Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 246 Take out what you have on you

This Xiao Jiu is simply a little fox. You can even call her a little loach, but she is really slippery and difficult to control.

Just like just now, Bald Tou took the handcuffs that Ah Quan had brought, and even though he and Zhang Wanwan had cuffed her together, he still allowed her to escape.

So if you want to catch this chick, you have to be more careful and make sure nothing goes wrong!

Ah Quan hugged Xiao Jiu tightly, and Lei Ming took a long rope and tied the two of them tightly together!

Xiaojiu couldn't do anything at this time and could only yell, but no one could come up to save her.

Although she is a thief, she is still a little girl and has never been so close to a man.

Now hugging a man who was only a few years older than her, Xiaojiu's past shrewdness and cunningness had all disappeared, leaving only shame, anger and fear, and she almost cried!

Ah Quan was lying on Xiao Jiu's body like a big toad, his nose was so happy that it was bubbling, and he was urging the big guy to tie it tighter to prevent her from running away.

Everyone's eyes almost bulged out with jealousy, and Lei Ming was even more angry.

Originally, he should be the one to do this job, but it's a pity that he doesn't know the grappling technique. If he is really tied to Xiaojiu, she might take the opportunity to overturn him again!

Moreover, when he verbally teased Xiao Jiu, he just wanted to take advantage of him. Now he just wanted to take revenge. He didn't really have any wrong thoughts about the female snitch.

What can really make Lei Ming fall in love is a woman like Guan Qing. This kind of little girl who has not yet grown up is only suitable for oral pleasure!

"Hahaha!" Lei Ming looked up to the sky and laughed, looking at Xiaojiu with a proud face and said:

"Now you should run for me! Let me see where else you can run!

Damn it, grandma, you made me go back in my underwear for several days, it was embarrassing, now I get my money back with profits! "

Lei Ming sat on the massage table and said to Zhang Wanwan: "I'll strip her down to just a pair of underwear later and throw her on the street!"

Upon hearing this, Xiao Jiu was frightened and shouted to Lei Ming: "Brother, I was wrong! Please spare me! I really didn't do it. How dare I take off your clothes? It was really my master who did it!"

Lei Ming snorted coldly and said: "Both of you, master and disciple, are not good people, and I won't let any of them go!

Zhang Baiwan, ask your brothers to carry these two people out, take off their clothes and throw them on the street! "

"Don't!" Now it wasn't just Xiaojiu who was scared, but Ah Quan was also panicked and said to Lei Ming: "Pay attention to friendly forces, don't take off mine!"

Lei Ming pointed at him and laughed and scolded: "You bastard, you are pretending to be serious here. In your heart, you wish I would strip you both naked!"

Ah Quan said seriously: "Don't do this, she's still a little girl! I don't want to do this, it's shameful! Leave it to me, let me say this for you, I guarantee you will be satisfied!"

Xiaojiu knew that she couldn't escape this time, and might suffer some inhuman torture. She was scared and anxious, so she simply cried out.

This is embarrassing.

You are steadfast and unyielding, you are indomitable, both are easy to say.

But if you cry like a child, it will be difficult. It seems that men are afraid of women.

At this moment, Lei Ming's phone rang. He took it out and looked at it. He grinned and said, "My master has arrived! Please wait a moment!"

He walked out with his cell phone, and Chen Xin'an was standing at the counter on the first floor.

The two of them went upstairs together, and as soon as they reached the door, they heard Ah Quan collapse inside and shout: "Fuck, can you please pay attention, don't smear your nose on me!

I really can't stand you anymore, my shoulders are soaked! You'll do my laundry later! "Stop crying, I'm almost crying because of you..."

Chen Xin'an walked into the room, saw this scene, and said helplessly: "What kind of thing is this?"

"Brother An!" Ah Quan, who was holding Xiao Jiu tightly, squinted his eyes and greeted Chen Xin'an.

Fortunately, the two of them were not tied above the neck, otherwise the tears and snot on Xiao Jiu's face would have been all over Ah Quan's face!

Chen Xin'an looked helpless, waved her hands and said to everyone: "Let me go first, this is a bit too much! No matter what, she is still a little girl!"

Lei Ming said cautiously: "Master, don't underestimate this little girl! Otherwise, you won't be able to control her at all!"

Chen Xin'an glared at him and cursed: "Bullshit! She can't do anything while I'm here! Untie her quickly!"

"Untie the rope!" Lei Ming didn't dare to talk nonsense.

Indeed, with Master here, even if that little girl turns into a sparrow, Master can pluck out her wings!

The rope was untied, and Ah Quan hunched over and leaned on the massage table next to him, looking embarrassed.

Xiaojiu blushed so much that she almost bled. She glared at Ah Quan fiercely, then her eyes fell on Chen Xin'an, showing a pitiful look, and said with tears in her eyes:

"Mr. Chen, your apprentice bullied me! As a master, why don't you teach him a lesson?"

Lei Ming cursed angrily: "Don't you dare complain here first!"

"How could I..." Xiao Jiu wiped away her tears and said, "It's all done by my master, it has nothing to do with me..."

Chen Xin'an waved her hand and said to her: "Stop talking nonsense first and return Ah Quan's wallet to him!"

Ah Quan was stunned for a moment, and when he touched his pocket, his wallet was indeed gone!

Xiaojiu still wanted to pretend to be stupid, but looked at Chen Xin'an's face, and then looked at Zhang Wanwan and the others.

Knowing that he had nowhere to hide, he had no choice but to take out a black wallet and throw it on the bed in front of Ah Quan.

Ah Quan was a little stunned. How did this girl take away his wallet in that state just now?

Unexpectedly, Chen Xin'an was not satisfied yet, and then said: "There is also a student ID card!"

Xiaojiu glanced at Chen Xin'an, then reluctantly took out a small notebook, glanced at the national emblem on it, then looked at Ah Quan and said:

"Why are you a policeman again? How can you still be a policeman like this! You are just a gangster!"

Chen Xin'an said with a dark face: "Do you have to let me tell you one by one? Take out everything that doesn't belong to you!"

Xiao Jiu pouted and said: "Why are you so fierce! I'm just used to it, it's just easy..."

As she spoke, she took out a bunch of keys, two rings, a handful of change, three packs of cigarettes...

The massage table was filled with things, and there was a dazzling array of everything. Not to mention Ah Quan, even Zhang Wanwan looked confused.

I just bought a ring for my family yesterday. Why did it end up in this girl’s hand before I even sent it back?

When was it stolen? I didn’t notice it at all!

"No more! Everything is empty! If you don't believe me, just search!" Xiaojiu said to Chen Xin'an with an innocent look.

Ah Quan quickly raised his hands and said, "You don't need to do anything, Brother An, I can do it for you! Raise your hands high!"

Xiaojiu's face was a little blushing, she glared at Ah Quan and said, "Huh! It's not yours anymore!"

After all, I took out the things on my body, and there were more than a dozen wallets hidden under my armpits!

After taking out all the things, Xiaojiu’s figure seemed to have lost a lot of weight!

No one can believe that she has so many secret pockets and hides so many things!

Chen Xin'an said to Zhang Wanwan: "Get your things back and go out for a while. I have something to talk to this girl!"

Zhang Wanwan waved his hand, and a group of homeless people came forward and took away their belongings. Just as they were about to leave, Chen Xin'an said to them:

"Don't touch those wallets, let Lei Ming take them back and put them in the police station.

Thank you for what happened this time. I’ll treat you to the Dongcheng Mutton Restaurant tonight! "

Several homeless men who secretly took their wallets blushed and put their wallets back, but were slapped several times by Zhang Baiwan!

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