Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 247 The gas tank exploded

A dozen people walked into the room at once, and it immediately seemed very spacious.

The two massage tables were separated, with Chen Xin'an and Lei Ming sitting on one bed, and Ah Quan and Xiao Jiu sitting on the other bed.

In Ah Quan's words, this was because he was afraid that Xiaojiu would escape.

Chen Xin'an looked at Xiaojiu and asked, "The Chang Qingshu case was done by you and your master, right?"

Xiaojiu looked innocent, frowned and said to Chen Xin'an: "What are you talking about, Mr. Chen? Who is Chang Qingshu? Is he your friend? You can't blame me if you lose your wallet, right?"

Chen Xin'an glanced at her and asked, "That old man is your master? Where are the others?"

Xiao Jiu said helplessly: "How do I know? Let me tell you, this old man has the most heartless heart. He doesn't take me to play every time. I have long wanted to sever the master-disciple relationship with him!"

Chen Xin'an flipped her wrist, took out something, put it on the tip of the index finger of her left hand, stretched it out in front of Xiaojiu, and said to her, "Do you know what this is?"

"What is it? Bubble gum? It seems fun!" Xiaojiu looked at the gum on Chen Xin'an's hand with curiosity on his face.

Chen Xin'an looked at Xiaojiu and said, "Are you from Qingniu Mountain?"

Xiao Jiu was silent, staring at Chen Xin'an, no longer as calm as before, and seemed a little shocked.

At this moment, there was a loud "bang" above everyone's heads, and the whole floor seemed to shake!

Almost at the same time, Chen Xin'an grabbed Lei Ming's hand, pulled him up and kicked him under the massage table.

Ah Quan on the other side, like a conditioned reflex, threw himself on Xiao Jiu and pressed her under him!

The boss lady screamed like she was killing a pig from downstairs, and then the sound of footsteps came up from below, and many people were running up!

Xiao Jiu blushed and pushed Ah Quan away and stood up.

Chen Xin'an frowned and asked Xiaojiu, "Is your master up there?"

"No, he's gone out a long time ago!" Xiaojiu looked outside with a pale face and shouted, "What's wrong?"

The landlady stood at the door and shouted in despair: "I don't know, it seems to be on the fifth floor. Don't you live up there? Go up and have a look!"

Xiao Jiu ran out desperately, but Ah Quan grabbed her hand and shouted: "Don't go up there, it's dangerous!"

"Let me go!" Xiao Jiu yelled at him angrily, trying to break free from his hand. Unexpectedly, Ah Quan used his grasping hand and hugged Xiao Jiu!

Chen Xin'an said to Ah Quan: "Let go of her and let's go up together!"

Ah Quan had no choice but to let go of Xiao Jiu and asked Chen Mo, "Brother An, what happened?"

Chen Xin'an said to him as he walked: "It was originally a small case, but now it may become a big case!"

This is a five-story independent building. The entire building was contracted to the proprietress to open such a leisure massage club.

The four floors below are for business, and the fifth floor is for employee accommodation. There are four rooms, one of which is where Xiaojiu sleeps. It was rented for a week.

Xiaojiu usually hides here. Her master comes here sometimes, but leaves at night.

Now the place is filled with dust and smoke, and the fire is blazing. It turns out that Xiaojiu's room has turned into a sea of ​​​​fire, and the door has been blown away!

Three disheveled girls ran out next to them. They were all looking shabby, and they were supporting each other. There was blood on the forehead of one of them.

Seeing them all come out, the landlady was relieved and said to everyone: "Hurry downstairs!"

The girl with bleeding forehead suddenly pushed away her companions on both sides, turned around and was about to run to the room she was in. A Quan grabbed her and shouted:

"What are you doing? There's a fire inside. If you go back, you're going to die!"

The proprietress was also anxious and scolded her: "Feifei, you damn girl want to harm me? Get out of here!"

"My box is still in there! I have to go back and get it!" Feifei struggled to get rid of Ah Quan.

Ah Quan cursed angrily: "Since when do we need a box? What's more important, life or a box?"

Feifei kept struggling regardless, and Ah Quan became angry and slapped her in the face!

Unexpectedly, this slap made Feifei spurt a mouthful of blood and fall to the ground limply!

"What are you doing!" The other two girls yelled at Ah Quan. Wasn't this slap too harsh?

Ah Quan also looked at his right hand with some suspicion, not expecting such a consequence.

At this time, he didn't bother to explain. He bent down and picked up Feifei, then grabbed Xiaojiu's wrist and took the two girls downstairs.

Chen Xin'an walked at the back, looking at the surrounding environment, her brows furrowed into a knot.

The fire truck came, raised the ladder, and quickly extinguished the fire upstairs.

The cause of the fire was quickly identified. The gas tank in the room leaked and then encountered an open flame, causing a deflagration.

Fortunately, there were no casualties, but everything in the room was reduced to ashes!

In the alley next to the small building, Xiao Jiu was answering the phone and whispering something.

When she hung up the phone and turned around, Chen Xin'an was standing behind her.

"You are a ghost! You appear and disappear!" Xiao Jiu, who was startled, angrily cursed at Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an looked at her with squinted eyes and said, "Your master called here? Where is he now? What happened?"

Xiaojiu said angrily: "You have to ask the police what happened, what's the point of asking me? I'm going to have dinner, so I won't accompany you. We'll see you later!"

Lei Ming snorted coldly and said, "You still want to run? Do you think you can run?"

Ah Quan also blocked Xiaojiu's way and said to her: "Xiaojiu, if Brother An asks you, just tell the truth! Otherwise you can't leave, and I won't let you go!"

"Haha!" Xiaojiu grinned, looked at Ah Quan, then at Lei Ming, shook his head and said, "You idiots really think it's that easy to trap me?

Do you think I would let it happen like that just now?

I want to leave, but none of you can keep me!

I know your identities, so I don’t want to be your enemy!

You can't arrest me without evidence, so don't stop me and go away! "

"No evidence?" Ah Quan stared at Xiao Jiu and said, "You found so many wallets on your body and you tell me there is no evidence. Do you think I'm an idiot?"

Lei Ming picked up the bag he had been carrying, which contained the wallet that Xiaojiu had just taken out.

Xiaojiu pouted and said, "So what? There are no fingerprints of mine on it. Who can prove that I took it?"

This cunning little fox!

Lei Ming and Ah Quan looked at each other, darkened their faces, pointed at Xiaojiu and said, "No matter how many things there are, you can't leave anyway! Come back with me!"

Xiaojiu snorted coldly: "I won't play with you anymore, bye!" Then he suddenly rushed towards Lei Ming!

"Fuck! Make me go crazy!" Lei Ming raised his hand, and a card flew out of his right hand, and it flew towards Xiao Jiu's neck!

Xiao Jiu suddenly lowered her head to dodge, and the cards flew past her neck, cutting off several thin hairs of hers!

Lei Ming threw the bag in his hand to Chen Xin'an, flicked his left and right hands, and two cards flew towards Xiao Jiu.

Xiaojiu snorted coldly and shouted, "How dare you show off your little skills in front of me?"

As she spoke, she twisted her body and dodged two cards in a blink of an eye. The person was already in front of Lei Ming, and she was about to grab his throat as soon as she reached out her hand!

There was a sneer on Lei Ming's face, and his hands spread out like peacocks on both sides, holding a handful of cards in each hand, like holding two knives.

His hands suddenly moved to the middle, trying to clamp Xiaojiu's right hand!

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