what I’m wearing today?

It turns out that what was flying and rolling was my head!

Immediately, he fell into endless darkness!

The head fell down, and the headless corpse hit the floor with a bang, blood splattering everywhere!

Seeing the head rolling down to his feet, a Ying man looked gloomy, stepped on it with his foot, and then said to the boys beside him: "Kill!"

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