Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2491 I’ll give you the chance to go together

These are all considered to be the backbone thugs of Dao Helian, otherwise they would not be qualified to drink in the club box.

Therefore, their weapons are always close to their bodies. Even when they are drinking, they keep their knives next to them.

The women all screamed and retreated to the side, huddled in a corner.

About twelve or three Dao United League thugs rushed over with knives and blocked Chen Xin'an and Li Qi.

Mieko was so frightened that she couldn't stand, turned around and stumbled out!

"Bastard!" One of the thugs took out a dagger and threw it at Miezi!

Others shouted: "Don't let them escape!"

"Damn pigs, if you dare to come here to cause trouble, I will cut them into pieces!"

"Notify others to stop these guys! Be careful of their accomplices!"


Chen Xin'an reached out and caught the dagger between two fingers!

A group of thugs were shocked.

This method is indeed unusual!

Then a cold light passed before everyone's eyes.

One person grabbed the shoulder of the thug who just threw the dagger, but before he could pull back, the dagger pierced the thug's throat!

It's so fast! So accurate! So cruel!

The thug covered his neck with both hands and fell to the ground dead instantly!

At this moment, Li Qi turned around, but instead of running away, he closed the door of the box.

The ones on the left side of the corridor are all sliding doors for private rooms, and there is no access control.

The doors on the right are all wooden doors with access control.

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi just discovered this, but it doesn't matter anymore, the person they are looking for has been found.

Although I don’t know which one it is yet, it is definitely in this box.

It doesn't matter, just kill them all and don't let any of them leave alive!

While these thugs were in a daze, Chen Xin'an rushed forward with Li Qi!

When dealing with such Japanese people, there is no need to use human pity and sympathy, just treat them as animals that need to be slaughtered.

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi each kill with one sword, and they kill without mercy!

It looked like a dozen thugs were besieging the two people, but in fact it was two people chasing those dozen people!

There was blood splattered everywhere on the walls and on the floor, and broken limbs were scattered all over the floor.

A group of women were so frightened that they couldn't even scream. They just stared at this scene in a daze.

The strong smell of blood has caused many people to lie on the ground and vomit.

One of the thugs completely collapsed and shouted to a man standing aside:

"Miyazawa-sama, do it quickly!

If you don't take action, we will all be killed by these two bastards! "

Chen Xin'an looked at the man.

He was the guy who stepped on the head with his foot, and he was the one who pulled the guy who just threw the knife at Mieko!

It's just that it's still one step slower than Chen Xin'an's sword.

It turns out that this guy is Yuyuki Miyazawa!

Chen Xin'an couldn't quite understand what they said, but just now in the aisle, he specifically asked Miezi about the Japanese pronunciation of this name.

After stabbing the person in front of him with a long knife and kicking the body away, Chen Xin'an turned his head and looked at the man sitting behind the square table.

He was probably in his early thirties, with a sinister face and a few scars on his face, making him look fierce.

The shoulders are broad and the body is relatively strong.

The hands are long and the fingers are thin and covered with calluses.

This is a person who often plays with knives, and his knife skills should be good.

Chen Xin'an glanced at Miyazawa Yuyuki and had some preliminary understanding of this person.

Letting Li Qi deal with the remaining thugs, Chen Xin'an turned and walked towards Miyazawa Tomoyuki.

Miyazawa Yuyuki looked at the person in front of him coldly and said in a hoarse voice: "Are you Chen Xin'an?"

This time it was Chen Xin'an's turn to be stunned. She looked at him curiously and asked, "How did you know it was me?"

Miyazawa Yuyuki speaks Chinese quite proficiently, so he saves the trouble of translation.

He snorted and said, "Besides you, I can't think of anyone else who dares to come to the Daohe United Headquarters to cause trouble and avenge the Chinese people in Chinatown!"

Chen Xin'an pointed at Li Qi who was killing people next to him and said, "I want to think more about him in the next life, like him."

"Next life!" Miyazawa Yuyuki looked at Chen Xin'an with a mocking smile and said:

"Are you so sure that you can kill me tonight?

Or do you think I'm just like these useless trash, with no more strength than this? "

He shook his head and said to Chen Xin'an: "Chen Xin'an, I don't know how you offended the Sakura Club.

Let it list you as a person who must be killed, and also give the major societies in Da Ying a death order against you.

But I have researched that the people you came into contact with after coming to Da Ying are all street gangsters!

Those pieces of rubbish feel like a waste of effort even if I try to do them.

But you use these people to accumulate your evil reputation?

Haha, it turns out that he is a master of ancient Chinese martial arts. What he likes to do most is this kind of trick to deceive the world and steal his reputation! "

Chen Xin'an curled her lips, looked at him with a half-smile and asked: "So, you are not a waste? Are you better than them?"

Miyazawa Yuyuki snorted coldly and said, "Do you know who the top master of the Dohe League is?"

Chen Xin'an looked him up and down and said with disbelief: "Is Dao Helian's strength at this level?"

"You..." Miyazawa Yuyuki's face turned dark with anger, but he immediately took a deep breath to calm himself down, shook his head and said:

“You ignorant frogs in the well don’t know and it’s not surprising.

Let me tell you, his name is Takabe Takeo, and he is also my master!

Do you know that Sakura Club has tried to annex Dao Helian many times but failed? What is the reason?

It’s because my master doesn’t agree!

As Master’s most proud disciple, you will be unlucky if you meet me!

But it's also your honor.

Kill all those trash and I'll give you a chance to join forces to deal with me! "

Chen Xin'an scratched his head and threw the curled long knife towards Miyazawa Tomoyuki!

Miyazawa Yuyuki snorted angrily, unsheathed his sword with one hand, and struck the long sword in front of him!


The long knife broke into two pieces, the blade was knocked away, but the handle hit Miyazawa Tomoyuki's forehead, knocking him back a step!

Rubbing his swollen forehead, Miyazawa Yuyuki's face turned red and he shouted loudly: "Despicable and shameless Chinese, how dare you attack me!"

Chen Xin'an laughed, clapped her hands and said, "Then come and sneak attack me!"

This bastard actually wants to use his bare hands to deal with his knife?

This is simply an insult to his sword skills!

Miyazawa Yuxing's eyes almost popped out of his head with anger. He gritted his teeth and roared. He held a knife in both hands and rushed towards Chen Xin'an!

He wants to cut Chen Xin'an in half with one knife!

With a loud roar, Miyazawa Yuyuki clenched the handle of the knife with both hands, raised his arms and struck Chen Xin'an hard on the head!

But at this moment, Chen Xin'an suddenly made a mistake and moved his body to the side!

There was a trace of disdain on the corner of Miyazawa Yuyuki's mouth.

Playing tricks in front of me?

Don’t you know, before I started practicing sword skills, I practiced body skills for three years!

Then after practicing the sword technique, he practiced the body technique for another three years?

Your speed is too slow for me!

As soon as the blade rotated, the original downward slash became an oblique slash, but the speed was faster and the force was stronger than before!

This knife was enough to chop off Chen Xin'an's head and half of his shoulders!

But in a blink of an eye, the other party disappeared again!

Miyazawa Yuyuki was shocked, it was impossible!

How can the other party's movement be so fast?

Even he just saw an afterimage!

Suddenly, a ghostly voice came from my ears: "Are you looking for me?"

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