Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2494 It’s no longer safe here

After hearing what he said, Chen Xin'an smiled and nodded.

Li Qi shook his backpack and said to Wang Sian in the crowd:

"Brother Si'an, Miyazawa Yuyuki's head is in there!

When you have time, go tell Aze and let him rest in peace. The boss has avenged you! "

Wang Si'an was completely stunned.

Is Miyazawa Tomoyuki dead?

He was the most popular expert in the Daohe League, and he actually died in the hands of Mr. Chen!

He asked Chen Xin'an with some confusion: "Mr. Chen, did you really kill Miyazawa Yuyuki? This man rarely goes out. How did you find the opportunity for him to be alone?"

"What are you alone for?" Lang Ge shook his head and scolded Wang Si'an: "You didn't watch the news. Don't you know what happened at Daohelian headquarters last night?

Mr. Chen and Mr. Li, they broke into the Dao United Headquarters and killed this Miyazawa Yuyuki! "

Everyone looked at Chen Xin'an and Li Qi in shock.

It would be a lie to say that I am not impressed.

In order to avenge everyone, these two people simply risked their lives!

That's the headquarters of Dao United Alliance, and it's full of corporate members!

The two of them actually broke into the tiger's den and killed this master who was at the height of his power on Yingjing Road, bringing a bad breath to Chinatown!

Wang Si'an suddenly realized and said: "Did you also start that fire?"

When he watched the news, he only saw that the headquarters of Daohe United was on fire and suffered heavy losses.

Now I think about it, it turns out that it was Mr. Chen and Mr. Li who did all this.

Li Qi shrugged and said with some regret: "It's a pity that the whole building was not burned down, only a few floors were burned down!"

Everyone really didn’t know what to say for a moment.

The fierceness of these two people has exceeded everyone's understanding.

Chen Xin'an said to everyone: "Daohelian will definitely retaliate. It's best to invite the police here in Chinatown.

We will not come during this period, and everyone in the province will be affected.

But if something happens here, everyone must notify me as soon as possible! "

Fang Hongyuan said to Chen Xin'an: "Child, we are not afraid!

The General Chamber of Commerce will not sit idly by and do nothing. Daohelian does not have the courage to take action against Chinatown again.

On the other hand, you must be careful!

If it doesn't work, move back to Chinatown. After all, there are so many people here! "

Everyone also nodded.

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, waved her hands to everyone and said, "When I'm outside, I feel more relaxed and don't have to worry too much.

Okay, I'm leaving, everyone, take care of yourself! "

He took Li Qi out of Chinatown and prepared to return to Shimu Town.

Li Qi glanced at the backpack next to him and asked Chen Xin'an, "Boss, what should I do with this head?"

Chen Xin'an squinted her eyes and said, "I use it for fishing!"

Li Qi smiled and said, "Boss, do you want to kill that Gaobe Kenxiong?"

Tomoyuki Miyazawa said that his master was Kenio Takabe, the top master of the Doi Alliance.

He is also the master's favorite disciple.

Chen Xin'an cut off Miyazawa Tomoyuki's head for only one purpose, which was to attract Takabe Kenxiong to come to him.

Chen Xin'an nodded and said: "Not only is the top master of the Dao United League, I also want to kill the top master of the Sakura Club!

Even the number one master in the entire Da Ying! "

Li Qi smiled and nodded.

This is the boss's temperament, and it hasn't changed at all.

He has never been afraid of the Eagle Banner people.

Now that he is in Da Ying, he will not be soft-hearted.

And since arriving here, not only the boss, but also his methods have become much more ruthless than in the Eagle Flag Country!

There is no way, who told them to be from Daying!

The two sides have long been feuding, and it has penetrated into the bones of every Chinese person.

The so-called friendship is all an illusion, just to make money and trade.

Once they encounter the right opportunity, neither side will hold back in a fight.

Back at Rokugi New Castle in Shime Town, Wei Yuan and the three of them also came back.

It's just that He Meijuan's mood is a little wrong, her eyes are red and swollen, as if she cried a lot last night.

When He Meijuan returned to her room, Chen Xin'an asked Wei Yuan, "Is Ajuan okay?"

Wei Yuan sat next to Chen Xin'an and whispered to him: "I accompanied her to an ancient house yesterday and met a woman.

If nothing else, it would be her mother.

It's just that...the two had a fight, and her mother drove her away.

But when we were halfway there, her mother sent someone to stop her and keep her there for one night.

On the way back just now, I asked her how her relationship with her mother was now, but she didn't say anything. "

Chen Xin'an patted him on the shoulder and said, "Let her handle it by herself. We can't help with this kind of thing!"

"I understand!" Wei Yuan nodded.

Chu Haitao on the side whispered: "Mr. Chen, we suspect that Meijuan's mother is not an ordinary person!"

"Old Chu!" Wei Yuan glared at him, and Chu Haitao closed his mouth.

Chen Xin'an frowned and asked the two of them, "What's going on?"

Wei Yuan said helplessly: "The people who follow Meijuan's mother are not ordinary people.

And when we came back, there was someone following us, probably her mother’s people! "

As he was talking, there was a knock on the door outside.

Li Qi walked over, looked out through the cat's eye, and opened the door.

A young man in uniform held a paper bag in his hand and said to Li Qi: "Mr. Ikeda ordered takeout!"

Li Qi turned his head and said to everyone: "Have any of you ordered takeout?"

Everyone shook their heads. The young man picked up the note in his hand, took a step back to look at the door number, and quickly said, "Sorry, I delivered it to the wrong place!"

He bowed, picked up the paper bag and turned to leave.

Li Qi closed the door again, walked back and said with a smile, "I thought there was no takeaway in Daying!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Qi's face changed. He turned his head and ran to the door. He opened the door and looked out. The takeaway man was gone!

Li Qi did not hesitate and chased directly in the direction of the elevator!

Behind him, Chen Xin'an followed with Wei Yuan and Chu Haitao.

Just as an elevator came down, Chen Xin'an pushed Wei Yuan and said to him, "Protect Meijuan!" Then he entered the elevator with Li Qi and Chu Haitao.

The elevator was running. Li Qi slapped his head and blamed himself, saying, "Why am I so stupid? I didn't react just now!"

Chen Xin'an smiled bitterly and said, "I didn't react either!"

Chu Haitao sighed and said, "The delivery man from Daying spoke Chinese, and I didn't notice anything unusual at the first time!

Maybe, it was sent by Meijuan's mother again?

I thought I had gotten rid of them, but I didn't expect them to chase me here!"

The elevator reached the first floor and the three rushed out.

From a distance, they saw a young man in a delivery uniform, preparing to get on a car parked on the side of the road.

But just as he opened the door, a group of men in black suddenly rushed over from the side and held him tightly!

A business car stopped next to it with a bang, and the door was opened.

A group of men in black lifted the delivery boy and stuffed him into the business car, then slammed the door shut, and the business car spewed out a cloud of black smoke and sped away!

The whole process took no more than ten seconds. When Chen Xin'an and the other two caught up, the business car had disappeared!

What's going on?

The three looked at each other, all confused.

Chen Xinan waved his hand, said hello to Li Qi and Chu Haitao, and turned to leave.

Back in the room, Wei Yuan saw the expressions of the three people and knew that the man had not been caught, so he did not ask any more questions.

Chen Xinan thought for a while and said to everyone: "You three, leave here later.

According to my judgment, this place is no longer safe!"

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